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Charles (Charlie) Gedeon

Research areas: creativity, innovation, critical thinking, design thinking, human-computer interfaces, interaction design, media literacy, conspiracy theories, media technology

Contact information


Charlie Gedeon is a creative director and interaction designer. He co-founded the media literacy platform ThinkFirst News and lectures at Concordia University. His work can be found on

Charlie is fascinated by informal learning, speculative technology, and stories from his Middle Eastern heritage.

Teaching activities

Creativity, Innovation and Critical Thinking

This experimental three-credit course provides students from across ConcordiaUniversity faculties the opportunity to explore the theory and practice of innovationand design thinking in interdisciplinary teams. Topics covered include ideation,team work, presentation skills and problem identification.

Understanding, thinking, arguing, and creativity in science and technology;analyzing and critiquing complex problems using theories of creativity,communication, business, and psychology; exploring the processes ofinvention and innovation and their impact on economics, popular media,and social and cultural structures; case studies of why some inventions failand others succeed; examining the role experts and researchers play in thediffusion of ideas. Students will be evaluated on case studies, assignments,and exams. Lectures: three hours per week.

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