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Academic Code of Conduct


Concordia University places the principle of academic integrity, that is, honesty, responsibility and fairness in all aspects of academic life as one of its highest values.

This understanding of academic integrity directs our conduct in all academic matters, especially to the submission of work for academic evaluation and to student-professor and student-staff relationships.

The university community strives to provide a teaching and learning environment in which academic integrity is reflected in the student’s dealings with faculty and staff and in their academic work and processes.

Policy overview

The Academic Code of Conduct sets out for students, instructors and administrators both the process and the expectations involved when a charge of academic misconduct occurs.

It describes what constitutes an academic offence, as well as the processes which alleged offences will follow, and what potential sanctions can be imposed. The Academic Code of Conduct also describes the hearing and appeal procedures that are administered by the University Secretariat.


I am being charged with an academic offence and need advice and support, who can I contact?

There are two offices at Concordia with Student Advocates who are knowledgeable about the the Academic Code of Conduct and which can assist you with any questions that you may have. Please contact either the CSU Advocacy Center (email and call (514) 848-7474 ext. 7313) or the Student Advocacy Office (email and/or book an appointment online). These offices can also answer questions about hearings and appeals procedures.

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