Graduate funding
Students may receive funding in many forms, as fellowships, teaching assistantships, grants and scholarships.
MA in Fim and Moving Image Studies
The Government of Quebec's announced changes to the tuition structure do not affect students enrolling in the MA thesis stream.
The Program is committed to providing scholarships–awarded on a competitive basis–to incoming students. We offer a series of bursars, tuition-waivers, and Teaching Assistanships which, beyond the monetary compensation, also provide young scholars with a unique opportunity to actively participate in undergraduate teaching. Moreover, many of our faculty members holds research funds which allow them to hire ad hoc Research Assistants for specific projects such as bibliographical research, translations, editing, web-development, etc.
The program is able to offer fellowships ranging from $2,000 to $20,000 per year, as well as Teaching Assistantships and Research Assistantships to incoming students on competitive basis.
Canadian applicants are strongly encouraged to seek out doctoral fellowships from the Social Sciences and Humanties Research Counsel of Canada (SSHRC).
Québec residents can also seek doctoral fellowships from Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC)
Note: Students must apply for these external funds in the Fall months preceding their application to the MA program.
MFA in Cinematic Arts
Th Government of Quebec's announced changes to the tuition structure do not affect students enrolling in the MFA Cinematic Arts.
Financial support is available to qualified candidates in the form of University Fellowships and Scholarships. These awards are competitive and based on recommendations by the faculty. Students who have not received significant funding from fellowships or awards are eligible for paid Teaching or Lab Assistantships, Production and Research Grants.
Bolstered by one of the largest undergraduate film programs in Canada, MHSoC offers ample opportunity for teaching experience. Teaching Assistantships provide graduate students with training in teaching a wide variety of courses and studio practices. In addition, the School reserves a limited number of courses to be taught, or co-taught, by graduate students. These are generally given to students in their second year of study on a competitive basis. Graduate students who receive teaching assignments are paid in accordance with the University Part-Time Faculty Association Collective Agreement.
The Susan Pigott Fellowship was established for the purpose of encouraging and rewarding an Undergraduate or Graduate student enrolled in Concordia University’s Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema. This award is for Indigenous candidates who are also residents of Canada.
PhD in Film and Moving Image Studies
The Government of Quebec's announces changes to the tuition structure do not affect PhD students.
The PhD program offers merit-based fellowships and provides many opportunities for teaching in the undergraduate BFA program in Film Studies. Many students are also offered opportunities to collaborate with faculty members as research assistants. The PhD program has a very high success rate in obtaining doctoral scholarships from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada and Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FQR-SC).
All PhD students in our program recieve on average $20,000 per year (for four years of study).
Incoming students who receive major external awards (SSHRC or FQR-SC) will be offered top-up funding valued at $10,000 from the School of Graduate Studies.
Inquiries about other funding opportunities may be directed to Concordia’s School of Graduate Studies.
Students who are planning to apply to the PhD program are advised to consider external funding opportunities prior to program’s application deadlines:
- Canadian residents: SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship (application deadline: October, for details please consult the Social Sciences and Humanties Research Counsel of Canada website)
- Quebec residents: FQR-SC Doctoral Fellowship (application deadline: October, please consult the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) website)
- International applicants: SSHRC Vanier Doctoral Fellowship (application deadline: September. Please contact the PhD program in Film and Moving Image Studies the summer prior to application to be nominated.)
Other funding
Find out more about Student Aid programs, Graduate Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries.