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Healthy living, General, Health & wellness

Healthy YOU at CU information table

Learn about healthy eating, sleep, quitting smoking, stress management, mental health and more


This event is free


Health Services



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Have you received conflicting information about healthy eating and want expert advice to sort it out? 
Are you wondering about the best ways to get a good night's sleep
Do you know how much physical activity experts recommend?
Have you ever thought about how to improve your mental health
Do you smoke and want to quit but don't know how to go about it? 

If you are looking for answers to these or other questions about healthy living then drop by Health Services' weekly wellness table. Health Promotion Specialists will be there to answer your questions and provide reliable, evidence-based information.  You can also pick up information about healthy living, grab a couple of free condoms and even play a quick health game for a prize.

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