Vol. XV:1

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- La pratique architecturale de Claude Baillif
Marc Grignon
- Aux origines du Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal: La fondation de l'Art Association of Montreal en 1860
Jean Trudel
- Canadian Historical Murals 1895–1939: Material Progress, Morality and the "Disappearance" of Native People
Marylin McKay
- Beauty My Mistress: Hector Charlesworth as Art Critic
Paul Walton
Sources et-and Documents
- The R.B. Angus Art Collection: Paintings, Watercolours and Drawings
Gloria Lesser
Reviews-Comptes rendus
- Maria Tippett, By a Lady: Celebrating Three Centuries of Art by Canadian Women
Janice Helland
- Douglas Richardson, A Not Unsightly Building: University College and Its History
Franklin Toker
- Catharine M. Mastin, Robert Stacey, Thomas Dilworth, "The Talented Intruder." Wyndham Lewis in Canada, 1939–1945
C.J. Fox
- Denise Leclerc, The Crisis of Abstraction in Canada. The 1950s
Christine Boyanoski
Vol. XIV:2

download — 129 pages, 6.28 MB
télécharger — 129 pages, 6.28 Mo
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Pour acheter une copie de ce volume s'il vous plaît contactez nous.
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$15.00 US
- Les jésuites du Québec et la diffusion de l'art chrétien : L'église du Gesù de Montréal, une nouvelle perspective
Ginette Laroche
- À Kingston, il y a 50 ans, la conférence des artistes canadiens : Débat sur la place de l'artiste dans la société
Hélène Sicotte
- Qualified Democratization: The Museum Audioguide
Donald Goodes
Short Notes-Notes et commentaires
- Lucius R. O'Brien: A Victorian in North America
Elizabeth Mulley
- Frederick Alexcee, Indian Artist (c.1857 to c.1944)
Deidre Simmons
Sources et-and Documents
- John S. Archibald, Architect (1872–1934)
Irene Puchalski
Reviews-Comptes rendus
- Michael Tooby, Robert Stacey, Charles C. Hill, Maria Tippett, Esther Trépanier, The True North: Canadian Landscape Painting 1896–1939
Liz Wylie
- Scott Watson, Jack Shadbolt
John O'Brian
- Linda Hutcheon, Splitting Images: Contemporary Canadian Ironies
Mark Cheetham, Remembering Post-Modernism
Johanne Lamoureux
Publication Notice-Notes de publication
- Dennis Reid, Lucius R. O'Brien: Visions of Victorian Canada
Ellen L. Ramsay