Today's events
Are you starting your first Teaching Assistant contract or want a refresher? Do you want to know more about what to expect and how to thrive in your role?
This training is open to all students but offered especially for students entering in Winter 2025 who must complete mandatory training. The deadline for completion is Friday, February, 21, 2025. The training provided in this workshop is preventive in nature and explores the basics of sexual violence. A definition and examples of sexual violence is offered, along with discussion about power dynamics and cultural aspects being root causes of sexual violence. Participants will explore concepts of consent, bystander intervention, and supporting survivors, with particular focus on information and tools for action. Throughout the workshop, participants will engage in discussion about these concepts along with compelling scenarios to aid in understanding the nuances of sexual violence and consent.
This training is offered by GradProSkills. It is only open to current graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. Get valuable tips to navigate LinkedIn and learn its basic features, helping you build a standout profile that attracts recruiters. Discover practical tips to highlight key skills and experience tailored to your field, leaving a lasting impression.
Do you want to learn how to communicate your thesis compellingly and clearly? Participating in the Concordia Three Minute Thesis and Ma thèse en 180 secondes (3MT & MT180) Competition is a perfect opportunity to receive individual coaching to improve your public speaking skills and communicate your work effectively.
In this hands-on workshop, you’ll be given a template to practice the beginner fundamentals of excel and follow along with the facilitator.
Upcoming events
Are you starting your first Teaching Assistant contract or want a refresher? Do you want to know more about what to expect and how to thrive in your role?
Le Collège des arts libéraux propose une introduction intensive aux sciences humaines et sociales - le meilleur de ce qui a été pensé et dit en matière d'histoire, de philosophie, de littérature, de religion, de science, de musique et d'art.
Pop into our online Student Service Station via Zoom every Wednesday from 11:30-12:30: a one-stop shop to ask questions!
Learn how to submit a strong graduate application.
Empower yourself with the tools needed for effective communication and learn how to convey ideas and share your knowledge to diverse audiences.
Multilevel Assessment of the Role of Moisture and Temperature in ASR-induced Expansion and Deterioration
Join Graduate Program Director Dr. Varda Mann-Feder to learn more about the program, gain insight on professional outcomes, and get your application questions answered.
Les populaires majeures en études féminines et en études interdisciplinaires en sexualité de Concordia sont hébergées à l'Institut Simone de Beauvoir (SdBI), l'un des nombreux collèges de Concordia qui offre des classes à effectif réduit et une variété d'occasions d'apprentissage en milieu communautaire. Le SdBI abrite la seule bibliothèque féministe du Québec. Nos salles de réunion récemment rénovées et à la fine pointe de la technologie, notre salon étudiant accessible et notre soutien académique par des pairs et des professeurs compétents sont conçus pour favoriser l'épanouissement de nos étudiants et des membres de la communauté. Il existe également une association étudiante très active.
Concordia’s popular majors in Women’s Studies and Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality are housed at the Simone de Beauvoir Institute (SdBI), one of several colleges at Concordia that offers small-classes and a variety of community-based learning opportunities. The SdBI is home to Quebec’s only feminist library. Our recently renovated and state-of-the-art student meeting rooms, accessible student lounge, and knowledgeable peer and faculty academic support are designed to foster the growth of our students and community members. There is also a highly active student association.
Do you want to improve your English? Are you looking for resources to help support your written and spoken grammar?
Positionality, also called “social location”, is the concept that our perspectives are based on our place in society. It recognizes that where you stand in relation to others shapes what we can see and understand. This workshop will ask participants to consider how their social location impacts their understanding of those with whom they work and teach.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your reading skills and improve your grades!
An information session for all those interested in the study, creation, and application of writing in English. We will be discussing the three vibrant programs (English Literature, Professional Writing and Creative Writing) all housed within the Department of English at Concordia.
A Bachelor of Arts with a concentration in Economics is a tremendous asset for your education and professional future. Join us to learn more about the Economics program, course content and career paths, including the Co-op option in Economics.
Math Learning Specialist, Dr. Haleh Raissadat, will demonstrate strategies to help you identify your challenges with your course, learn effective problem-solving techniques, and build the confidence you need to excel.
This workshop is designed to help participants examine their personal values and biases and learn to interact respectfully and effectively with Indigenous peoples.
This workshop is designed to help participants examine their personal values and biases and learn to interact respectfully and effectively with Indigenous Peoples.
We’ll explore why motivation alone often isn’t enough and how small, consistent changes can reprogram habits for the long term.
This info session will introduce what studying in the Department of Theological Studies at Concordia is all about — how our courses explore everything from indigenous spirituality, to bioethics, to biblical studies, and beyond.
Want to learn more about our programs and what it's like to study at Concordia? Virtual Discovery Day is your chance to ask questions about admissions, life on our two campuses and living in Montreal. We'll tell you everything you need to know to decide if Concordia is right for you!
This EAP lunchtime seminar will focus on how to prioritize time and energy to balance competing work and family demands.
PhD Career Connect is comprised of weekly, 2-hour workshops that span 12 weeks from March 11 to May 27. This is followed by a 2-day networking conference on June 2-3 with mentors and employers.
Au sein du département des religions et des cultures, les étudiants étudient les histoires et les cultures religieuses complexes des sociétés humaines du monde entier (y compris l'Amérique du Nord aujourd'hui) à travers diverses approches de l'expérience humaine vécue, de l'expression littéraire et artistique, de la culture populaire, du genre et de la sexualité. Au cours de cette session, nous pourrons discuter de ce qu'un parcours académique en Religions et Cultures pourrait impliquer pour votre expérience universitaire et votre avenir.
In this hands-on workshop, you’ll be given a template to practice the beginner fundamentals of excel and follow along with the facilitator.
Pop into our online Student Service Station via Zoom every Wednesday from 11:30-12:30: a one-stop shop to ask questions!
Find out how to earn the CFA and MBA designations simultaneously.
In the Department of Religions and Cultures students examine the complex religious histories and cultures of human societies around the world (including North America today) through diverse approaches to lived human experience, literary and artistic expression, popular culture, and gender and sexuality. In this session, we can discuss what an academic path in Religions and Cultures could entail for your university experience and future.
This training is open to all students but offered especially for students entering in Winter 2025 who must complete mandatory training. The deadline for completion is Friday, February, 21, 2025. The training provided in this workshop is preventive in nature and explores the basics of sexual violence. A definition and examples of sexual violence is offered, along with discussion about power dynamics and cultural aspects being root causes of sexual violence. Participants will explore concepts of consent, bystander intervention, and supporting survivors, with particular focus on information and tools for action. Throughout the workshop, participants will engage in discussion about these concepts along with compelling scenarios to aid in understanding the nuances of sexual violence and consent.
Join Concordia Jurist-in-Residence, Morton S. Minc, as he welcomes University of Ottawa Law Professor Karen Eltis, one of Canada’s leading experts in the impact of new technologies on democratic governance, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.
Do you want to make a difference in the lives of young children, youth and families? The Child Studies Program may just be the perfect fit for you! For more information, please come to one of the Virtual Information Sessions to find out how you can maximize your passion and interest to build a career that makes a difference.
Do you want to improve your English? Are you looking for resources to help support your written and spoken grammar?
Les étudiants qui y sont inscrits en Science Politique se démarquent par leur diversité et leur conscience politique. Venez à cette session pour en savoir plus sur nos programmes de premier cycle et notre variété d'options de stages.
Que signifient exactement les « études en communication » et les « études culturelles »? Participez à notre séance d’information pour découvrir comment les étudiants et professeurs explorent les médias, la culture et la société, accèdent à des ressources uniques et vivent leur quotidien au sein de ces programmes passionnants.
Le Département d'études françaises de l'Université Concordia est un département multidisciplinaire où sont représentés trois secteurs : la langue et la linguistique, les littératures de langue française et la traduction vers le français et vers l'anglais. Nous offrons des cours et des programmes riches et variés dans ces trois domaines.
In this interactive webinar, chartered real-estate broker Amy Assad will answer your questions and will provide expert tips and actionable advice on navigating Montreal’s dynamic real-estate landscape.
In this all-in-one course, you'll learn the basics of programming and be introduced to the RStudio interface.
This interactive and engaging workshop is designed to equip you with effective study strategies tailored specifically for math and problem-solving courses.
What is “Communication Studies,” exactly, and what does “Cultural Studies” mean? Join us to explore how students and professors investigate media, culture, and society, access unique resources, and navigate everyday life in these exciting programs.
Looking to acquire transferable skills in a unique summer opportunity?
Cette session d'information présentera ce que sont les études au Département d'études théologiques de Concordia.
Cette session d'information présentera ce que sont les études au Département d'études théologiques de Concordia - comment nos cours explorent tout, de la spiritualité indigène à la bioéthique, en passant par les études bibliques, et plus encore. Nous passerons en revue les options de programme qui s'offrent aux étudiants et ce à quoi pourrait ressembler leur cheminement universitaire. Nous aurons l'occasion de poser des questions et de discuter.
For Arts and Science students: This one-hour session will inform you of potential steps that you can take to get into your first choice program.
Join our information session to learn more about this unique interdisciplinary program; geared towards students who want to effect change in their communities, society or in the political sphere.
In this workshop, we will use Python, a very popular, powerful, yet simple programming language to discuss and demonstrate foundational coding concepts.
Political Science is one of the most popular degree choices at Concordia, with a student body among the most diverse and politically aware in Canada. Come to this session to find out more about our undergraduate programs and our variety of internship options.
Led by Mike Barcomb, Educational Technologist. Meets monthly to discuss the role of generative AI in the university classroom. New members are welcome.
Le Département d'études françaises de l'Université Concordia est un département multidisciplinaire où sont représentés trois secteurs : la langue et la linguistique, les littératures de langue française et la traduction vers le français et vers l'anglais. Nous offrons des cours et des programmes riches et variés dans ces trois domaines.
Join us and take your exam skills to the next level!
Enhancing Conflict Resolution in the TRIZ Method Using ATDM
Plagiarism at the undergraduate level is a serious academic offence! The university and your professors do not take it lightly even if you plagiarize inadvertently.
Zotero is a free and open-source bibliography builder that helps you collect, organize, cite, and share your research. Create reference lists in APA, MLA and other formats and organize your citations with tags and collections. Anyone can get a Zotero account for free and this workshop will tell you everything you need to know to get started. Before attending the workshop, please install Zotero and set up your free account (PDF instructions).
In this hands-on workshop you will learn how to use Zotero, a desktop and web-based tool that you can use to organize the references you find in library catalogues and databases, insert citations in your papers, and prepare bibliographies or reference lists quickly and effectively, in a wide variety of citation styles (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago, et cetera).
Join our information session to learn more about this unique interdisciplinary program; geared towards students who want to effect change in their communities, society or in the political sphere.
Les percées en physique ont révolutionné la réflexion sur les fondements de la matière, du mouvement et de l'énergie. La physique est l'étude de ces principes fondamentaux. Le département de physique s'engage à préparer les étudiants à des carrières ou à des études avancées dans les aspects théoriques, appliqués et biologiques de la physique. Notre programme de licence propose une spécialisation en physique, axée sur des sujets modernes tels que les nanotechnologies et la physique informatique, et une spécialisation en biophysique, qui étudie les systèmes biologiques, leurs mécanismes complexes et leurs applications dans le domaine médical. Nous nous efforçons d'offrir une excellente expérience d'apprentissage dans une atmosphère conviviale et un accès facile à nos professeurs et encourageons les étudiants à travers des stages et des opportunités de recherche.
Breakthroughs in physics have revolutionized thinking about the fundamentals of matter, motion, and energy. Physics is the study of these fundamentals. The Department of Physics is committed to preparing students for careers or advanced study in the theoretical, applied, and biological aspects of physics. Our BSc program offers a Physics specialization, concentrated on modern topics such as nanotechnologies and computational physics, and a Biophysics specialization, studying biological systems, their complex mechanisms, and their applications in the medical field. We strive to offer a great learning experience with a convivial atmosphere and easy access to our professors and encourage students through internships and research opportunities.
Do you want to make a difference in the lives of young children, youth and families? The Child Studies Program may just be the perfect fit for you! For more information, please come to one of the Virtual Information Sessions to find out how you can maximize your passion and interest to build a career that makes a difference.
Voulez-vous faire une différence dans la vie des jeunes enfants, des jeunes et des familles? Le programme < l'études de l’enfant> pourrait bien être la solution idéale pour vous! Pour plus d'informations, veuillez assister à l'une des séances d'information virtuelles pour découvrir comment vous pouvez maximiser votre passion et votre intérêt pour bâtir une carrière qui fait la différence.
Pop into our online Student Service Station via Zoom every Wednesday from 11:30-12:30: a one-stop shop to ask questions!
Math Learning Specialist, Dr. Haleh Raissadat, will demonstrate strategies to help you identify your challenges with your course, learn effective problem-solving techniques, and build the confidence you need to excel.
Interested in the ancient world, languages, and what languages can reveal about the human mind? See how the Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics lets you explore in seven disciplines!
This training is offered by GradProSkills. It is only open to current graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. A successful interview can get you more job offers. Knowing how to prepare is key to your success and as the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Learn what to do before, during and after an interview so that you can be ready to ace your next interview.
Transitioning from 200-level to 300 and 400-level courses can be a significant shift. This 1-hour workshop will guide undergrad students through this crucial leap, emphasizing the move from memorization to deeper analysis.
This is an introductory workshop for students in all disciplines who wish to better understand and include Indigenous perspectives in their research. The workshop will briefly situate the university library within settler colonialism in Canada, provide context to current research on Indigenous topics and include discussions around the limits of terminology and subject classification. The instructors will guide students to recommended resources for Indigenous topics and provide an overview of research ethics guidelines.
By attending this workshop, you will benefit from strengthening your understanding related to Concordia's expectations for academic integrity and original work.
Explore creating your academic plan to include studying current world issues from an Irish and EU perspective in many disciplines, all in one degree. Access unique benefits: $5,000 Entrance Scholarships, study grants to Ireland, annual tuition awards and more.
Détenir un baccalauréat ès arts spécialisé en économie vous procurera de précieux avantages, tant dans votre parcours de formation que dans votre cheminement professionnel. Apprenez-en plus sur le programme de sciences économiques, le contenu des cours, les possibilités de carrière et l’option coop.
This workshop helps participants gain a better perspective of the many additional hats that Indigenous faculty and staff are expected to wear by their institutions and the toll that the additional workload can take on their health and well-being. The workshop will be dedicated to issues that primarily affect Indigenous faculty but that are also experienced by Indigenous staff.
Vous vous intéressez au monde antique, aux langues et à ce que les langues peuvent révéler de l'esprit humain? Découvrez comment le département des études anciennes, de langues modernes et de linguistique vous permet d'explorer sept disciplines!
We'll break down the essentials of unregistered accounts and explore the specifics of registered accounts, including RRSPs, TFSAs, HFSAs, RRIFs, RESPs, RDSPs and the Home Buyers’ Plan.
Explorez la création de votre plan académique pour inclure l'étude des enjeux mondiaux actuels sous une perspective irlandaise et de l'UE dans diverses disciplines, le tout dans un seul diplôme. Accédez à des avantages uniques : bourses d'entrée de 5 000 $, subventions d'études en Irlande, prix annuels de scolarité et plus encore.
At Concordia's Department of Psychology, students discover how the science of psychology gives us a better understanding of human nature. Our undergraduate programs offer broad-based training across the different subfields of psychology so that students learn both what psychologists have discovered and also the methods they use to make these discoveries. This info session is meant for students not currently registered at Concordia.
La sociologie et l'anthropologie examinent les processus de la vie sociale et culturelle dans diverses sociétés humaines, passées et présentes. Le département propose neuf programmes de premier cycle en sociologie et en anthropologie. Les étudiants inscrits à un programme de majeure, de spécialisation ou spécialisé peuvent également être admissibles à participer au programme coopératif. Le département propose également trois programmes d'études supérieures, deux maîtrises et un doctorat.
Sociology and Anthropology examine the processes of social and cultural life in diverse human societies, past and present. The department offers nine undergraduate programs in sociology and anthropology. Students enrolled in a major, specialization, or honours program may also be eligible to participate in the co-op program. The department also offers three graduate programs, two MAs and one PhD.
This workshop invites participants to learn about local Kanien’kehá:ka-led environmental and education initiatives that support community awareness and responsibility to restore and preserve the environment for future generations.
Through interactive examples and hands-on Python exercises, we'll demystify some basic coding concepts and unveil its real-world applications.
This crowd-sourced, community-led event will allow employees to actively participate in the learning sessions by and for Concordia staff and faculty and share information from their own experiences.
This training is open to all students but offered especially for students entering in Winter 2025 who must complete mandatory training. The deadline for completion is Friday, February, 21, 2025. The training provided in this workshop is preventive in nature and explores the basics of sexual violence. A definition and examples of sexual violence is offered, along with discussion about power dynamics and cultural aspects being root causes of sexual violence. Participants will explore concepts of consent, bystander intervention, and supporting survivors, with particular focus on information and tools for action. Throughout the workshop, participants will engage in discussion about these concepts along with compelling scenarios to aid in understanding the nuances of sexual violence and consent.
Understand the importance of effective note-taking for grad studies and discern which note-taking strategies are most effective for your learning needs.
Speaking Our Healing is a three-part workshop series that invites sexual violence survivors to engage with the power of their voice as a vehicle for healing.
This crowd-sourced, community-led event allows employees to actively participate in the learning sessions by and for Concordia staff and faculty and share information from their own experiences.
Oppression is a circumstance and a relational dynamic where certain ways of being, and certain knowledges and experiences are prioritized and privileged while others are pushed to the margins. Anti-oppression is understanding the dynamics of oppression and working against it. This workshop will provide educators and staff a space to identify the dynamics of oppression in learning and working environments to consider how they can begin working towards creating anti-oppressive classrooms and spaces.
The Département d’études françaises at Concordia University is a multidisciplinary department with three sectors: French language and linguistics, French literatures, translation from French into English, and English into French. We offer a large array of courses and programs in these three fields.
Pop into our online Student Service Station via Zoom every Wednesday from 11:30-12:30: a one-stop shop to ask questions!
Find out why the John Molson MBA offers a great ROI.
Through facilitated discussion, this workshop invites participants to investigate the compounding effects of anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism and discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender expression and identity. It also invites learners to question how the history of racism in Canada has impacted the present-day experiences of the racialized 2SLGBTQAI+ members of our communities and what we can do to advocate for racial justice and equity in our campus community and beyond.
The Département d’études françaises at Concordia University is a multidisciplinary department with three sectors: French language and linguistics, French literatures, translation from French into English, and English into French. We offer a large array of courses and programs in these three fields.
Join us for our TA drop-in sessions, an open and informal space to ask questions, share experiences, and connect with fellow TAs. The session will be facilitated by members of the Centre for Teaching and Learning.
Want to grapple with some of humanity's most significant concerns? The Department of Philosophy offers courses in the history of philosophy, ethics, social and political philosophy, philosophy of the sciences, logic, contemporary epistemology, and feminist theory, in a collegial environment. Join the Undergraduate Program Director for a discussion about Major and Minor programs and how to apply.
Au Département de psychologie de Concordia, les étudiants découvrent comment la science de la psychologie nous permet de mieux comprendre la nature humaine. Nos programmes de premier cycle offrent une formation diversifiée dans les différents sous-domaines de la psychologie, de sorte que les étudiants apprennent à la fois ce que les psychologues ont découvert et les méthodes qu'ils utilisent pour faire ces découvertes.
Voulez-vous aborder certaines des préoccupations les plus importantes de l’humanité ? Le Département de philosophie offre des cours en éthique, l’histoire de la philosophie, la philosophie sociale et politique, la philosophie des sciences, la logique, et des théories féministes, dans un environnement collégial. Découvrez les programmes du département de philosophie : majeure et mineures au 1er cycle.
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