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PhD in Business Administration

Tuition & aid

We are proud to provide our new PhD students with guaranteed funding for the first 5 years. This amount comes from a variety of sources (scholarships, donor grants, etc.) and teaching activities. In addition, the cost of living in Montreal is significantly lower than in most other large North American cities.


There are many different sources for funding for PhD students throughout their time in the program. Please see the information below to learn more.

New – A guaranteed funding of $ 100,000 for 5 years + Tuition fee waiver for the first 3 years

Overall description

The John Molson School of Business and Concordia University provide a funding to all newly admitted PhD candidates for a period of five years. The total value of this funding exceeds $115,000 for the Canadian students ($150,000 for the international students), detailed as follows. All fundings are conditional to good academic standing, which includes being compliant with the standard timeline.

Tuition fee waiver

Any admitted candidate benefits from a total fee waiver (corresponding to approximatively $8,000 for Canadian candidates and to approximatively $46,000 for international students, subject to annual regulatory changes) during their first three years.

Financial support for conferences and doctoral consortium

Grants are available for doctoral students during their first five years of the PhD program, to assist them with conference travel (maximum of $1,200 per fiscal year) or to attend a doctoral consortium (500$ once), in addition to a possibility to apply for funding from the School of Graduate Studies (between $250-$1,000 per term for 5 years).

Guaranteed funding

Doctoral students receive a total of $100,000 guaranteed funding for the five first years, corresponding to approximatively $20,000 per year. This amount includes from a variety of sources (scholarships, donors grants, etc.) and teaching activities (100 hours of teaching assistantships per year during the first three years, teaching one course and 50 hours teaching assistantships per year during years four and five). This funding covers the estimated annual expenses for a student living in Montreal.

Additional funding

Doctoral students are encouraged to apply to competitive external grants such as SSHRC, CHIR, NSERC, etc. and to competitive internal awards (calls issued by John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, School of Graduate Studies, etc.).

Doctoral students could also receive additional funding for research assistantships or additional teaching tasks.

Non Accumulation Rule

Students will receive partial guaranteed funding in certain cases that include but are not limited to:

  • Students who receive additional funding (internal or external awards, salaries, etc.)
  • Students who transfer course credits from a previous PhD program.
  • Students who receive full or partial funding from their country of origin for their studies.

Students commit to declare to the PhD Office all their additional sources of funding, whether obtained at Concordia University or elsewhere.

Each year entrance scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis. The number and amounts vary depending on the availability of funds. 

Every year the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) offers many Fellowships and Awards to graduate students. Visit the SGS graduate funding web page for more information.

Many graduate students receive support in the form of a stipend paid by a faculty member holding a research grant. If you are interested in a Research Assistantship position please speak to professors in your department.

John Molson School of Business typically allocates funds annually to individual departments for teaching assistants, markers, lab demonstrators, conference leaders, etc. Contact professors in your department for details.

This is a grant to assist PhD students with conference travel. Funding is available to a maximum of $1,200 per fiscal year (May 1 to April 30). Students must apply for this funding a minimum of one month prior to the date of travel. To allow equitable allocation of the travel funds available, conference attendance should be planned, and support requested, well in advance of the trip. Please note that the University does not fund more than one author (sole presenter) from university funds,

This award is not intended to fully fund the cost of the conference travel, but rather to help defray some of the cost. All applications must comply with the travel policies of the University. More details (e.g. allowable expenses, per diem rates) can be found in the Travel Handbook.


Students must be registered in the PhD in Business Administration program and must be within the first five years of their program and considered in good standing. This award is not applicable to students who have graduated.

Please submit the following documents by email to Dolores Mosquera, administrative assistant, research and PhD program, at

  1. Letter of acceptance from the conference organizer indicating the complete name of the conference and the title of the paper
  2. Names of co-authors, if any
  3. Letter of Support from the supervisor indicating the importance of the conference (to be sent to the Program Office)
  4. Budget: Details of travel expenses to be incurred for presentation at the conference. Please list all allowable expenses in a single table with column titles: Item, Total amount (estimated or actual), Amount to be charged to JMSB, Amount covered by other sources (e.g., supervisor), Remainder-out-of-pocket. Possible expenses include conference registration fee, flight, accommodations (include number of days), meals per diem (include number of days), etc.


After the conference, log into your CU Account, click the UNITY link, go to "My Expense Report" and proceed. Please ensure that your expense report claim includes the following: all original receipts, proof of funding approval from the Graduate Program Director, boarding passes, travel receipts, conference program featuring your presentation time and paper title, hotel receipts, meal receipts and conference registration. The expense report must be submitted within 10 days after the conference has ended. If you have any questions or concerns about your expense reports, contact

The purpose of this grant is to help students, together with their faculty supervisor, achieve their thesis research objectives. Funding is available up to a maximum of $3,500 per student.

Review the CASA Fund Grants to Faculty to Assist PhD Student Research [PDF, 181kb] information document (with submission deadlines) and complete the application form.

This is a grant to assist PhD students with the cost of attending a consortium. Funding is available to a maximum of $500 once during their first five years of the PhD Program. 

In order to allow for processing time, the application must be received a minimum of one month prior to the date of the workshop. A limited amount of funding is available for PhD in Business Administration students. To allow equitable allocation of the funds available, attendance should be planned, and support requested, well in advance of the trip.

This award is not intended to fully fund the cost of the consortium, but rather to help defray some of the cost. All applications must comply with the travel policies of the University. More details (e.g., allowable expenses, per diem rates) can be found in the Travel Handbook.


Students must be registered in the PhD in Business Administration program and must be within the first five years of their program and considered in good standing. This award is not applicable to students who have graduated.

Please submit the following documents by email to Dolores Mosquera, administrative assistant, research and PhD program, at

  1. Documentation regarding acceptance to the consortium, organizers and location.
  2. Stage of progress in the PhD program, indicating entry date and expected time to completion.
  3. Letter of support from your supervisor.
  4. Please list all allowable expenses in a single table with column titles: Item, Total amount (estimated or actual), Amount to be charged to JMSB, Amount covered by other sources (e.g., supervisor), Remainder-out-of-pocket. Possible expenses include conference registration fee, flight, accommodations (include number of days), meals per diem (include number of days), etc.

After the conference, log into your CU Account, click the UNITY link, go to "My Expense Report" and proceed. Please ensure that your expense report claim includes the following: all original receipts, proof of funding approval from the Graduate Program Director, boarding passes, travel receipts, conference program featuring your presentation time and paper title, hotel receipts, meal receipts and conference registration. The expense report must be submitted within 10 days after the conference has ended. If you have any questions or concerns about your expense reports, contact

Tuition & fees

Visit Concordia's tuition & fees section to calculate tuition & fees, see deadlines, and learn how fees are billed.

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