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Campus Safety and Prevention Services

Formerly known as Campus Security and Emergency Services

Campus Safety and Prevention Services

Formerly known as Campus Security and Emergency Services

Fire prevention

Fire remains an important threat for University buildings and its occupants. Concordia strives to maintain a fire safe environment, but everyone has a role to play in fire prevention.

Key fire prevention actions:

  • If you smell smoke or an unusual odour, report it to security by calling 514-848-3717 or 3717.
  • When you hear the building fire alarm all building occupants must safely stop all activity and evacuate the building.
  • Be fire safe in you offices and labs and at home, learn more below.
Before conducting any activity that involves an open flame, cutting or grinding metal, heating or that can produce smoke or dust, you are required to fill out a fire prevention form and consult the Hot work or "Travail à chaud" information page.

Space heaters

Space heaters should only be used as a last resort.  If your office area is unusually cold, notify Facilities Management by calling 2400.

If a space heater is required;

  • Only ULC and CSA approved space heaters are permitted for use in university buildings.
  • Space heaters must never be left on unattended.
  • Make sure your space heater is functionning properly. If unsure, contact Facilities Mangement at 2400 to get your space heater inspected.

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Electrical outlets & extension cords

Overloaded electrical outlets or circuits are a significant fire risk and must be avoided.

Before purchasing, utilizing or installing new equipment and increasing the demand on wall outlets and/or electrical circuits, you should call Facilities Management at 2400.  

If you must use an electrical extension cord or power bar, ensure that it is:

  • ULC or CSA approved and in good condition. 
    • With integrated circuit breaker for power bars.
  • Never  run under a carpet or pinched under/between heavy furniture. 
  • Not warm or overheating. 

In case of overheating an electrical outlet, unplug the cord and call Facilities Management at 2400.

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Hot work

If you are planning any of the following activities, you must obtain prior authorizations by completing the online fire prevention form

  • welding, 
  • soldering,
  • cutting, 
  • brazing, 
  • grinding and drilling metal, 
  • heating with a torch,
  • using candles, 
  • using smoke-producing machines,
  • using plate warmers,
  • cooking in locations without appropriate ventilation.

For more information, see the section on Hot work.

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Storage of combustible material (paper, cardboard, etc.)

Quantities of combustible material such as paper, cardboard, unnecessary furniture and other flammable materials must be kept at a minimum, and stored in appropriate locations.

Combustible materials must be stored at least 6-12 inches from any heat source including fixed heaters, space heaters, water heaters, furnaces, and electrical panels. 

Never store any objects in stairwells or near emergency exits that may prevent or impede the emergency evacuation of building occupants.

Flammable or reactive materials

Furthermore, Concordia employees, students, and visitors are prohibited from bringing any flammable or explosive items into university buildings. The storage, distribution and manipulation of flammable, explosive or reactive chemicals must be conducted in accordance with the policy for the management of hazardous materials VPS-47.

Contact facilities Management by calling 2400 to have any unnecessary and excess furniture removed from you're work space.

Contact EH&S by calling 4877 to have any unnecessary and/or unused hazardous materials removed from your laboratory.

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Stairwells, exit doors and evacuation routes

Keep escape and evacuation routes clear.

Corridors, exits and stairs are escape and evacuation routes in a fire and other emergencies. Storage in corridors, exits and stairs is strictly prohibited. This includes temporary, short term, long term or spillover from offices, laboratories, classrooms, and shipping and receiving areas.

Fire doors (doors in fire separations) are generally self-closing. Blocking, propping, or wedging these doors in the open position at any time is prohibited.

Designated emergency exit doors are to be readily opened from the inside at all times, and are not permitted to be locked, chained, blocked, or barred to prevent exiting at any time.

Bicycles are not permitted within university buildings or in exterior locations where they may impair the use of stairways, access ramps or exit doors. A locked bicycle in any of these locations poses a serious threat to the safety of building occupants and is a violation of the Municipal Fire Code regulations.

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Posters and banners

Banners may only be placed in pre-determined locations and must be made of fire-resistant material or treated with fire retardant.

Any posters or banners placed in unauthorized areas or that do not adhere to University guidelines on posters and banners will be removed.

For more information on the university guidelines for banners and posters, consult the Dean of Students posting guidelines [PDF].

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Questions, comments or concerns?

Please fill out this feedback form

Have a complaint or compliment for a security agent?

Please fill out this complaint or compliment form

Report an incident to Campus Safety and Prevention Services?

Please fill out this incident report form

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