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Marketing faculty's publications in 2021

By Marketing Communication Committee

Publications in 2021 (alphabetical order)

Tezer, Ali, H. Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2021). When Goliaths Win and Davids Lose: Role of Perceived Risk Associated with the Brand in Brand Biography Effects. Psychology & Marketing.

Dolbec, Pierre-Yann, Eileen Fischer, and Robin Canniford. Something old, something new: Enabled theory building in qualitative marketing researchMarketing Theory.

Katsanis, Lea Prevel, Dennis Pitta, and Anne Morinville. (2021). Patient centricity: lip service or genuine commitment? A qualitative examination of the pharmaceutical industry.International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing

Majid, Kashef A., David W. Kolar, and Michel Laroche. (2021). Support for small businesses during a health crisisJournal of Services Marketing

Heydari, Ali, Michel Laroche, Michèle Paulin, and Marie-Odile Richard. (2021). Hofstede's individual-level indulgence dimension: Scale development and validation. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.

Paulin, Michèle. (2021). Après pandémie : l’importance de retrouver sa « compétence conversationnelle »Métro, entrepreneuriat & The Conversation.

Ferguson, Ronald J., Kaspar Schattke, and Michèle Paulin. (2021). Persuasions by corporate and activist NGO strategic website communications: Impact on perceptions of sustainability messages and greenwashing. Humanistic Management Journal

Sucapane, Daniella, Caroline Roux, and Kamila Sobol (2021). Exploring how product descriptors and packaging colors impact consumers’ perceptions of plant-based meat alternative productsAppetite.

Kliamenakis, Argiro and Kamila Sobol. (2021). When waiting pays off: The impact of delayed goal failure on self-perception and self-regulationPsychology & Marketing.

Tezer, Ali and Kamila Sobol (2021) My Life is a Mess, I Deserve a Brownie: Justifying Indulgence by Overstating the Severity of Life ProblemsPsychology & Marketing.

Aboelenien, Aya, Zeynep Arsel and Charles Cho (2021). Passing the Buck vs. Sharing Responsibility: The Roles of Government, Firms and Consumers in Marketplace Risks during COVID-19Journal of the Association for Consumer Research.

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