Bart Simon, PhD
Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
PhD, U. Of California, San Diego
Research interests
Simon's research is focused on the areas of science and technology studies, critical post-humanism and everyday technocultures with specific interests in digital culture, games and virtual worlds, and simulation, surveillance and social control.
In 2004, Simon launched the Montreal GameCODE project, a Concordia-based research initiative to examine the cultural impact of digital games. In 2009 he became the director of a new broader cross-faculty research initiative in Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG).
His recent publications include ‘Geek Chic: Machine Aesthetics, Digital Gaming, and the Cultural Politics of the Case Mod’, ‘Never Playing Alone: The Social Contextures of Digital Gaming’ and ‘Beyond Cyberspatial Flaneurie: On the Analytic Potential of Living with Digital Games’.