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CAPS online job bank

Find full-time work, part-time work, summer jobs and internships in your field. Employers post more than 300 positions each month for both current students and alumni.

Access the CAPS Job Bank

  • Visit the Student Success Centre portal. Login using your netname and password on the "Students" tab. 
  • Carefully read and accept the Terms of Service for Student Success Centre.
  • Click on "Job Postings" under “CAPS” in the menu.

Need help?

Contact us by phone at 514-848-2424, ext. 7345 or email at

Disclaimer: Career Advising and Professional Success (CAPS) at Concordia University does not pre-screen employers or endorse their products or services. Applicants for any job postings, advertised through CAPS are responsible for ascertaining and verifying the terms and conditions of employment including the nature of the work, the hours of work and duration of employment, the amount and type of remuneration (salary, hourly wage, etc.) schedule of payment, and any cost to the employee associated with the employment (e.g. purchase of equipment, travel expenses, etc.).

Contact us

Career Advising and Professional Success (CAPS)

514-848-2424, ext. 7345

Career Counselling and Educational Transitions (CCET)

514-848-2424, ext. 7345


Sir George Williams Campus
Room H-745

Loyola Campus
Room AD-103

Office hours

Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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