Nervous about GMAT Verbal? Feel you don't "talk good"? You are not alone! Many people feel Verbal is the scariest part of the GMAT and many prep courses don't give Verbal the respect it deserves.
Join one of the best Verbal GMAT instructors in Montreal, as he gives you a refresher on the fundamental skills you need to succeed on the Verbal section of the GMAT!
In this fun and engaging 2-hour online workshop, you will learn the skills that are absolutely essential for the GMAT test:
✓ What is the Verbal Section and why is it hard?
✓ Grammar Rules (Sentence Correction)
✓ Argument Structures (Critical Reasoning)
✓ Reading Tips and Pitfalls (Reading Comprehension)
In the second half of this workshop, you will uncover insider secrets of successful MBA applications directly from Cavan Riordan, Graduate Student Recruitment Officer at the John Molson School of Business, Concordia University:
✓ How to choose the right MBA program for your career
✓ What admissions committees are REALLY looking for
✓ Getting MBA entrance scholarships - Do's and Don'ts
If you're serious about mastering the Verbal section of the GMAT and preparing the very best MBA Application, you can't afford to miss this FREE Online Verbal Refresher, exclusive to Admit Master.
Don't miss this unique event, exclusive to Admit Master. This workshop will be hosted in partnership with the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University.
Get your tickets today as spaces are strictly limited!