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Otsenhákta Student Centre

Help serve the needs of Indigenous students at Concordia.

The Centre

The Otsenhákta Student Centre (OSC) is an on-campus resource for First Nations, Inuit and Métis students. Otsenhákta, IPA pronunciation od͡zʌ̃ˈhɑkdɑ (O-TSEN-HAK-TA), is a Kanien'kéha word meaning “near the fire.”

The mission of the OSC is to offer a warm place where Indigenous students can find community, support and assistance by creating inclusive and culturally rich spaces for students to study when away from home. We help students succeed and achieve their highest academic potential by working with them to make the most of the many resources available at the university.

Current Funding Needs

The Centre assists Indigenous students at Concordia by offering educational and spiritual support, organizing community-building events and helping to identify and apply for scholarships and bursaries.

Your support will help expand these services, which we are now offering from our new facility in the Hall building. At the same time, you’ll help build a more equitable and inclusive future, where Indigenous Peoples and scholarship are prioritized and celebrated.

This Year's Pow Wow

On Friday, September 13, 2024, people of all nations are invited to the annual Otsenhákta Student Centre Pow Wow. Come to the Loyola Campus Quad Space, and celebrate the success of current, past and future First Nations, Inuit and Métis students at Concordia.

There are three parking spots near the Quad that are accessible for attendees with reduced mobility. Children are welcome.

Help serve the needs of Indigenous students at Concordia.  

514-848-2424, ext. 3884 or 1-888-777-3330

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