Adel M. Hanna, PhD
- Professor, Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering
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Sign in to editResearch areas: Geotechnical Engineering, Soil-structure interaction, Bearing and uplift capacities of pile foundations, Pull-out capacity of plate and helical anchors, Performance of shell type foundations, Performance of subgrade and pavement materials in highways
Contact information
Dr. Hanna obtained his Master degree from Cairo University in 1972. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Technical University of Nova Scotia in 1978 and joined Concordia the same year. He worked as a geotechnical engineer in Egypt and Canada. He provided engineering consultation to several projects in Canada and abroad and participated in the developments of foundation design manuals in Canada and USA. He has over 150 technical articles published in Journals and Conference proceedings and completed the supervision of about 100 Master and Ph.D. students.
- Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineering
- Member, Order of Engineers of Quebec
- International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
- International Society of Housing Science
- Canadian Geotechnical Society
- Shallow Foundations Committee of the American Society of Civil Engineers
- Editor, ASCE manual of practice (2006-2007)
- External reviewer for grant Applications, NSERC, FCAR, Ontario Centers of Excellence, Associate Editor, International Journal for Housing Science,
- Member, International Scientific Advisory Committee of Housing Society Reviewer, CGJ, ASCE, ASTM Journals
Experimental, numerical and analytical investigations on:
- Foundation on difficult soils (sensitive clay, collapsible soils etc)
- Bearing capacity of foundations on layered soils
- Battered Piles subjected to compression/uplift loading
- Bearing capacity of shell foundations
- Pullout capacity of Helical and Plate Anchors in sand
- Earth pressures of overconsolidated cohesionless soils
- Compaction of subgrade layer overlying soft deposit
- Drag load on pile foundations
- Liquefaction assessments in seismic areas
- Bearing capacity of contaminated soils

Teaching activities
Undergraduate courses taught
- CIVI 431 Soil Mechanics
- CIVI 434 Advanced Soil Mechanics (Geotechnical Analysis)
- CIVI 435 Foundation Design
- ENGR 401 Engineering Economics and Management Principles
- ENGR 301 Engineering Management and Economics Principles
- CIVI 271 Surveying
- ENGR 211 Technical Drawing
- CIVI 212 Civil Engineering Drawing
- ENGR 213 Descriptive Geometry
- CIVI 490 Capstone design project
Graduate courses developed and taught
- CIVI 650 Foundation Engineering
- CIVI 651 Earth Structure and Slope Stability
- CIVI 652 Soil Behavior
- CIVI 653 Soil Testing and Properties
- CIVI 690 Soil Dynamics
- CIVI 690 Rock Mechanics
- CIVI 790 Special Topics in Soil Mechanics
- CIVI 690 Soil Structure Interaction
Graduate students theses (last 10 years)
Ph.D. These
Alharthi, Yasir. (2018). Shaft Resistance of Driven Piles in Overconsolidated Cohesionless Soils
Nhut, Nguyen. (2018). Experimental Investigation on Retaining Walls Supporting Collapsible Soils
Mashour, Ibrahim. (2016). Experimental Study on Negative Skin Friction on Piles in Collapsible Soils Due to Inundation
Vakili, Rouzbeh. (2015). Load Sharing Mechanism of Piled-Raft Foundation
Sinha, Anup. (2013). 3-D Numerical Modeling of Piled-Raft-Foundation
Rinaldi, Remo. (2012). Inverted Shell Foundations in Stochastic Soil.
Omeman, Zkaria. (2012). Load Sharing of Piled-Raft Foundations in Sand Subjected to VerticalLoads.
Javed, Khalid. (2011). Experimental Investigation on Sensitive Clay Subjected to Cyclic Loading.
Kakoli, Sarah Tahsin. (2011). Capacity of Single Piles in Collapsiblesoils and Subjected to Inclined Load.
Bani-Baker, Mossa. (2010). Performance of Sand Bentonite Liners (Dr. Elektorowicz, co-supervisor)
Soliman, Sherif. (2010). Performance of Foundations on Reinforced Collapsible Soils.
Beider, Hatam. (2008). Induced Stresses in a High Rise Building as a Results of Differential Settlement of its Foundation (Dr. R. Ganasen, ME Department, Co-supervisor).
Etezad Borojerdi, Mohammad. (2007). Geotechnical Performance of Stone Columns
Yang, Rong Chang. (2007). Piles-Soil -Raft Nonlinear Interaction.
Master theses during last 10 years
M.A.Sc Theses
Samira, Ibrahimi. (2016). Numerical Modeling of Bearing Capacity of Foundations on Layered Soils.
Di Camillo, Fabrizio. (2014). Effects of Stress History of Sand on the Shaft Resistance of Large Displacement Piles.
Poterasu Anamaria, Mihael. (2013). Passive Earth Pressure on Walls Retaining Collapsible Soil
Roudgari, Rouzbeh. (2012). Compaction of Soil by Repeated Loadings.
Elsalfiti, Abdul Karim (2011). Negative Skin Friction on Micro Piles.
Gustavo Andres, Guedes Hung. (2010). Experimental Investigation on Piles Subjected to Negative Skin Friction.
Mashour, Ibrahim. (2009). Foundations on Collapsible Soils.
Atici, Mehmet. (2009). Pullout Capacity of Battered Piles in Sand.
Pauls, Zeina. (2009). Bearing Capacity of Foundations on Layered Soils.
Elisa Daniela, Martinez Aviles. (2008). Boundary Condition in Laboratory and Field Compaction.
Special publications
1. Editor of the “ASCE Manual of Practice for the Site Investigation for Shallow Foundation” 2004-2007.
2. Member of the editorial board of the “IEEE Guide for Transmission structure foundation design and Testing”. 2003.
3. Editor of the “IAHS XXXI International Congress on Housing Science” 2003.
4. Associate Editor of the International Journal of Housing Science, 2003.
Papers published in journals (Last 10 years)
Hanna, A. M. and Nguyen, N. 2018. Passive Earth Pressure of OverconsolidatedCollapsible Soil Subjected to Inundation. Submitted to Canadian GeotechnicalJournal (June 6, 2018).
Hanna, A. M. and Alharthi, Y. 2018. Critical Depth of Displacement Piles inOverconsolidated Cohesionless Soils. Submitted to Canadian Geotechnical Journal (June 6, 2018).
Hanna, A. M., Mashhour, I., and Nguyen, N. 2018. Drag Load on End-Bearing Piles inPartial Saturated Collapsible Soils. Submitted to ASCE Journal of Geotechnicaland Geoenvironmental Engineering (June 6, 2018).
Hanna, A. M. and Vakili, R. 2017. Load Sharing Mechanism of Non-displacement Piled-raft Foundation in Sand. Submitted toGround Improvement (November 9, 2017).
Nguyen, N and Hanna, A. M. 2017. At-Rest Earth Pressure of Overconsolidated CollapsibleSoil Subjected to Inundation. Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation (December 15, 2017), Revision required.
Alharthi, Y. and Hanna, A. M. 2018. Laboratory Prepared Cohesionless Soil Bed UsingDynamic Compaction. ASTM, Geotechnical Testing Journal (GTJ. 2018-024).IN-PRESS.
Etezad, M., Hanna, A. M., and Khalifa, M. 2018. Bearing Capacity of Group of StoneColumns in Soft Soil Subjected to Local or Punching Shear Failures. ASCEInternational Journal of Geomechanics, GMENG-2844R4. IN-PRESS.
Sinha, A. and Hanna, A. M. 2018. Closure to 3D Numerical Model for Piled RaftFoundation. ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, 18(2).
Hanna, A. M. and Soliman, S. F. 2017. Experimental Investigation on Partially Replacedand Reinforced Collapsible Soils. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical andGeo-environmental Engineering, 143(11): 1-12.
Lin, L., Hanna, A. M., Sinha, A., and Tirca, L. 2017. High-riseBuilding Subjected to Excessive Settlement of its Foundation: a Case Study. InternationalJournal ofStructural Integrity, 8(2): 210-221.
Mashour,I., and Hanna, A. M. 2017. Reply to the Discussion Submitted by Noor of Our Paper Entitled Drag Load on End-bearing Piles in Collapsible Soil due to Inundation. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 54(5): 744.
Hanna, A. M. and Diab, R. 2017. Passive Earth Pressure of Normally and Overconsolidated CohesionlessSoil in Terms of Critical State Soil Mechanics Parameters. ASCE InternationalJournal of Geomechanics, 17(1): 04016028
Sinha, A. and Hanna, A. M. 2017. 3D Numerical Model for Piled-Raft Foundation. ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics,17(2): 04016055.
Mashour, I. and Hanna, A. M. 2016. Drag Load on End-bearing Piles in Collapsible Soil due to Inundation. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 53(12): 2030-2038.
Hanna, A.M., Ayadat, T., Etezad, M, and Cros, C. 2016. Settlement of a Group of Stone Columns in Soft Soil. Revue science des matériaux, Laboratoire LARHYSS, 7(1):07-16.
Lin, L., Hanna, A. M., Sinha, A., and Tirca, L. 2015. Structural Response toDifferential Settlement of its Fundations. Journal of Civil Engineering Research, 5(3): 59-66.
Etezad, M., Hanna, A. M., and Ayadat, T. 2015. Capacity of Group of Stone Columns in Soft Soil. ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, 15(2): 1-15.
Hanna, A. M., Foriero, A., and Ayadat, T. 2014. Pullout Capacity of Inclined Shallow Single Anchor Plate in Sand. Indian Geotechnical Journal, 45 (1): 110-120.
Hanna, A. M. and Yulek, M. 2014. Impact Compaction on a Subgrade Layer Overlying Deep Deposit. International Journal of Pavement, 15(8): 742-751.
Hanna, A. M. and Javed, K. 2014. Experimental Investigation on Sensitive Clay Subjected to Cyclic Loading. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 140(11): 04014065.
Tahsin, K. S., Hanna, A. M., and Mashhour, I. 2013. Numerical Modeling of Piles in Collapsible Soil Subjected to Inundation. ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics. 13(5): 514-526.
Hanna, A. M. and Etezad, M. 2013. Mode of Failure of Group of Stone Columns in SoftSoil. ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, 13(1): 87-96.
Ayadat, T. and Hanna, A. M. 2013. Design of Foundations Built on a Shallow Depth of Egyptian Macro-Porous Collapsible Soils. Open Journal of Geology, 3(3):209-215.
Ayadat, T. and Hanna, A. M. 2012. Assessment of Soil Collapse Prediction Methods. IJE, International Journal of Engineering, 25(1): 19-26.
Hanna, A. M., Rahman, F. R., and Ayadat, T. 2011. Passive Earth Pressure on Embedded Vertical Plate Anchor in Sand.International Journal of Acta Geotecnica, 6(1):21-29.
Etezad, M., Hanna, A. M., and Ayadat, T. 2009. Discussion of Behaviour of Stone Columns Based on Experimental and FEM Analysis by A. P. Ambily and Shailesh R. Gandhi. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering, 135(9):1355-1356.
Hanna, A. M. and Hoque, M. A. 2009. Coupled Consolidation Model for Negative Skin Friction on Piles in Clay Layers. International Journal of Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 4 (2): 141-149.
Hanna, A. M. and Javid, K. 2008. Design ofFoundations on Sensitive Clay Subjected to Cyclic Loading. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering, 134 (7): 929-937.
Hanna, A. M. and Al-Romhein, R. 2008. At-Rest Earth Pressure of Overconsolidated Cohesionless Soil. ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering. 134 (3): 408-412.
Ayadat, T., and Hanna, A. M. 2008. Effectsof Hydraulic Shear Stress and Rate of Erosionon the Magnitude, Degree and Rateof Collapse. Geomechanics and Geoengineering Journal, 3(1): 59-69.
Ayadat,T., Hanna, A. M., and Hamitouche, A. 2008. Soil Improvement by Internally Reinforced Stone Columns. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Ground Improvement Journal, 161(2): 55-63.
Ayadat, T., Bibi, M., and Hanna, A. M. 2008. Adaptation du Sclerometreet/ou L’auscultation Dynamique Comme des Moyens de Diagnostic des Betons de Fibres. Revue Marocainede Genie Civil, 122: 18-27.
Ayadat, T., and Hanna, A. M., and Etezad, M. 2008. Failure Process of Stone Columns in Collapsible Soils. International Journal of Engineering, 21(2): 135-142.
Yang, R. and Hanna, A. M. 2008. Discussionon Bearing Capacity of Piled Rafts on Soft Clay Soils By Luca de Sanctis and Alessandro Mandolini. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering, 134(8): 1219-1220.
Participation activities
Papers presented at conferences (Last 10 years)
Alharthi,Y. and Hanna, A. M. 2018. Shaft Resistance of Displacement Piles in Overconsolidated Cohesionless Soils. Accepted for GeoMEast InternationalConference, Cairo, Egypt.
Hanna,A. M., Khalifa, M., and Abdel-Rahman, M. 2018. Experimental Investigation on Performance of Stone Columns in Cohesive Soil. Accepted for GeoMEastInternational Conference, Cairo, Egypt.
Lin,L., Hanna, A. M., and Sinha, A. 2018. Influence of Cap Rigidity on the Performance of Piled-Cap Foundation. Accepted for GeoMEast InternationalConference, Cairo, Egypt.
Etezad, M. and Hanna, A. M. 2017. The Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundation. Proceeding of the GeoOttawa 2017, the 70th Canadian Geotechnical Conference andthe 12th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Ottawa, Canada,October.
Hanna, A. M. and Mashhour, I. M. 2017. Drag Load on Single Piles due to Partial Saturation of Collapsible Soils. Proceedings of the Pan-Am UNSAT 2017, 2nd Pan American Conference on Unsaturated Soil, Dallas, Texas, November.
Nguyen, N. and Hanna, A. M. 2017. Experimental Investigation on At-rest Earth Pressure Actingon Walls Retaining Collapsible Soil Subjected to Inundation. Proceedings of the Pan-Am UNSAT 2017, 2nd Pan American Conference on Unsaturated Soil, Dallas, Texas, November.
Khalifa,M., Etezad, M., Hanna, A. M., and Sabry M. 2017. Bearing Capacity of Strip Foundation on Soft Soil Reinforced with Stone Columns Using Method of Slices.Proceedings of the GeoMEast 2017 International Conference, Sharm Elsheikh, Egypt, July.
Rinaldi,R., Abdel-Rahman, M., and Hanna, A. M. 2017. Experimental Investigation on Shell Footing Models Employing High-Performance Concrete. Proceedings of the GeoMEast 2017 International Conference, Sharm-El-Sheik, Egypt, July.
Rinaldi,R., Abdel-Rahman, M., and Hanna, A. M. 2017. Numerical Analysis of ShellFoundations. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference onAdvances in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering (ICASGE’17), Hurghada, Egypt, March.
Alharthi, Y., Khalifa, M., Di Camillo, F., and Hanna, A. M. 2016. Experimental and NumericalInvestigation on the Effectsof Dynamic Compaction on Relative Density andOverconsolidation in CohesionlessSoil. Proceedings of the 69th CanadianGeotechnical Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, October.
Lin, L; Hanna, A. M., Sinha, A., and Tirca, L. 2015. Performance of High-Rise Building Subjected to Excessive Differential Settlement of its Foundation. Proceedings ofthe 5th Annual International Conference on Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering and Mechanics (Abstract), Athens, Greece, May.
Vakili, R. andHanna, A. M. 2014. Group Efficiency of Bored Piled Raft Foundation in Loose Sand. Proceedings of the International Conference on Piling & Deep Foundations, Stockholm, Sweden, May.
Hanna, A. M. andVakili, R. 2014. Effect of Sand Density on Load Sharing Mechanism of Piled-raftFoundation. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations, Atlanta, Georgia, October.
Lin, L., Sinha, A., Tirca, L., and Hanna, A. M. 2014. Stresses Induced in a 10-Story RC FrameBuilding due to Differential Settlement of the Foundation. Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering Annual Conference, Halifax, NewBrunswick, May.
Mashhour, M. and Hanna, A. M. 2013. Experimental Investigation on Drag Load Acting on SingleEnd-bearing Piles in Collapsible Soil due to Inundation. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations, Phoenix, Arizona, September.
Di Camillo, F., Vakili, R., and Hanna, A. M. 2013. Effects of Stress History of Sand on the Shaft Resistance of Large Displacement Piles. Proceedings of the GeoMontreal 2013, 66th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and the 11th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Montreal, Quebec, September.
Kakoli, S. and Hanna, A. M. 2011. Causes of Foundation Failure and Sudden Volume Reductionof Collapsible Soil during Inundation. Proceedings of 4th AnnualCivil Engineering Congress, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Soliman, S. and Hanna, A. M. 2010. Performance of Reinforced Collapsible Soils. Proceedings of ASCE Geo-Institute Conference on Advances in Analysis, Modeling & Design, WestPalm Beach, Florida
Soliman, S., Hanna, A. M., and Ayadat, T. 2010. Experimental Investigation on Partial Replacementand Reinforced Collapsible Soils. From Research to Design in European Practice, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
Tahar, T. and Hanna, A. M. 2010. Foundation Design on Collapsible Soils. Proceedings of the 35thAnnual Conference on Deep Foundations, Hollywood, California.
Hanna, A. M. and Ayadat, T. 2010. Uplift, Carrying Capacities, and Uplift Displacement of Granular Pile-Anchors in Expansive Soils. Proceedings of the ICGE2010-Innovative Geotechnical Engineering, Hammamet, Tunisia.
Kakoli, S., Hanna, A.M., Ayatat, T., and Abdel-Rahman, M. 2009. Simulation of Collapsible Soils Subjected to Inundation Using PLAXIS. Proceedings of the 17th ISSMGE International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt.
Sabry, M. and Hanna, A. M. 2009. Earth Pressure Acting on Single Piles in Sand. Proceedings of the 17th ISSMGE International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt.
Sakr, M., Mashhour, M., and Hanna, A. M. 2008. Egyptian Collapsible Soils and their Improvement. Proceedings of the ASCE Geo-Congress.
Etezad, M., Hanna, A. M. 2008. Numerical Study on Stone Columns Reinforcement System. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, Atlanta.