Christian Brault
Anne Beaudry, PhD
- Professor, Supply Chain and Business Technology Management
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Dr. Beaudry’s research focuses on information technology related reactions and behaviors by individuals such as emotions, cognitions, adaptation, and usage. Dr. Beaudry’s research has been published in the MIS Quarterly, Computers in Human Behavior and the Journal of Strategic Information System, among others, and presented at national and international conferences including the international conference on information systems (ICIS), academy of management (AoM), and the administrative sciences association of Canada (ASAC).
Dr. Beaudry has been awarded research grants by the Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FQRSC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Dr. Beaudry teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on management of information systems and supervises PhD theses.
PhD (HEC-Montreal)
Areas of expertise
- Individuals information technology related reactions and behaviors
- Individual impacts of information technology related behaviors
- Organizational impacts of information technology related behaviors
Refereed Journal Articles
Beaudry, A., Vaghefi, I., Bagayogo, F. & Lapointe, L. 2020. Impacts of IT User Behavior: Observations through a New Lens, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 46:15, pp. 331-364.
El Halabieh, R., Beaudry, A. & Tamblyn, R. 2018. From e-prescribing to drug management system: impacts of stress on usage continuance, International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, 13:1, pp. 55-70.
Marsan, J., Paré, G., & Beaudry, A. 2012. Adoption of Open Source Software in Organizations: A Socio-Cognitive Perspective, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, (21:4, pp. 257-273.
Mitchell, J., Gagné, M., Beaudry, A. & Dyer, L. 2012. The Role of Perceived Organizational Support, Distributive Justice and Motivation in Reactions to New Information Technology, Computers in Human Behavior, 28:2, pp. 729-738.
Saleem, H., Beaudry, A., & Croteau, A-M. 2011. Antecedents of computer self-efficacy: A study of the role of personality traits and gender, Computers in Human Behavior, 27:5, pp. 1922-1936.
Beaudry, A. & Pinsonneault, A. 2010. The Other Side of Acceptance: Studying the Direct and Indirect Effects of Emotions on IT Use, MIS Quarterly, 34:4, pp.689-710.
Croteau, A-M., Beaudry, A. & Holm, J. 2010. Assessing Relational E-Strategy Supporting Business Relationships, Encyclopedia of E-Business Development and Management in the Global Economy, pp. 284-296.
Laframboise, K., Croteau, A-M., Beaudry, A.& Manovas, M. 2007. Interdepartmental Knowledge Transfer Success during Information Technology Projects, International Journal of Knowledge Management, 3:2, pp. 47-67.
Carillo, K. & Beaudry, A. 2006. The Customer-Centered B2C Literature through the Lens of Activity Theory: A Review and Research Agenda, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 17, pp. 428-503.
Beaudry, A. & Pinsonneault, A. 2005. Understanding User Responses to Information Technology: A Coping Model of User Adaptation, MIS Quarterly, 29:3, pp. 493-524.
Beaudry, A., Laframboise, K, & Saleem, H. 2005. Who gets ‘A’ Grades in Web-Based Learning Environments? An Evaluation of the Role of Learning Styles, International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education, 1:1, pp. 4-18.
Beaudry, A. (ed). 2009. Proceedings the Thirty-Seventh Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference – IS Division, Niagara Falls, ON.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Falahati, A., Lapointe,L. and Beaudry, A. 2022. Employees' Compliance with ISP: A Socio-Technical ConceptualModel, Proceedings of the Fifty-Fifth Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS), Maui, HI, USA. El Halabieh, R., Beaudry, A. & Tamblyn, R. 2017. Impacts of stress, satisfaction and behavioral intention on continued usage: evidence from physicians transitioning to a new drug management system, Proceedings of The 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS), Big Island, HI, USA, – Nominated for Best Paper. Soliman, M. & Beaudry, A. 2016. Adoption and Use of Dual-purposed Systems: A User-System Fit Model and Empirical Test, Proceedings of SIG Human-Computer Interaction, Dublin, Ireland. – Nominated for Best Paper. Bagayogo, F., Beaudry, A., & Lapointe, L. 2016. Perceived System Evolution: Measuring Users Perceptions of Changing Systems, Proceedings of the 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, CA, USA. Croteau, A-M., Venkatesh, V., Beaudry, A. & Rabah, J. 2015. The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in University Students’ Learning Experience: The Instructors’ Perspective, Proceedings of the Forty-Eighth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, HI, USA. Lapointe, L. and Beaudry, A. 2014. Identifying IT User Mindsets: Acceptance, Resistance and Ambivalence, Proceedings of the Forty-Seventh Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS), Big Island, HI, USA, pp. 4619-4628.
Bagayogo, F., Beaudry, A. and Lapointe, L. 2013. Impacts of IT Acceptance and Resistance Behaviors: A Novel Framework, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Milan, Italy, pp. 1-19.
Wu, S., Kersten, G.E., and Beaudry, A. 2012. There is more to Negotiation than Reaching an Agreement: Substantive, Relational, and other Objectives of the Negotiators, Proceedings of the Group Decision and Negotiation Conference, Almeida, A., Morais. D. and Daher, S. (Eds.), Recife, Brazil, pp.146-155.
Fatemi, H. and Beaudry, A. 2011. Studying the Role of Outcome Expectancy and Value Compatibility in IT-Related Behaviors through Emotions, Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), Montreal, QC.
Beaudry, A., Kersten, G.E., and Wu, S. 2011. Negotiators’ Profiles and Their Objectives in E-Negotiation Experiments, Proceedings of the International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Jyväskylä, Finland.
Soliman, M. & Beaudry, A. 2010. Understanding Individual Adoption and Use of Social Computing: A User-System Fit Model and Empirical Study, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, St-Louis, Missouri.
Shen, C. & Beaudry, A. 2009. Investigating Measurement Richness Effect on the Relationship Between Information Technology Use and Individual Performance, Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), Niagara Falls, ON.
Rizvi, H. & Beaudry, A. 2006. Investigating Antecedents of TAM and Intention to Use New Information Technology, Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), Banff, AB.
Manovas, M., Laframboise, K., Croteau, A-M., & Beaudry, A. 2005. Relationship between Knowledge Management Capability and Knowledge Transfer Success, Proceedings of the North American Technology & Business Conference, Montreal, QC.
Saleem, H., Beaudry, A. & Croteau, A-M. 2005. Antecedents of Computer Self-Efficacy: An Investigation of the Role of Personality Traits, Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), Toronto, ON.
Croteau, A-M, Beaudry, A. & Holm, J. 2005. Assessment of e-Strategy, Proceedings of The Information Resources Management Association International Conference (IRMA),San Diego, CA, pp. 675-678.
Beaudry, A. & Pinsonneault, A. 2001. IT-Induced Adaptation and Individual Performance: A Coping Acts Model, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), New Orleans, LA.
Beaudry, A. & Pinsonneault, A. 2000. Information Technology and Individual Performance: A Coping-Based Model of the Appropriation Process, Proceedings of the ASAC-IFSAM Conference, Montreal, QC.
Beaudry, A. 1999. Information Technology and Individual Performance: A Coping-Based Model of Infusion and Empirical Test, Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium of the Twenty-Second International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Charlotte, NC.
Beaudry, A. & Pinsonneault, A. 1998. Appropriation of Information Technology: A Requisite for Improved Individual Performance, Proceedings of the Fourth AIS Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Book Chapters
Croteau, A.-M., Beaudry, A., and Holm, J. 2010. Assessing Relational e-Strategies Supporting Business Relationships in Encyclopedia of E-Business Development and Management in the Global Economy, Lee, I. (ed.), IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 284-295.
Beaudry, A. 2009. Coping with Information Technology in Handbook of Research on Contemporary Theoretical Models in Information Systems, Dwivedi, Y.K., Lal, B., Williams, M.D., Schneberger, S.L., and Wade M. (eds.), Information Science Reference, Hershey, NY, pp. 516-528.
Laframboise, K., Croteau, A-M., Beaudry, A. & Manovas, M. 2009. Interdepartmental Knowledge Transfer Success during Information Technology Projects in Knowledge Management, Organizational Memory, and Transfer Behavior: Global Approaches and Advancements, M. E. Jennex (ed.), IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 189-210.
Research activities
Invited Research Talks and Workshops
Beaudry, A. and Lapointe,L. Les réactions des individus à
l’implantation d’une nouvelle technologie de l’information : le rôle de la communication organisationnelle, Groupe de Recherche en Systèmes d’information (GReSI), HEC-Montréal,March 2017.
Beaudry, A. Information Technology Users Reactions, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, March 2015.
Beaudry, A. and Kersten, G. E-Negotiation Goals, Process, and Outcomes: Some Preliminary Results, Groupede Recherche en Systèmes d’information (GReSI), HEC-Montréal, December 2013.
Beaudry, A. and Lapointe, L. A Typology of IT User Mindsets, Groupe de Recherche en Systèmes d’information (GReSI), HEC-Montréal, May 2012.
Beaudry, A. Grant Writing Tips: An Assessor’s Perspective, FQRSC Graduate Workshop, Concordia University, September 2011.
Beaudry, A. Alternative models of information technology acceptance by individuals, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, March 2008.
Beaudry, A. Technologie de l’information et performance organisationnelle : une relation directe ?, Les grandes conferences MBA, Association des MBA du Quebec, Montréal, 2006.
Participation activities
Refereed Conference Presentations
(not already listed under conference proceedings)
Falahati, A., Lapointe, L. & Beaudry, A. 2018. The Influence of Organizational Communications on IS Users’ Perception of Change, The Special Interest Group on the Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology(DIGIT), San Francisco, CA.
Lapointe, L. & Beaudry, A. 2016. The Role of Organizational Internal Communication on Individuals' Reactions to New Information Technology, Twenty Second Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, CA..
Mitchell, J., Gagne, M., Beaudry, A., & Dyer, L. 2004. The Effects of Work Climate and Motivation on Reactions to a New Information Technology, Academy of Management Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Mitchell, J., Gagne, M., Beaudry, A., & Dyer, L. 2004. The Effects of Work Climate and Motivation on Employee Reaction to IT, ASAC, Quebec, QC.