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How to meet with your ISO advisor

Who is your ISO advisor?

Each international student has been assigned their very own ISO advisor. Your ISO advisor will assist you with all ISO-related matters from getting settled to understanding your health insurance plan to applying for or renewing your study-related immigration documents.

Who's your advisor? If your Concordia University student ID#:

  • ends with 0 or 1, your advisor is Anna Nigoghosian
  • ends with 2 or 3, your advisor is Brenda Brisson
  • ends with 4 or 5, your advisor is Daniel Giglio
  • ends with 6 or 7, your advisor is Farooq Shaikh
  • ends with 8 or 9, your advisor is Tatiana Gomez

For example, if your Concordia University student ID# is 87654321, then your advisor is Anna; if your Concordia University ID# is 12345678, your advisor is Tatiana Gomez; and so on.

If you are a prospective student and do not have a Concordia University student ID#, please feel free to join any Virtual drop-in session since you have not yet been assigned an ISO advisor.

You can meet with your ISO advisor:

  • In-person drop-ins (GM 330)
  • Virtual drop-ins (via Zoom)

Meet your ISO advisor this week

Virtual advising: when you select your advisor's Zoom link, you will be put in a waiting room for that specific advisor. You will be called once it is your turn. Please make sure to rename yourself with your Concordia student ID# while you wait and to select your specific ISO advisor.

Remember: if your advisor is unavailable both online or in-person, you can meet with another advisor.

The schedule below may change. Please refresh this page regularly.


  In-person (GM 330) Virtual (Zoom) In-person (GM 330) Virtual (Zoom)
  9:30 am to 12:30 pm 9:30 am to 11:30 am 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
  • Daniel
  • Farooq
  • Daniel
  • Daniel
  • Farooq
  • Tatiana
  • Anna
  • Daniel
  • Farooq

ISO operating hours

The ISO is open 9:00am - 5:00pm from Monday to Friday.


All efforts have been made to ensure that the information on this page is as accurate and up-to-date as possible, including the ISO advisors availabilities.

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