Stories from Montreal
Ethnographic Accounts from North America's Francophone Metropolis
Stories from Montreal is a collection of undergraduate student ethnographies from the Sociology/Anthropology department at Concordia University. The goal of this student-run endeavour is to provide a forum for the dissemination of undergraduate research.
Stories from Montreal V7 2012

March 16, 2012 6pm (during the reception for our SAGSa conference entitled Connections) Concordia Hall Building (1455 de Maisonneuve W) H1120, launch of Stories from Montreal volume 7.
Stories from Montreal has been providing a space for showcasing the ethnographic field research based papers of students in our anthropology 315 classes for over a decade now. Our ANTH 315 class is a two term under-graduate course in which our students engage in ethnographic fieldwork research and learn first-hand about the relational nature of the experience.
Meriem Rebbani, Darlene Farmer, Eleonore Martin, the volunteer editors assumed an enormous task of transforming student papers into published chapters in Stories from Montreal. The volume is divided into four thematic sections. The first part engages in family issues, followed by a section on art and death, a section on identity and a final section on community. See attached the cover. Copies could be obtained at the Sociology-Anthropology Reading Lab., and through SASU.

Volume 5: Table of Contents
Part I: Ethnic and Religious Groups in Montreal
- Liesure and Identity: Fun Practices of Young Veiled Montrealers
Sertaç Sehlikoglu Karakas - German Immigrants in Montreal: Investigating Immigration, Integration and Identity
Maike Storks - Seeking "that Kenyan Taste that We Have within Ourselves": Changing Food Practices among Kenyans in Montreal
Alexandra Williams
Part II: Subcultures in Montreal
- "The Look Is the New Message": Hipsters Negotiating a Postmodern Identity
Elizabeth Gallou - Fury Now: Boundary Creation and Ritual in the Punk Scene
Cameron Fenton
Part III: Structure and Organization of Society
- Prison Visit: Meeting the "Other" and the Transformation of Personal Stereotypes
Siena Anstis - Anthropology on the Street
Thomas Prince - Royal Canadian Legion: A Voluntary Organization in Transition
Ricky Curotte
Part IV: Gender, Sexuality, and Love
- Polyamory: Deconstructing the "Traditional" and Reconstructing the Alternative - México City, D.F.
Emiliana Donadi Sánchez - X-out Boundaries: Private & Public, Symbolic Essay
Camilo Gomez-Duran

Volume 4: Table of Contents
Miriana Vetere: Identity in the Italian Community of Saint-Leonard
- What makes us Italian? A journey into notions of national, community, and personal identity
Tamara Tashi McCarthy: Les langues du Montréal: Following French and English from everyday life to employment opportunities
- A brief history of the French language and consequent tensions are presented through the experiences of the ethnographer.
Catherine Kendler: Urban Gathering: Explorations with Montreal's dumpster divers
- What is dumpster diving and who engages in it? Submerge yourself in garbage cans to get a better understanding of food politics.
Sumayya Ayoub: Duality: the fine balance between sexuality and Arab tradition
- "Coming out" in North America does not entail coming out at home. Discover how some gay Arab men negotiate their sexual identity between two worlds.
Dafna Israel: On Campus Political Space: Behind the scenes of Cinema Politica screening for awareness
- A backstage look at the organizers, the filmmakers, and the participants of this on-campus film screening event.
Ya-Ling Fan: Me and the Library
- An auto-ethnography written through the discovery of the differences that can bring people together in a shared setting.
Marth A. Elvir Prieto: Women, Children, and the Playgrounds of Montreal
- The culture of motherhood explored through outings to the local playground. Commonalities are unravelled through the experience of mothers as it intersects with the love for place and a stage in the journey into motherhood.
Elisabeth Callahan: No Fixed Meaning: An ethnographic photo essay
- Why did you get that tattoo? The cultural phenomenon of tattoos is explored in a collaborative undertaking.
Rayah Al-Mashal: An Arabian Cultural Juxtaposition: "Negotiating identities and ascertaining equilibrium" in multi-sited social communities in Canada
- A nattartive-based literary approach that illustrates the life experiences of three Arab Muslim women studying in Montreal.
Natalie Blais: The Herouxville Declaration: Accommodation hearings: What is "reasonable accommodation" of "others"?
- Individuals' perceptions and understandings of accommodation and intercultural differences are explored.
Volume 3: Talia Weisz, Rachel James, and Isabelle Amy LeGoff

Volume 2: Tammy Saxton, Crystal Leger, and Karoline Truchon

Volume 1: Louise Gauthier, Tammy Saxton, and Chana Cohen

Copies are available for purchase in the student lab, the Concordia Bookstore, and at your local Chapters or Indigo Bookstores.