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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather

MA Thesis and Research Paper List

The MA thesis provide an opportunity for the in-depth study of a topic in Economics, to go well beyond the scope of any specific topic covered by a lecture course. The MA thesis requires a substantial effort (typically much more than a term paper) in order to be accepted by the Department. MA theses are also published via Spectrum.

This page presents a list of research papers and theses accepted by the Department between 2019 and 2023, as well as the name of the professor who supervised the paper or thesis.

Title of paper or thesis (theses are publicly available via Spectrum) Supervisor
A Game Theoretical Analysis of the Tainted Milk Scandal in China
Szilvia Pápai
A Critical Analysis of a Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest
Effrosyni Diamantoudi
Factors affecting Housing Affordability Index: Evidence from eight Canadian cities
Christian Sigouin
How Does Major Adjustment Affect Chinese College Admissions?
Szilvia Pápai
The Impact of Racial and Educational Composition of the Labour Force on the Gender Wage Gap
Damba Lkhagvasuren
Impact of Rental Controls on the Housing Quality Across the Canadian Provinces
Christian Sigouin
Income, Inequality, and Households's Emissions: An Assessment of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in Canada Xintong Han
The Labor Market Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada
Christian Sigouin
Military Expenditure and External Debt in North Africa Christian Sigouin
US Fiscal Policy and External Positions Paul Gomme

Title of paper or thesis (theses are publicly available via Spectrum) Supervisor
Advertising and Market Concentration: the Relationship in Canada-US Context Ming Li
Comparative Efficiency: A One-Step Stochastic Model Approach Prosper Dovonon
Comparing Contemporary Estimation Methods of Gravity Model of Trade Paul Gomme
Comparison Between the TTC and DA Mechanisms and the Case of New Orleans School Choice Szilvia Pápai
Cooperation in International Environmental Agreements and the Role of Trade Sanctions and Transfers - A Game Theoretical Approach Szilvia Pápai
COVID 19: Impact of business restrictions and vaccinations on labour market outcomes in Canada Jorgen Hansen
COVID-19 Vaccination in Ontario: An Economic Design Perspective Szilvia Pápai
Does Financial Market Volatility Impact the Economics Growth?: Case of the United States Jan Victor Dee
Education and Crime: An Empirical Study From the United States Xintong Han
The Effects of Current and Past Health Status on Wages Damba Lkhagvasuren
Efficient Blood Exchange: Multiple-Way Exchange of Pet Blood Transfusion Szilvia Pápai
Evaluating the Decentralized Admission System in Canadian Universities Szilvia Pápai
The Housing Affordability Problem of Tenant Households in Canada Christian Sigouin
Minimum Wage Increase and Employment of Older Workers: Evidence From Canada Jan Victor Dee
Regional Differences in Price Levels Across Canadian Provinces and Their Implication Christian Sigouin
The Relationship Between Remittances, Economics Growth, and Development: Evidence from a Cross-Section of African Countries Christian Sigouin
Ukraine’s crisis in 2022 through the lens of game theory Szilvia Pápai

Title of paper Supervisor
Analysis and Comparison of Solid Waste Generation Characteristics in Ontario and British Columbia Effrosyni Diamantoudi
The Wage gap amongst Immigrants in Canada: Quebec and Rest of Canada Jorgen Hansen
A Game Theoretic Study of Soccer Szilvia Pápai
Canada ZEV Subsidy Policy Effect on ZEV Sales Jan Victor Dee
Covid-19 and Labour Market Outcomes of Native and Immigrant Workers of Canada Jorgen Hansen
Declining Indian Female Labour Force Participation: Is Health Responsible? Panos Margaris
Measuring Systemic Stress in Jamaica Paul Gomme
The Inner Mongolia College Admissions Mechanism: Procedures and Shortcomings
Szilvia Pápai
Limitations of the NRMP Algorithm and Possible Solutions Szilvia Pápai
Economic Design for Matching Amateur Football Players to Clubs Szilvia Pápai
Economic Analysis of Selling Through Influencers Szilvia Pápai

Title of paper Supervisor
Environmental Policy Game: A game among federal, Quebec's and Ontario's governments Effrosyni Diamantoudi
Governance and Environmental Performance: An International Analysis Effrosyni Diamantoudi
Educational Progression of Two Generations of American Youths: A Probabilistic and Data-Driven Inference Prosper Dovonon
The Effect of Institutional Ownership on Firm Performance Prosper Dovonon
A multi-factor model for the Canadian stock market Prosper Dovonon
An Empirical Analysis of the Sheepskin Effect in Education Returns in China Paul Gomme
Inducing Stationarity in Small Open Economy Models Paul Gomme
Re-Opening Small Open Economics Paul Gomme
Replication in Monetary Policy, Gali & Monacelli (2005) Paul Gomme
Air Pollution and the Canadian Real Estate Market: Addressing Regressor Endogeneity using Meteorological Data Xintong Han
Analysis of the Urban Rural Income Gap in Canada Jorgen Hansen
The Effect of the Working Income Tax Benefit on Lone Mothers' Labor Supply Jorgen Hansen
Income Inequality Between Canadian Born and Immigrant Workers Jorgen Hansen
Distributional Impact of Canada's Tax-Free Savings Account Tatyana Koreshkova
Investigating the effects of nursing homes quality on covid- 19 outcomes Tatyana Koreshkova
Staffing Quality in Long Term Care Facilities and Covid-19 Infections in Residents Tatyana Koreshkova
The Effects of Land Transfer on Credit Constraint of Rural Households in China Ming Li
A Study of the Ride-Hailing Industry in China Ming Li
Urbanization and Environmental Pollution: A Case of Guangzhou Ming Li
The Impact of Retirement Age on Youth Employment: Evidence from Chinese Labour Market Data Damba Lkhagvasuren
Auctions versus Negotiation in eCommerce Dipjyoti Majumdar
Crowdsourcing provision of a public good Dipjyoti Majumdar
On Black-White Differences in Quebec Educational Attainments and Earnings James McIntosh
ATM pricing and location games in the retail banking industry Szilvia Pápai
The Airplane Manufacturing Duopoly: A Game-Theoretic Perspective Szilvia Pápai
Coalition Formation Games in the Italian Republic
Szilvia Pápai
Challenges of Free Trade: The Role of Hegemony and the Prisoner's Dilemma Szilvia Pápai
Combinatorial round table problem under dichotomous preferences Szilvia Pápai
A Game Theoretic Analysis of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Szilvia Pápai
The Social Credit System in China, A Game Theory Analysis Szilvia Pápai

Title of paper Supervisor
Canadian Water Governance: From Fragmentation to Harmonization Effrosyni Diamantoudi
The Environment in the MENA Region Effrosyni Diamantoudi
Income Inequality in Canada: A Descriptive Analysis of Changes to the Middle Class

J. Hansen and
D. Lkhagvasuren

Structural Estimates of Schooling Decisions: School and Labour Market Utility Jorgen Hansen
Why Don't People Vote: Explanations Using Econometeric Models Jorgen Hansen
Determinants of Nursing Home Prices: A California Case Study Tatyana Koreshkova
The World Environmental Kuznets Curve Tatyana Koreshkova
Protect the Innocent: Individual and Group Behaviour in a Jury Ming Li
Public Policy Design and the Dilemma of Corruption; A Theoretical Approach Ming Li
Immigrants and the Gender Gap in the USA Damba Lkhagvasuren
The Impact of Unemployment Benefits on Unemployment Duration in the USA from 2016 to 2018 Damba Lkhagvasuren
A Study on Institutional Racism in Canada James McIntosh
An Application of Game Theory to the "Wedding in the Mountains" Military Operation Szilvia Pápai
Co-op Matching System at Concordia University (Compass) Szilvia Pápai
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