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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather

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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather

Applied linguistics

Master of Arts (MA) in Applied Linguistics

The Masters of/Magisteriate in Arts in Applied Linguistics has as its objective to broaden the scope of theoretical knowledge in the field of applied linguistics and to find new and practical applications for that knowledge. The program offers students an environment in which they can hone their academic and research skills while developing their ideas for practical applications.

Faculty research interests

Research conducted by the faculty is extensive and varied. One major research emphasis is second language learning and teaching under a variety of instructional conditions. This includes documentation of techniques currently employed, the investigation of the distribution of instructional time (intensive vs. distributed teaching) and the role of first language knowledge, the evaluation of learning outcomes in innovative programs, and the development of learner language. Other areas of research concern the acquisition of second-language phonology (including the application of such knowledge to teaching pronunciation), cross-linguistic influences on language acquisition, sociolinguistic factors in language development in second-language learners and bilinguals, as well as the investigation of cognitive aspects of language learning, use, and interaction in and outside a language classroom. Other research focuses concern the application of frequency-based approaches to the teaching and learning of second language vocabulary and use of languages as a lingua franca. Finally, research is also conducted on issues relevant to the training of novice teachers of second languages (e.g., teacher beliefs and thinking).

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