I acknowledge the traditional Kanien' kehà ka caretakers of the land, the Ancestors and Mother Earth
Lisa Graves
Dr Catherine Kineweskwêw Richardson, PhD
- Full Professor , School of Community and Public Affairs
- Concordia University Research Chair in Indigenous Healing Knowledge
- Co-Director of the Centre for Oral History and Storytelling
- Co-Founder of the Centre for Response-Based Practice
- Former Director First Peoples Studies, School of Community and Public Affairs
- Visiting Professor Curtin University Australia 2022-2023
Status: Active agent
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Sign in to editResearch areas: Indigenous well-being, identity, response-based practice, counselling approaches, recovery from violence, Indigenous connectedness, land and spirituality
Contact information
Teaching activities
FPST 301 The Indian Act (and resistance to it!)
In this class, we will study pertinent aspects of oppressive colonial government policy through the Indian Act and through the agenda of the British upper class and ruling empire on northern Turtle Island. We will look at how Indigenous People, Status First Nations (as well as Métis and Inuit) resisted the cruel and savage oppression as delivered through The Indian Act (and through its related policy of European racial superiority and domination). Guest speakers will include Christopher Reid, Marie Cornellier (approaches to decolonization in the settler society). The professor will aim to create an atmosphere of cultural safety, respect towards Indigenous people, of ethical dialogue and open-hearted sharing. All our relations!
FPST 398 Indigenous Approaches to Helping and Healing
In this class, we will explore Indigenous worldview, values and beliefs that underly views on well-being, recovery and healing from illness or adversity. This course will involve a number of approaches and pedagogies, including talking, reading, experiencing and building an atmosphere of safety and trust in the classroom. Guest speakers will include Vicky Boldo and Moe Clark.
FPST298 Metis People and Culture
In this class, we explore the ethno-genesis of the Métis nation in Rupertsland and the prairies, including the Red River community. Students will learn about Métis stories, music, culture and land-based practices. This course is experiential and involves co-creating a Métis cultural gathering and celebration.
Interview with Cathy Richardson and Elizabeth Fast on CBC Radio One-Let’s Go! Thursday
CBC Noon with Shawn Appel
In this program, Catherine Richardson is a guest panelist discussing the Pope's Apology to Residential School survivors in Canada
Reparations to Indigenous People Are Critical After Pope's Apology
This article was published in The Conversation
Reparations to Indigenous People Are Critical After Pope's Apology
En français
Healing and Rebalancing in the Aftermath of Colonial Violence
Richardson, C., Aviles-Betel, K., Ismail-Allouche, Z., Picard, V. (2021). Healing and Rebalancing in the Aftermath of Colonial Violence: An Indigenous-Informed, Response-Based Approach. Genealogy 5(3). https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy5030069
Miskâsowin – Returning to the body, remembering what keeps us alive.
Clark, M., Allouche-Ismail, Z., Richardson, C. (2021). Miskâsowin – Returning to the body, remembering what keeps us alive. Genealogy, 5(2), 34; https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy5020034
Ellen Maria Ekström and the Stories that Connect Us
Richardson, C. & Lowenborg, C. (2019). Ellen Maria Ekström and the stories that connect us. Genealogy, 3(2), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.3390/geneaology3020025
Victim-blaming and the Crisis in Representation in the Violence Prevention Field.
Richardson, C., Fast, E. (2019). Victim-blaming and the crisis in representation in the violence prevention field. In C. Richardson & E. Fast (Eds). Life Matters : Acknowledging victim resistance and the power of social responses. International Journal of the Child, Youth and Family Studies, 10(1), 1-2. DOI: 10.18357/ijcyfs101201918803
Beauty and the Beast: Misrepresentation and Social Responses in Fairytale Romance and Redemption.
Coates, L., Bonnah, S. & Richardson, C. (2018). Beauty and the Beast: Misrepresentation and Social Responses in Fairytale Romance and Redemption. In C. Richardson & E. Fast (Eds). Life Matters : Acknowledging victim resistance and the power of social responses. International Journal of the Child, Youth and Family Studies, 10(1), 1-2. DOI: 10.18357/ijcyfs101201918803
Relating to illness in therapy: A pilgrimate through uncertain terrain.
Richardson, C. (2018). Relating to illness in therapy: A pilgrimage through uncertain terrain. Murmurations. Journal of Transformative Relational Practice. 1(2), 14-26. DOI: http://doi.org/10.28963/1.2
Healing the Healer: Restoring a Métis Debrouillard heart with the tools of an Indigenous-oriented ethnopsychology.
Gurr, E., Richardson, C. (2021). Healing the healer: Restoring a Métis debrouillard heart with the tools of an Indigenous-oriented ethnopsychology. In C. Richardson & J. Carriere [Eds.]. Speaking the Wisdom of Our Time. pp. 87-110. Vernon, BC: JCharlton Publishing.
Facing the Mountain: Indigenous Healing in the Shadow of Colonialism
Richardson, C. (2021). Facing the mountain: Indigenous healing in the shadow of colonialism. Vernon, B.C.: JCharlton Publishing.
2020-02-14 Cathy Richardson on CBC Radio One-Noon with Shawn Apel
2020-02-13 Cathy Richardson and Elizabeth Fast on CBC Radio One Let’s Go!
Artistic performances
Project/Cultural Advisor for Justement Enracinée
Justement enracinée
Justement (en)raciner (video : Jad Orphée CHAMI, Ange GUO & kimura byol lemoine | Moe Clark, Soleil Launière & Maya Cousineau Mollen,