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Trish Osler: My inspiration

Disruption can spark creativity!

Art Education: How can art education reach across traditional boundaries to provide us with a more nuanced understanding of creativity?

There’s never been a more critical time for problem-solving and idea-generating. As both an artist and educator, I am especially intrigued by the way our creative minds engage with a subject. What sparks an idea in one person, may go unnoticed by another. In the studio and in the classroom, I’m constantly inspired by the very act of creativity, but that magical and transformative moment when a brilliant idea materializes is elusive. Where does it come from and how does it reframe our critical approach? My research explores extraordinary creative thinking and inspiration: I study how we can apply insights about creativity from artists and neuroscientists to make that aha! moment easier to reach. I want to know what will increase the chance for inspiration to occur in order to empower voices, helping learners make meaningful connections and communicate complex ideas. Exploring how to ignite creativity will change the way we teach in the future!

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