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Observation Nursery

Observation Nursery

Our goal

To equip the indoor gross motor play area in the new Observation Nursery.

The Observation Nursery

The observation nursery is a facility where students and researchers from the Early Childhood and Elementary Education and Child Studies programs observe how young children learn through play and learn to communicate with parents.

In August 2015, it will move to a new location in the Grey Nuns Building, where there will be lots of space both indoors and outdoors for the children to play and for their parents to talk with one another.

Gross motor skills

Gross motor development is a critical aspect of learning, but the current indoor equipment is old and tired.

The new space demands new indoor gross motor play equipment for the children. With your help, we hope to purchase new and challenging equipment for the children including:

  • $2400 for two trestles and a balance beam ladder
  • $1300 for rock climbing wall
  • $250 for sets of gripper balls, dino balls and foam footballs
  • $100 jumpolene (kid friendly trampoline)
  • $750 for a twin spin balancing equipment
  • $175 for sensory motor kit (squeeze balls, waterlogs, balloon balls, foam tennis balls, body ball)
Observation Nursery The Observation Nursery
The old gross motor skills equipment The old gross motor skills equipment we need to replace.

Gift level ideas

All contributions are most welcome and greatly appreciated. To give you an idea of how your support can make a difference:

  • $50 covers roughly half the cost of the Jump-O-Lene
  • $30 is the average cost of a foothold on the rock climbing wall
  • $20 would provide two foam footballs

All donors will be invited to see the completed project in the late summer or early fall of 2015, and a special thank you letter from parents and children from the nursery.

FundOne questions?


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