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Dr. Andreas Arvanitogiannis, PhD

  • Associate Professor, Psychology

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Dr. Andreas Arvanitogiannis obtained his Ph.D. in Psychology from Concordia University in 1998 and went on to postdoctoral work at Concordia’s Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology and Harvard’s Psychiatry Department. He joined the Psychology Department in 2001, conducting research on animal models of motivation and reward. His service includes roles as the graduate program director and as a committee member on NSERC review panels. He's a member of the Society for Neuroscience and has been honoured with the Canada Research Chair in Behavioral Neurobiology.

Recent publications

Pallikaras, V., Mac Cionnaith, C. E., Rosales, V. C. F., Arvanitogiannis, A., & Pfaus, J. G. (2023). Reciprocal effects of single or repeated exposure to methylphenidate or sex in adult male rats. Psychopharmacology, 240(1), 227–237.

Pallikaras, V., Carter, F., Velazquez-Martinez, D. N., Arvanitogiannis, A., & Shizgal, P. (2022). The trade-off between pulse duration and power in optical excitation of midbrain dopamine neurons approximates Bloch’s law. Behavioural Brain Research, 419, Article 113702.

Reynolds, L. M., Yetnikoff, L., Pokinko, M., Wodzinski, M., Epelbaum, J. G., Lambert, L. C., Cossette, M.-P., Arvanitogiannis, A., & Flores, C. (2019). Early adolescence is a critical period for the maturation of inhibitory behavior. Cerebral Cortex, 29(9), 3676–3686.

Cuesta, S., Restrepo-Lozano, J. M., Silvestrin, S., Nouel, D., Torres-Berrío, A., Reynolds, L. M., Arvanitogiannis, A., & Flores, C. (2018). Non-contingent exposure to amphetamine in adolescence recruits miR-218 to regulate dcc expression in the VTA. Neuropsychopharmacology, 43(4), 900–911.

Abbas, Z., Sweet, A., Hernandez, G., & Arvanitogiannis, A. (2017). Adolescent exposure to methylphenidate increases impulsive choice later in life. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 11, Article 214.

Hryhorczuk, C., Florea, M., Rodaros, D., Poirier, I., Daneault, C., Des Rosiers, C., Arvanitogiannis, A., Alquier, T., & Fulton, S. (2016).  Dampened mesolimbic dopamine function and signaling by saturated but not monounsaturated dietary lipids. Neuropsychopharmacology, 41(3), 811–821.

Yetnikoff, L., Pokinko, M., Arvanitogiannis, A., & Flores, C. (2014). Adolescence: A time of transition for the phenotype of dcc heterozygous mice. Psychopharmacology, 231(8), 1705–1714.

Hernandez, G., Oleson, E. B., Gentry, R. N., Abbas, Z., Bernstein, D. L., Arvanitogiannis, A., & Cheer, J. F. (2014). Endocannabinoids promote cocaine-induced impulsivity and its rapid dopaminergic correlates. Biological Psychiatry, 75(6), 487–498.

Yetnikoff, L., & Arvanitogiannis, A. (2013). Differential sensitivity to the acute and sensitizing behavioral effects of methylphenidate as a function of strain in adolescent and young adult rats. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 9, Article 38.

Renteria Diaz, L., Siontas, D., Mendoza, J., & Arvanitogiannis, A. (2013). High levels of wheel running protect against behavioral sensitization to cocaine. Behavioural Brain Research, 237, 82–85.


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