Vol. VI:2

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- Thoughts of Peace and Joy: A Study of the Iconography of the Croscup Room
Gilbert L. Gignac and Jeanne L. L'Éspérance
- L'ancien baldaquin de la chapelle du premier palais épiscopal de Québec, à Neuville
John R. Porter
- Thomas Seaton Scott: The Architect versus the Administrator
Janet Wright
Sources & Documents
- Canadian Art History Theses and Dissertations Update / Mémoires et thèses en l'histoire de l'art au Canada
Loren Singer
Reviews-Comptes rendus
- Edited by Hardy George, The Concordia University Art Index to Nineteenth Century Canadian Periodicals
Mary F. Williamson
- Evelyn de Rostaing McMann, Royal Academy of Arts/Académie royale des arts du Canada : Exhibitions and members 1880–1979
Laurier Lacroix
- Christopher Varley, F.H. Varley: A Centennial Exhibition
Ann Davis
- Esther Trépanier, Les Esthétiques Modernes au Québec de 1916 à 1946
Jean-René Ostiguy
Vol. VI:1

download — 140 pages, 7.63 MB
télécharger — 140 pages, 7.63 Mo
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Pour acheter une copie de ce volume s'il vous plaît contactez nous.
$10.00 CA
$15.00 US
- Housing in Québec Before Confederation
Christina Cameron
- The Vocabulary of Freedom in 1948: The Politics of the Montréal Avant-Garde
Judith Ince
- Approche sémiologique d'une œuvre de Borduas : 3 + 3 + 4
Fernande Saint-Martin
Short Notes-Notes et commentaires
- Le tableau de l'ancien maître-autel de Sainte-Anne de Beaupré
Nicole Cloutier
- The Drawings of Alfred Pellan: Further Thoughts by the Author
Reesa Greenberg
Sources et/and Documents
- Élèves canadiens dans les archives de l'École des Beaux-Arts et de l'École des Arts Décoratifs de Paris
Sylvain Allaire
Reviews-Comptes rendus
- Mathilde Brosseau, Gothic Revival in Canadian Architecture
Ellen James
- Nicole Tardif-Painchaud, Dom Bellot et l'architecture religieuse au Québec
Alan Gowans
- Paul A. Hachey, The New Brunswick Landscape Print: 1760–1877
Lydia Foy
- Joyce Zemans, Jock Macdonald: The Inner Landscape / A Retrospective Exhibition
Brian Foss
- Jock Macdonald: The Inner Landscape / A Retrospective Exhibition
Liz Wylie
- Reesa Greenberg, The Drawings of Alfred Pellan
Judith Ince
- Roald Nasgaard, 10 Canadian Artists in the 1970s: An Exhibition for European Tour
Sandra Paikowsky
- Joan Murray, editor with Jennifer C. Watson, research and compilation, Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa – Permanent Collection
Judith B. Nasby, The University of Guelph Art Collection: A Catalogue of Paintings, Drawings, Prints and Sculpture
Nina G. Parris, Checklist of the Paintings, Prints and Drawings in the Collection of the Robert Hull Fleming Museum
Donald F.P. Andrus
Publication Notice-Notes de publication
- H. Hickl-Szabo, Portrait Miniatures in the Royal Ontario Museum
Jan Roseneder