John Molson Student Associations
John Molson students are known university-wide for the spirit and enthusiasm. Learn about the associations and committees that can help you make connections and make a difference in your fellow students’ lives.

- Beta Gamma Sigma Honour Society
- Briscoe Business Ownership Club
- CASA Cares
- Commerce and Administration Students' Association (CASA)
- Concordia International Community Outreach Program (iCOP)
- Finance and Investment Students' Association (FISA)
- John Molson Accounting Society (JMAS)
- John Molson Business Law Committee (JMBLC)
- John Molson Competition Committee (JMCC)
- John Molson Graduate Investment Club (JMGIC)
- John Molson Graduate Students' Association (JMGSA)
- John Molson Human Resources and Management Association (JMHA)
- John Molson International Business Association (JMIBA)
- John Molson International Committee (JIC)
- John Molson MBA International Case Competition (MBA-ICC)
- John Molson Marketing Association (JMMA)
- John Molson MBA Case Competition Committee (MBACCC)
- John Molson MBA Society
- John Molson Sports Marketing Committee (JMSM)
- John Molson Sustainable Business Group (JMSBG)
- John Molson Sustainable Enterprise Committee (JSEC)
- John Molson Supply Chain and Business Technology Association (JSBA)
- John Molson Undergraduate Case Competition (JMUCC)
- John Molson Women in Business Club (JMWIBC)
- John Molson Women in Leadership (JMWL)
- Small Business Consulting Bureau
- Enactus Concordia