Learning Specialists
Learning specialists offer workshops and individual appointments to help you learn strategically and study effectively.
Get help with:
- reading
- writing
- note-taking
- problem solving in math, science and engineering
- preparing for and taking exams
- strategic test-taking
- managing your time (stop by our weekly drop-ins!)
- learning in a second language
- preparing oral presentations
Make an appointment
Appointments are available online, at Sir George Williams Campus (H-745) and at Loyola Landing (AD-103).
Select your preferred location to start, and then select “Learning specialist appointments.” If you need help with math-based (problem-solving) courses in math, business or engineering, select "Math and Engineering Learning Specialist."
If no appointments are available, you can drop by the Student Service Station, online!
Cancelling or being late for your appointment
You can cancel or reschedule by clicking the link in your appointment confirmation or reminder emails.
If you will be late to your appointment, please email your Learning Specialist using the information in your confirmation and reminder emails to let them know. If you are more than 20 minutes late, we may not proceed with the appointment.