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Course withdrawal before the DNE or the DISC deadlines

If you are considering dropping a course or courses, review the information on the DNE and DISC web page to understand the difference between the DNE and the DISC deadlines.

When deciding to withdraw from a course, consider the information below as it may apply to your academic situation and can help you make an informed decision.

  • If you have completed a significant amount of coursework, consider alternative options that may allow you to finish the course. For example, you may be eligible to apply for an accommodation such as a short-term absence, MED, DEF or INC course notation.
  • Some financial aid is contingent upon registration in a certain number of credits per term. If you are considering dropping a course before the DNE or the DISC deadline and are concerned about losing your financial aid, contact or your funding agency to confirm the conditions of your funding.
  • International students are required to maintain a full-time course load during the fall and the winter terms. If you are considering dropping a course before the DNE deadline, please e-mail to confirm if it is the right option for you.

If you are certain that dropping a course is the best option for you, make sure to verify that the drop transaction was properly processed in your My CU Account.

If you are experiencing a technical issue with your My CU Account, contact the IITS team at and ask for help so that you don’t miss the drop deadline.

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