Undergraduate research
The Biology department offers a vibrant atmosphere in which undergraduate students can perform a wide variety of research, including summer research projects, honours research projects as part of the curriculum and numerous opportunities to volunteer in a research laboratory.
BIOL 490 Honours Research Project
The link to the schedule for upcoming seminars can be found to the right of this page.
The Berti Farag Science Excellence Award
Established in 2018 through a generous donation from the Farag and Ward Foundation, the Berti Farag Science Excellence Award recognizes the student who presents the best BIOL 490 research project at the end of their bachelor's degree in Science, as determined by the faculty at Concordia University. Berti Farag was a devoted and accomplished teacher with a passion for biology. His son and daughter-in-law, through the Farag and Ward Foundation, commemorated him with the Berti Farag Science Award. We are honoured that the Farag family chose the Department of Biology at Concordia University for this generous award.
Awardees are announced in April or May and students who complete their BIOL 490 projects in the just-finished academic year, and who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents, are eligible for this award of $3000. A list of awardees is below and accessible through the foundation website. For more information contact Dr. Ian Ferguson, the BIOL 490 Coordinator.

2017-2018 Awardee
Supervisor: Michael Sacher

2018-2019 Awardee
Supervisor: Christopher Brett

2019-2020 Awardee
Supervisor: J-P Lessard

2020-2021 Awardee
Supervisor: Christopher Brett

2021-2022 Awardee
Supervisors: Elena Kuzmin and Jamal Daoud (Galenvs)

2022-2023 Awardee
Supervisor: Michael Sacher
Research Award Opportunities
Students may be elligible for a number of awards that provide a stipend in order to undertake a research project in one of the laboratories within the department. Current opportunities and deadlines will be listed below.
(none at this time)