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Concordia is named 5th best in the world for Sustainable Cities and Communities

The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings recognize the university's support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
May 5, 2022
University building with a glass facade, with the sun shining on it.
Graham Carr: “Concordia takes our social responsibility for making our world more sustainable and equitable very seriously.”

Concordia has maintained its spot among the best 100 universities from around the globe in the newly released 2022 Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings, which tracks the progress of the international higher education sector toward helping achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The university is also considered fifth best in the world and second in Canada in the Sustainable Cities and Communities category, which measures universities’ sustainability research, role in supporting arts and heritage, and internal approaches to sustainable practices.

THE placed Concordia 96th overall out of 1,406 institutions worldwide. Concordia leapt into the top 100 last year after being in the 101-200 category overall previously.

The university made an institutional commitment to the SDGs in 2020.

“Concordia takes our social responsibility for making our world more sustainable and equitable very seriously,” says Concordia President Graham Carr.

“You can see this across a wide variety of actions we’re undertaking, from institutional initiatives such as our 17 Rooms exercise and delivery of our Sustainable Development Action Plan, to research through our Indigenous Futures Research Centre, in climate science and sustainability and in smart, resilient and sustainable cities, to name just a few examples,” he says.

“Clearly others are taking notice. I’m proud that Concordia is being recognized as one the world’s top 100.”

THE weighs universities’ three best results in the first 16 out of the 17 SDGs, as well as its score for SDG 17 – Partnerships for the Goals, to determine each university's overall score.

Concordia was recognized in the world’s top 50 in three SDG categories:

  • 5th out of 783, SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities, which strives for more inclusive, safe, resilient and eco-friendly urban settings
  • 20th out of 674. SDG 13 – Climate Action, which encourages urgent steps to combat climate change and its impacts
  • 48th out of 796, in SDG 10 – Reduced Inequalities, which seeks to lessen relative income, social, political and other disparities within and among countries

Concordia ranked 16th overall among 24 Canadian universities, fifth among comprehensive universities and third in Quebec.

The national ranks for Concordia are:

  • SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities – 2nd out of 17
  • SDG 13: Climate Action – 4th out of 19
  • SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities – 5th out of 17
  • SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals – 13th out of 24

Learn more about
Concordia’s commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.



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