Vol. IV:2

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Publishers' Note-Notes liminaires
Sandra Paikowsky and Donald F. Andrus
- Coloured Brick in Yorkville
Anita C. Makler
- Peinture et luttes sociales : Talking Union de Frederick B. Taylor
Luis de Moura Sobral
- The Evolution of Jack Bush
Ken Carpenter
Sources and Documents
- John Lyman — A Bibliography of his Writings
Janet Braide
- Les canadiens au salon officiel de Paris entre 1870 et 1910 : Sections peinture et dessin
Sylvain Allaire
- W. Martha E. Cooke, Les quatre rois indiens
John Veillette, Gary White et coll., Early Indian Village Churches. Wooden Frontier Architecture in British Columbia
George Woodcock, Peoples of the Coast. The Indians of the Pacific Northwest
François-Marc Gagnon
- Peter N. Moogk and Serge Saint-Pierre, Building a House in New France, An Account of the Perplexities of Client and Craftmen in Early Canada
Yvon Desloges
- Claude Bergeron, L'avenir de la colline parlementaire
Denys Marchand
- Christina Cameron and Jean Trudel, The Drawings of James Patterson Cockburn
W. Martha E. Cooke
- Marie-Nicole Boisclair, Catalogue des œuvres peintes conservées au monastère des augustines de l'Hôtel-dieu de Québec
Laurier Lacroix
- Dorothy Farr, Horatio Walker 1858–1938
Jean-René Ostiguy
- John E. Langdon, Clock & Watchmakers and Allied Workers in Canada 1700 to 1900
Helena Ignatieff