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Abolition Worlds

An ink drawing of a tree growing its limbs out of a prison cell with a banner across the top and bottom that reads: Abandon punishment

About their research

This working group explores the internationalist histories and global possibilities of abolitionist intellectual and social movements. We frame our questions from Angela Davis’ findings that the prison industrial complex was historically rooted in colonial and imperial forms of a global order, Ruth Gilmore and Katherine McKittrick’s insight that carcerality remains crucial to present-day racial capitalist accumulation, Harsha Walia’s notion that imperial displacement and migrant mass detention remains the true origins of the so-called “border crisis,” and Dylan Rodriguez’s argument that recent reduction of structural and systemic violence to individual expressions of “hate,” in actuality leads to the rise of counter-insurgent “populist criminology.”

We draw particularly from interdisciplinary studies of various historical modes of unfreedom and punishment, especially histories of anti-Black slavery and its afterlives, as well as the establishment of property regimes by way of colonial conquest and dispossession of Indigenous lands, to better approach international connections to abolitionist thinking from within the global South. From penal farms in Southeast Asia, to migrant detention in North Africa or Latin America, to the disproportionate criminalization and jailing of BIPOC women, gender non-conforming, and LGBTQ people, to the mass institutionalization of people with disabilities: abolitionist critiques of carcerality’s profound effects on society invites deeply interdisciplinary and collaborative scholarly approaches across disciplines and geographical terrains.

At the same time, the group takes seriously Ruth Gilmore’s assertion that abolition is a presence or the creation of life-affirming institutions, or as Mariame Kaba puts it, the making of another, more just and less harmful, world. The group thus examines practical, theoretical, and creative sorts of abolitionist worldmaking, that seeks to build new relations of mutual care, create democratic institutions to achieve transformative justice, and strengthen practices of reducing harm. This examination entails engaging beyond academic scholarship with community-based organizations, creative artists, and public-facing writers.


Matthias Mushinski, Film and Moving Image


  • Allan Lumba, History
  • Balbir Singh, Art History
  • Theresa Ventura, History

Key questions

  1. How do abolitionist frameworks help us better understand different past and present forms of unfreedoms, criminalization, and punishment across the Global South?
  2. How do Global South movements against policing, detention, and carceral violence, help us better understand the histories and possibilities of abolitionism?
  3. How would reframing abolitionism as an internationalist intellectual and social movement generate new kinds of approaches to inequalities grounded in settler colonial, racial capitalist, imperial, and heteropatriarchal hierarchies?
  4. How do the questions generated by abolitionist thinking open up exploratory space for collaboration across disciplines, for example, the social sciences, humanities, and the creative and performing arts, as well as collaborations between scholars and community-based abolitionist organizations?

Group members

  • Shauna Buckley, History
  • May Chew, Art History
  • Melissa Folk, (Queens University)
  • Sarah Ghabrial, History
  • Adia Giddings, History
  • M Gnanasihamany, Studio Arts
  • Lisa Guenther, (Queens University)
  • Shahira Hathout, (Trent University)
  • Sheena Hoszko, (Queens University)
  • Kevin Lo, Design and Computation Arts
  • Allan Lumba, History
  • Temple Marucci-Campbell, Art History
  • Matthias Mushinski, Film and Moving Image
  • Koby Rogers Hall, Art History
  • Balbir Singh, Art History
  • Theresa Ventura, History 

Upcoming events

Specific dates will be announced in the fall semester.

  • September 2024: A launch meet-up event, and first reading group meeting.
  • October 2024: Reading group meeting.
  • November 2024: Invited zoom speaker and reading group meeting.
  • December 2024: Invited zoom speaker.
  • January 2025: Reading group meeting
  • February 2025: Invited zoom speaker and reading group meeting
  • March 2025: Reading group meeting
  • April 2025: Symposium
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