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Art exhibitions, film festivals, dance, music and theatre performances, magazine launches and more – our artists are presenting their end-of-year work! Join us  from March to June to see student and faculty work from all nine of Concordia University's Faculty of Fine Arts departments.

Art Education

March 21

InARTE Journal, Issue 09, released by undergraduate students in Art Education

Spring Shows in the ARTESpace gallery (EV 2.619):

April 4–14

ARTE 425 graduating exhibit for BFA Specialization in Art Education.

April 15–28

ARTE 434 transcontinental exhibit for the graduating BFA Community/Major.

Art History

March 29

Launch and vernissage for Yiara, an undergraduate feminist art and art history publication Issue 07.  

April 9

30 x 150 Women Artists and Architects Film Festival. This festival of short films is a project by Concordia students registered in ARTH 381, Feminism & Art History, in collaboration with the Atwater Library. 80 students have made 30 films about under-represented historical women artists and architects who were born in, or who settled in, the land now known as Canada. Each film is 150 seconds long. Working with the archives of the Canadian Women Artists History Initiative (CWAHI), and with the support of Atwater Library’s Digital Literacy Program, the students have mapped artists‘ lives, careers, and journeys, interviewed these artists’ historians and fans, told personal stories of discovery, as well as brought lesser-known artworks to light. April 9, 3:30 - 5:30 pm, Concordia University Conference Centre, 9th floor, MB Building.

April 11

CUJAH Vol. XV launch. The Concordia Undergraduate Journal of Art History (CUJAH) is a student-run association that aims to showcase the talents of Concordia University’s undergraduate Art History and Fine Arts students. Come help us celebrate the launch of the 15th volume! EV Junction, 5 – 7 p.m.

April 13

Public art event: "Promenade parlante: Episodes in a Changing Neighbourhood"

Drs Cynthia Hammond (Art History) and Shauna Janssen (Theatre) are pleased to announce the second "Promenade parlante": an episodic, performative walk in and about Shaughnessy Village, where Concordia University is situated. Working with a group of seniors and Eric Craven of the Atwater Library's Digital Literacy and Community Outreach programs, Hammond and Janssen will present this 2-hour event (rain or shine) that employs arts-based methods as a means to share the urban knowledge of older Montrealers. Collectively, the walk will tell a series of little-known stories about this neighbourhood, its past history, current struggles, and personal significance. The event will begin and end at Atwater Library, and will be followed by refreshments. Free and open to all. This event is made possible through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Meet at Atwater Library, 1200 ave. Atwater, Atwater Metro, Saturday, April 13, 2019, 5-7 p.m.

Contemporary Dance

April 11–14

Student Creations: Second and third year students present original end-of year performances in two different programs. Each runs approximately 90 minutes to two hours, including a 15 minute intermission. D.B. Clarke Theatre, Henry F. Hall Building (1455 De Maisonneuve W.), Sir George Williams Campus. 

Creative Arts Therapies

April 8

Premiere screening of Beyond #MeToo, a film exploring the use of music to challenge our culture of male violence against women. The film producer, Sandi Curtis, is a music therapist with over 20 years of experience in social activism and work with women and girl survivors of violence. The film screening is followed by a dialogue with the producer and university student and alumna singer/songwriters. This event is brought to you in part by IMPACTS: Collaborations to Address Sexual Violence on Campus (SSHRC Partnership Grant #895-2016-1026). VA-323 (1395 René-Lévesque W), 7 – 9 p.m.

April 10

Music Therapy Benefit Concert at McKibbin’s Irish Pub, 1426 Bishop (2nd floor) 6:30 – 9 p.m. Organized in collaboration with l’Association québécoise de musicothérapie, the Canadian Music Therapy Trust FundConcordia University and the Department of Creative Arts Therapies, Music Therapy graduate students will perform and help raise funds for the Canadian Music Therapy Trust Fund. Tickets are $10.

Design and Computation Arts

April 23–26

The year-end show of undergraduate students in Design and Computation Arts will take place at the 4th Space.

April 18 – 28

Black box (EV - S3-845) exhibition for Convergence I and II: Art + Neuroscience, a special topics course that explores the intersection of arts, neuroscience and society. The exhibition is of student works, artists and designers collaborating with neuroscientists. Vernissage April 25 from 5:00-9:00 p.m. in the EV Black Box .  

April 30–May 4

The Master of Design graduation research showcase, We Ask More Questions Than We Can Answer, will take place at the 4th Space. The finissage is scheduled for May 2. 5:00-10:00pm.

Leonard and Bina Ellen Gallery

April 24 – May 25

The annual exhibition IGNITION features new work by students in the Studio Arts and Humanities graduate programs at Concordia University. It provides an upandcoming generation of artists with a unique opportunity to present ambitious, interdisciplinary works in the professional context of a gallery with a national and international profile. Graduate students work directly with Gallery staff to produce an exhibition that places an emphasis on critical, innovative, and experimental work, engaging in the exploration and consideration of diverse media and practices.

IGNITION 15 features artists selected by Nicole Burisch and Michèle Thériault for its annual graduate students’ exhibition: Victor Arroyo, Paule Gilbert, Marie-Claude Lepiez, Wan Yi Leung, Kyle Alden Martens, Lauren Pelc-McArthur, Kara Skylling, Sanaz Sohrabi and Swapnaa Tamhane.

Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema

May 2–5

46th annual Concordia Film Festival, organized by the Cinema Student Association and Animate Concordia.

Studio Arts

March 21 – April 6: ArtX

Rêverie features the work of third and fourth year Concordia ARTX students (ARTX 480). It engages in notions of collective dreaming. Holding space for participatory new media, installations, fibre works, sculpture, and video art, Rêverie explores multidisciplinarity within representations of “the common.” This collection of work aims to reflect upon social issues such as class tension, environmental grief, gender in society and gentrification in an effort to evoke common concern for social change. Art Mûr, 5826 St. Hubert, Montreal.

March 25 - April 6: Printmaking

Sightlines, a student exhibition featuring lithography, intaglio, screenprinting, woodcut/relief and digital media work by Concordia's Print Media undergraduates. Atelier - Galerie A. Piroir 5333 Casgrain Avenue # 802, Montreal Vernissage: Thursday, March 28th, 5 p.m.

April 11: Towing and Throwing

Third and Fourth year sculpture students (SCUL 310/410) show their work at LIVART, 3980 rue St Denis. Vernissage from 5–9 p.m. Visit the Facebook event for full details.

April 12-13: IMCA 400

External Memory is the IMCA 400 graduating exhibition at Eastern Bloc Friday April 12th - 13th. Featuring video, performance, installation, sound, electronic arts and virtual reality.  

April 15-18: Fibres & Material Practices

Fibres Student Association are organizing a show at Atelier Galerie 2112. Vernissage April 16 from 6 – 9 p.m. For details see the Facebook event.  

April 18-21: Fibres & Material Practices

FBRS 480: Advanced Fibres will present a group exhibition titled Hyperstition. Vernissage: , 6-9pm, April 18th. Location: MACHINE, 5425 av. de Bordeaux, local 103. Open: Thurs 6-9, Fri 12-8, Sat 12-5, Sun 12-4. For more details see the Facebook event

April 30 - May 4: MFA

MFA Students Association group show at Yves Laroche Galerie d’art, 6355 St Laurent Blvd. Vernissage, April 30th, 5-9 p.m.

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