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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather

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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather

Minor in Business Studies

Add a Minor in Business Studies to your Non-business Degree

John Molson Minors are reserved for current business students. Non-John Molson students may add the Minor in Business Studies to their degree.

To be eligible to add a Minor in Business Studies you must: 

  1. Have a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.5 or above. 
  2. Have achieved an average grade of 2.70 (B-) or better in MATH 208 and MATH 209. (Students who have received an exemption for MATH 208 must achieve a minimum grade of 2.70 in MATH 209, and vice versa.)
  3. As of fall 2023 and onward, have completed all four of the John Molson prerequisites and have all grades posted on your student record. The prerequisites are: 
    • ECON 201 (Introduction to Microeconomics)
    • ECON 203 (Introduction to Macroeconomics)
    • MATH 208 (Linear Algebra)
    • MATH 209 (Calculus I)
  4. Starting Fall 2024, students admitted with exemptions to MATH 208 and MATH 209 will need COMM 213 with a C- or better and COMM 214 with a B- or better.

To add the Minor in Business Studies, email a completed Change of Concentration form and a digital copy of your Unofficial Transcripts to Muriell Salari ( Please enter Minor in Business Studies as subject line and include your student ID number.

With a Minor in Business Studies students are able to take two Commerce (COMM) courses per semester. You may not take a full course load of John Molson courses.  COMM courses taken within the Minor of Business Studies are credited and will count towards core business courses. Please note that all courses taken at Concordia University, including COMM courses, will be taken into account towards your cumulative grade point average (CGPA).



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