Concordia Research Chair on the Politics of Immigration
Led by Mireille Paquet, the reading group is open to any interested student and faculty. Participants are only responsible for reading and discussing the text assigned for each meeting date. This a stress-free environment that welcomes Concordians with an interest in immigration studies, from all levels of knowledge and disciplines. We look forward to meeting you !
For the Winter 2023 semester, we will meet in person in H-1220 (unless otherwise specified below). Please contact Sara Pustol to signal your interest in participating and to be added to the list for reminders and copies of papers:
Readings for:
Thursday, April 13, 2023, 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM, H-1220
Brumat, Leiza and Andrew Geddes. 2023. “Refugee recognition in Brazil under Bolsonaro: the
domestic impact of international norms and standards,” Third World Quarterly,
Madrigal, Guadalupe, and Stuart Soroka. 2023. "Migrants, caravans, and the impact of news
photos on immigration attitudes." The International Journal of Press/Politics 28(1): 49-69.