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The Liberal Arts College offers an intensive introduction to the humanities and the social sciences--the best that has been thought and said in history, philosophy, literature, religion, science, music, and art.
Le Collège des arts libéraux propose une introduction intensive aux sciences humaines et sociales - le meilleur de ce qui a été pensé et dit en matière d'histoire, de philosophie, de littérature, de religion, de science, de musique et d'art.
Join Graduate Program Director Dr. Varda Mann-Feder to learn more about the program, gain insight on professional outcomes, and get your application questions answered.
An information session for all those interested in the study, creation, and application of writing in English. We will be discussing the three vibrant programs (English Literature, Professional Writing and Creative Writing) all housed within the Department of English at Concordia.
A Bachelor of Arts with a concentration in Economics is a tremendous asset for your education and professional future. Join us to learn more about the Economics program, course content and career paths, including the Co-op option in Economics.
This info session will introduce what studying in the Department of Theological Studies at Concordia is all about — how our courses explore everything from indigenous spirituality, to bioethics, to biblical studies, and beyond.
Do you want to make a difference in the lives of young children, youth and families? The Child Studies Program may just be the perfect fit for you! For more information, please come to one of the Virtual Information Sessions to find out how you can maximize your passion and interest to build a career that makes a difference.
Les étudiants qui y sont inscrits en Science Politique se démarquent par leur diversité et leur conscience politique. Venez à cette session pour en savoir plus sur nos programmes de premier cycle et notre variété d'options de stages.
Join our information session to learn more about this unique interdisciplinary program; geared towards students who want to effect change in their communities, society or in the political sphere.
Political Science is one of the most popular degree choices at Concordia, with a student body among the most diverse and politically aware in Canada. Come to this session to find out more about our undergraduate programs and our variety of internship options.
Join our information session to learn more about this unique interdisciplinary program; geared towards students who want to effect change in their communities, society or in the political sphere.
Do you want to make a difference in the lives of young children, youth and families? The Child Studies Program may just be the perfect fit for you! For more information, please come to one of the Virtual Information Sessions to find out how you can maximize your passion and interest to build a career that makes a difference.
Voulez-vous faire une différence dans la vie des jeunes enfants, des jeunes et des familles? Le programme < l'études de l’enfant> pourrait bien être la solution idéale pour vous! Pour plus d'informations, veuillez assister à l'une des séances d'information virtuelles pour découvrir comment vous pouvez maximiser votre passion et votre intérêt pour bâtir une carrière qui fait la différence.
Explore creating your academic plan to include studying current world issues from an Irish and EU perspective in many disciplines, all in one degree. Access unique benefits: $5,000 Entrance Scholarships, study grants to Ireland, annual tuition awards and more.
Détenir un baccalauréat ès arts spécialisé en économie vous procurera de précieux avantages, tant dans votre parcours de formation que dans votre cheminement professionnel. Apprenez-en plus sur le programme de sciences économiques, le contenu des cours, les possibilités de carrière et l’option coop.
Explorez la création de votre plan académique pour inclure l'étude des enjeux mondiaux actuels sous une perspective irlandaise et de l'UE dans diverses disciplines, le tout dans un seul diplôme. Accédez à des avantages uniques : bourses d'entrée de 5 000 $, subventions d'études en Irlande, prix annuels de scolarité et plus encore.
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