Today's events
Le département de chimie et de biochimie propose des programmes innovants dans les domaines de la chimie, de la biochimie et des sciences de l'environnement et du développement durable (avec ou sans option Coop). Tous les programmes mettent l'accent sur l'expérience pratique des étudiants pendant les cours de laboratoire et les projets, et leur permettent de se préparer au marché du travail et aux études supérieures, y compris en sciences de la santé (médecine, pharmacie, dentaire).
Explore creating your academic plan to include studying current world issues from an Irish and EU perspective in many disciplines, all in one degree. Access unique benefits: $5,000 Entrance Scholarships, study grants to Ireland, annual tuition awards and more.
Evan Vance (McGill University) will deliver a public lecture, "Cults and Culpability: Sacred Wealth and the Development of Public Oversight in Archaic Greece," on Thursday, February 6, at 6 p.m. in Library Room LB-322. All are invited.
Upcoming events
Détenir un baccalauréat ès arts spécialisé en économie vous procurera de précieux avantages, tant dans votre parcours de formation que dans votre cheminement professionnel. Apprenez-en plus sur le programme de sciences économiques, le contenu des cours, les possibilités de carrière et l’option coop.
Vous vous intéressez au monde antique, aux langues et à ce que les langues peuvent révéler de l'esprit humain? Découvrez comment le département des études anciennes, de langues modernes et de linguistique vous permet d'explorer sept disciplines!
In this seminar, I suggest an analysis of the transformations implied by the imaginary of these policies, focusing specifically on the ways it materializes into social structures, cultural institutions and organization, and urban space.
Based on extensive archival research and oral history interviews, The Left in Power examines the response of the political Left in Ontario in the 1990s.
Explorez la création de votre plan académique pour inclure l'étude des enjeux mondiaux actuels sous une perspective irlandaise et de l'UE dans diverses disciplines, le tout dans un seul diplôme. Accédez à des avantages uniques : bourses d'entrée de 5 000 $, subventions d'études en Irlande, prix annuels de scolarité et plus encore.
The Department of Geography, Planning and Environment offers programs in the natural sciences, social sciences, and applied social sciences that enable understanding and provide solutions to these problems and challenges including climate change, pollution, global urbanization, and social equity. Our environment-focused programs include a BA (Human Environment, Urban Planning, and Urban Studies), BSc (Environmental Geography, and Environmental and Sustainability Science).
At Concordia's Department of Psychology, students discover how the science of psychology gives us a better understanding of human nature. Our undergraduate programs offer broad-based training across the different subfields of psychology so that students learn both what psychologists have discovered and also the methods they use to make these discoveries. This info session is meant for students not currently registered at Concordia.
La sociologie et l'anthropologie examinent les processus de la vie sociale et culturelle dans diverses sociétés humaines, passées et présentes. Le département propose neuf programmes de premier cycle en sociologie et en anthropologie. Les étudiants inscrits à un programme de majeure, de spécialisation ou spécialisé peuvent également être admissibles à participer au programme coopératif. Le département propose également trois programmes d'études supérieures, deux maîtrises et un doctorat.
The Liberal Arts College offers an intensive introduction to the humanities and the social sciences--the best that has been thought and said in history, philosophy, literature, religion, science, music, and art.
Le département de géographie, d'aménagement et d'environnement propose des programmes en sciences naturelles, en sciences sociales et en sciences sociales appliquées qui permettent de comprendre et d'apporter des solutions à ces problèmes et défis, notamment le changement climatique, la pollution, l'urbanisation mondiale et l'équité sociale. Nos programmes axés sur l'environnement comprennent une licence (environnement humain, urbanisme et études urbaines), une licence (géographie environnementale et sciences de l'environnement et de la durabilité), une maîtrise et un doctorat (géographie, études urbaines et environnementales) et une maîtrise en environnement (évaluation environnementale).
Sociology and Anthropology examine the processes of social and cultural life in diverse human societies, past and present. The department offers nine undergraduate programs in sociology and anthropology. Students enrolled in a major, specialization, or honours program may also be eligible to participate in the co-op program. The department also offers three graduate programs, two MAs and one PhD.
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Les sciences humaines appliquées sont un département multidisciplinaire. Notre réunion mettra l'accent sur trois domaines d'intérêt : Les études en récréologie et loisirs, les loisirs thérapeutiques et les relations humaines. Le département des sciences humaines appliquées de Concordia offre une gamme de programmes stimulants et novateurs. Venez nous rencontrer pour en apprendre davantage.
Applied Human Sciences is a multidisciplinary department. Our meeting will highlight three focus areas: Recreation and Leisure Studies, Therapeutic Recreation, and Human Relations. AHSC at Concordia offers a range of challenging and innovative programs, come and meet with us to learn more.
The Department of Health, Kinesiology, and Applied Physiology at Concordia University offers six comprehensive programs, like Athletic Therapy and Kinesiology and Clinical Exercise Physiology, that explore the science behind human exercise, health, and physical activity. Students gain professional knowledge and skills to assess, evaluate, and design programs aimed at maintaining and improving health, fitness, and athletic performance.
The Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability provides cross-disciplinary minor programs in Sustainability and Diversity Studies that can be taken as part of just about any BA, BSc, BFA, or BComm degree. Come learn how a Minor can enrich your degree and add to your undergraduate experience and marketable expertise! Discover a science program like no other in North America! The Multidisciplinary Studies in Science minor at Concordia University offers you the unique opportunity to conduct hands-on research every year of your undergraduate journey. Imagine working in cutting-edge labs at Concordia, prestigious hospitals, and research centers in Montreal, or even at world-renowned labs across Canada or around the globe! Turn your passion for discovery into an all-around adventure!
Le Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability (Collège Loyola pour la diversité et la durabilité) propose des programmes de mineure interdisciplinaire en études sur la durabilité et la diversité qui peuvent être suivis dans le cadre d'une licence, d'un baccalauréat en sciences, d'un baccalauréat en beaux-arts ou d'un baccalauréat en commerce. Venez découvrir comment une mineure peut enrichir votre diplôme et enrichir votre expérience de premier cycle et votre expertise commercialisable ! Découvrez un programme scientifique unique en Amérique du Nord ! La mineure en études multidisciplinaires en sciences de l'Université Concordia vous offre l'occasion unique de mener des recherches pratiques chaque année de votre parcours de premier cycle. Imaginez travailler dans des laboratoires de pointe à Concordia, dans des hôpitaux prestigieux et des centres de recherche à Montréal, ou encore dans des laboratoires de renommée mondiale au Canada ou ailleurs dans le monde ! Transformez votre passion pour la découverte en une véritable aventure !
The Département d’études françaises at Concordia University is a multidisciplinary department with three sectors: French language and linguistics, French literatures, translation from French into English, and English into French. We offer a large array of courses and programs in these three fields.
Le Département de santé, kinésiologie et de physiologie appliquée de l'Université Concordia propose six programmes complets, tels que la thérapie sportive, la kinésiologie et physiologie de l'exercice clinique, qui explorent la science de l'exercice humaine, de la santé et de l'activité physique. Les étudiants acquièrent des connaissances et des compétences professionnelles pour évaluer, analyser et concevoir des programmes visant à maintenir et améliorer la santé, la forme physique et la performance sportive.
Join us for an immersive experience that highlights the art of storytelling of black communities.
Join us for an engaging discussion featuring Tamara Thermitus, AD.E. in conversation with Dean Adrien Wing on the founding of Critical Race Theory.
The Département d’études françaises at Concordia University is a multidisciplinary department with three sectors: French language and linguistics, French literatures, translation from French into English, and English into French. We offer a large array of courses and programs in these three fields.
Au Département de psychologie de Concordia, les étudiants découvrent comment la science de la psychologie nous permet de mieux comprendre la nature humaine. Nos programmes de premier cycle offrent une formation diversifiée dans les différents sous-domaines de la psychologie, de sorte que les étudiants apprennent à la fois ce que les psychologues ont découvert et les méthodes qu'ils utilisent pour faire ces découvertes.
Want to grapple with some of humanity's most significant concerns? The Department of Philosophy offers courses in the history of philosophy, ethics, social and political philosophy, philosophy of the sciences, logic, contemporary epistemology, and feminist theory, in a collegial environment. Join the Undergraduate Program Director for a discussion about Major and Minor programs and how to apply.
Voulez-vous aborder certaines des préoccupations les plus importantes de l’humanité ? Le Département de philosophie offre des cours en éthique, l’histoire de la philosophie, la philosophie sociale et politique, la philosophie des sciences, la logique, et des théories féministes, dans un environnement collégial. Découvrez les programmes du département de philosophie : majeure et mineures au 1er cycle.
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Les sciences humaines appliquées sont un département multidisciplinaire. Notre réunion mettra l'accent sur trois domaines d'intérêt : Les études en récréologie et loisirs, les loisirs thérapeutiques et les relations humaines. Le département des sciences humaines appliquées de Concordia offre une gamme de programmes stimulants et novateurs. Venez nous rencontrer pour en apprendre davantage.
Applied Human Sciences is a multidisciplinary department. Our meeting will highlight three focus areas: Recreation and Leisure Studies, Therapeutic Recreation, and Human Relations. AHSC at Concordia offers a range of challenging and innovative programs, come and meet with us to learn more.
Are you a student in the Faculty of Arts and Science? Do you want to learn about other departments and programs in the Faculty? Come to our Exploration Fair (one held on both campuses) to learn about who we are and what we offer!
This panel will address the cultural, social, and political trends shaping politics today and the associated consequences. The event aims to foster a greater understanding of the dynamics influencing the political landscape in North America.
Les étudiants qui y sont inscrits en Science Politique se démarquent par leur diversité et leur conscience politique. Venez à cette session pour en savoir plus sur nos programmes de premier cycle et notre variété d'options de stages.
Are you a student in the Faculty of Arts and Science? Do you want to learn about other departments and programs in the Faculty? Come to our Exploration Fair (one held on both campuses) to learn about who we are and what we offer!
Do not miss this incredible opportunity to experience the life of a senator! Join us for an engaging event featuring a presentation by a current government senator, followed by an interactive Q&A session where your questions will take centre stage.
This two-part, hands-on workshop offers oral historians and digital storytellers a practical introduction to audiovisual recording and editing.
Political Science is one of the most popular degree choices at Concordia, with a student body among the most diverse and politically aware in Canada. Come to this session to find out more about our undergraduate programs and our variety of internship options.
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For students in the Faculty of Arts and Science. This session will review some of the details that you need to know to improve your chances for academic success!
For students in the Faculty of Arts and Science. This session will review some of the details that you need to know to improve your chances for academic success!
For students in the Faculty of Arts and Science. This session will review some of the details that you need to know to improve your chances for academic success!
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Alison Donnell, Head of Humanities at the University of Bristol, will give a seminar based on her forthcoming book A-Z of Unknown Caribbean Writers. She will discuss Barbara Althea Jones, a Trinidadian poet and author of Among the Potatoes, who was also a physicist at McGill.
Alison Donnell, head of Humanities at the University of Bristol, will give a workshop for graduate students titled "Who cares? Public humanities methods and building impact." This workshop coincides with a graduate course but is open to all graduate students.
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Daniel Steel is Associate Professor at the W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics and the School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia.
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Concordia University Jurist-in-Residence, Morton S. Minc, invites you to the conference with The Honourable Thomas Albert Cromwell.
Come and learn how this ancient, multicultural practice can enhance your learning, concentration, and insight.
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Receive help with sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and citations. Drop by for support from a writing assistant and bring your assignment or rough draft.
Receive help with sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and citations. Drop by for support from a writing assistant and bring your assignment or rough draft.
Come and learn how this ancient, multicultural practice can enhance your learning, concentration, and insight.
Receive help with sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and citations. Drop by for support from a writing assistant and bring your assignment or rough draft.
Receive help with sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and citations. Drop by for support from a writing assistant and bring your assignment or rough draft.
Receive help with sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and citations. Drop by for support from a writing assistant and bring your assignment or rough draft.
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