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David Ward

Kate De Medeiros, PhD

  • Full-Time Faculty Tenure II, Sociology and Anthropology

Research areas: aging, dementia, friendships, meaning of home, loneliness, risk, social gerontology, age studies, narrative

Contact information



Ph.D., Gerontology, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), Baltimore, MD. Dissertation: “Depression in Old Age: Attributions in Life Narratives.”  Dissertation Advisor: Robert L. Rubinstein.

M.S., Clinical Gerontology, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB), Galveston, TX.  Thesis: “Writing and Changes in Memory Performance in Older Adults: A Pilot Study.” Thesis Advisors: Barbara Yee & Thomas Cole.

B.A., English & American Literature, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

Awards and Honors

2022  Bronze Telly Award for an online Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training series (group award for creators of each module.)
2020  First place award by the American Journal of Nursing for Global Aging: Comparative Perspectives on the Life Course.
2018-21  O’Toole Family Professorship, a three-year endowed professorship awarded to a faculty member at Miami University for outstanding research and teaching.
2017-18  Finalist, Knox Distinguished Teaching Award, Miami University.
2017  Ohio Association for Gerontology Education (OAGE) OAGE Educator of the Year.
2016  Faculty Recognition Award, Department of Sociology & Gerontology.
2013-15  Robert H. and Nancy J. Blayney Professorship, an endowed professorship awarded to 3 out of 77 pre-tenured faculty at Miami University for outstanding performance.
2010  New Investigator Award, International Congress of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology, Athens, Greece.

Teaching activities

Dissertation Supervision

Doctoral Dissertation Committees
2023  Heshuo Yu. An exploration of medical providers’ understanding and attitudes toward hospice care in Binzhou, China.
2021  Sara Stemen Hackett. Till death do us part? The influence of deceased romantic partners on the lives and social convoys of older women.
2019  Candidus Nwakasi.  Perceptions of dementia caregiving in Nigeria [working title]
2018  Kim Ogle: Waiting to die: An exploratory qualitative study of older adults.
2018  AviElle Raymore: Understanding the role of grandfathers in care of their grandchildren.
2018  Senjooti Roy: Himalayan older adults’ views on indigenous medicine: Uses, availability, and effects on health and well-being.
2015  Carol Bashford: Exploration of the discharge planning process for hospitalized older adults transitioning to home and the perceived usefulness of the electronic health record.
2015  Karel Kalaw: “Home for good”: The experiences of return among male Filipino overseas workers.
2015  Sarah Boehle: Non-driving older women in Appalachian, Ohio: An exploratory look into maintaining independence.

2020  (with Dr. Sara McLaughlin). Korijna Valenti: The impact of losing a spouse or partner on end-of-life preparation, needs and support: An exploratory study of sexual and gender minority women’s experiences.
2016  (with Dr. Suzanne Kunkel). Karen Kent: Autism spectrum and the health care experiences of older adults.
2014  (with Dr. Lee Harrington). Jacquelyn Dantis: A critical feminist exploration of successful aging and adaption of intersecting marginalized identities: Older African American women’s perceptions and definitions.
2013  (with Dr. Jennifer Kinney). Oliver Hautz: Who am I and who are you? Exploring students’ constructions of people with dementia during a creative arts project.
2013  (with Dr. Jennifer Bulanda). Emily Fenster: Experiences and expectations: Understanding planning for retirement while being married.

Committee Member

2021  Leah Jannsen. Emotional intelligence and the role of professional caregivers.
2020  Nytasia Hicks. Living Alone Together: Exploring the experiences, perceptions, and strategies of older African-American women.
2020  Adam Schafer (Chemistry). Improving undergraduate STEM education: Education and human resources.
2018  Justin Pratt. (Chemistry). Undergraduate students teaching chemistry in informal environments: Investigating chemistry outreach practices and conceptual understandings.
2018  Sarah Hahn. “When I’m 75”: College students’ self-perceptions of aging in an introductory gerontology course. (Miami University)
2016  Anna-Nicole Stewart Casey. The Friendship and Relationship Interactions in the Elderly Networks Description (FRIEND) study. (University of South Wales, School of Psychiatry, Australia.)
2015  Laura Girling. The subjective construction of disease among older adults with type II diabetes. (UMBC.)
2012  Patrick Doyle. Definitions, interpretations, and uses of person-centered care in a dementia-specific long-term care setting: A cultural analysis. (UMBC).

Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Committees

Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Committees

2022  Heshuo Yu. Perceptions of palliative care and hospice in a fourth-tier city in China.
2022  Lei Yu. Motivations for and health perceptions of internal migration for older Chinese residents [working title.]
2019  Sara Stemen Hackett. Integrating the continuing bonds and social convoy models: A modified approach for understanding how the loss of a romantic partner impacts the lives and social networks of older women.
2018  Nytasia Hicks. Aging in place: Exploring the experiences, perceptions, and strategies of low-income older African-American women.
2018  Korinja Valenti. Expectations and preferences for end of life and the definition of a good death for seriously or terminally ill older LGBTQ women.
2018  Candidus Nwakasi. Exploring the experiences of Nigerian female dementia informal caregivers.
2017  Annabelle Arbogast. Age identity in age divergent lesbian couples.
2016  AviElle Raymore. The roles and experiences of grandfather caregivers.
2016  Senjooti Roy. Himalayan older adults’ healthcare practices and preferences.
2014  Kimberly Ogle. Waiting to die: An exploratory qualitative study of older adults.
2013  Sarah Boehle. Non-driving older women in Appalachian, Ohio: An exploratory look into maintaining independence.

Committee Member

2022  Jenn Ebert. Analyzing evidence of student reasoning in a guided inquiry biochemistry curriculum: A collective case study (Chemistry Education, Miami University.)
2021  KatieMarie Magnone. Supporting student self-efficacy through a choose-your-own-adventure virtual laboratory. (Chemistry Education, Miami University.)
2018  Adam Schafer. Using knowledge structures to investigate the complexity of chemical reasoning during argumentation about galvanic cells. (Chemistry Education, Miami University.)
2016  Justin Pratt. Investigating student understanding of matter-energy interactions through the lens of spectroscopy: An exploratory study. (Chemistry Education, Miami University)
2016  Jorge Torres. Problem solving strategies used by organic chemistry students and instructors for analyzing NMR spectra. (Chemistry Education, Miami University)
2015  Sarah Hahn. The impact of home modifications on symptoms of anxiety and depression: A longitudinal analysis. (Gerontology, Miami University)
2015  Karen Kent. Autism spectrum disorders and the healthcare experiences of older adults: The combined stigma of ageism and disability. (Gerontology, Miami University)
2013  Phil Sauer. Dementia preparedness Levels of nations around the world. (Gerontology, Miami University)
2013  Matt Nelson. Younger residents in Ohio’s nursing homes: Understanding a changing population. (Gerontology, Miami University)
2013  Carol Bashford. A description of the discharge planning process for hospitalized older adults Transitioning to home and the perceived usefulness of the electronic health record. (Gerontology, Miami University)

In process
2023  Reese Moore, gerontology, Miami University. Age friendly communities.
2023  Ziying Zhang, gerontology, Simon Fraser University, New Brunswick, Canada.

Master's Thesis Committees

2020  Susanna Smith.  “I never thought I’d go to America”: Exploring immigration as a disruptive life-course event.
2018  Keren Mabisi. The experience of older women (50 ) living with HIV in Uganda.
2018  Greg Thoelke. Millennials musing about advance care planning: A qualitative analysis of student reflections.
2016  Gifty Ashifiri. What do co-residential grandparents and their grandchildren they’re raising need from each other?
2016  Hannah Thompson. Aging guardians: Future directions and transitions.
2015  Laura Hahn. Beyond the family: Social connectedness among older adults in Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
2014  Polina Ermoshkina. Expressions of home in interviews with older post-Soviet-Era women immigrants
2014  Hsin-Chih “Liz” Tsang. Transitioning older volunteers: Exploring the perceptions of volunteer managers in theaters and performing arts settings.
2014  Serra Marshall. Staff views of communication with upper management in a large retirement community.
2014  Sarah Atala. Hospice nurses’ experiences with spirituality.
2013  Sara Stemen. How does raising the Social Security age affect factory workers’ perceptions of retirement?
2012  Alexander Vincent. What do people entering the field of long term care administration need to know?

2013  (with Jennifer Kinney). Kathryn Beanblossum. Exploring the experiences and perceptions of persons diagnosed with early onset dementia and their primary caregivers.


2022  Christina Martin. Hearing loss and later life: Bringing audiology and gerontology together.
2021  Samuel Van Fleet. A Picture is worth a thousand narratives: Examining the role of material possessions within narrative gerontology.
2021  Eric D’Errico-Bronsten. The epidemiology of dementia in Spain.
2018  Amanda Horne. Life story theatre and older veterans: A foundational literature review and program plan. (Miami University).
2018  Graziella Delia. A quasi-experimental self-help programme to reduce pain and improve function among older adults living with arthritis in the Maltese community. (University of Malta).
2018  Lisa Brincat. The lived experience of older male renal transplant recipients. (University of Malta). 
2016  Sunaina Rana. Community dwelling older adults’ perceptions of personal emergency response systems (PERS) (Miami University).
2015   Natalie Pitheckoff. The meaning and experiences of rabbit-assisted activities for older adults. (Miami University).
2011  Zachary Nickey. An evaluation of Partners in Care. (UMBC).

Undergraduate Mentorship

2018  Katie Graham (capstone research project.) Oxford livable cities: Student perspectives.
2018  Susanna Smith (capstone research project.) Global aging: Development of a course using open access materials.
2018  Natalie Salk (capstone research project.) Housing for older adults in high density cities: Perspectives from innovative architects.
2017  Dana Johnson (independent research project.) Coding TimeSlips “stories of impact.”
2017  Molly Gallagher (capstone research project.): Coding narratives produced in the context of TimeSlips story telling in Wisconsin.
2017  Lindsay Scott (independent study): The business of aging.
2017  Doug Brown (independent study). Geography of crime and aging in Chicago.
2016  Sydney Martin (capstone research project): Evaluating the effectiveness of SilverLink: United Way of Dayton.
2016  Allison Bourquin (independent study): Design for a long-term care community.
2016  Natalie Salk (independent study): Designing a multi-generational community for older adults.
2016  Susanna Smith (first year undergraduate student.): Lost voices of Ohio non-majority residents.
2015  Daniel Gwinn (independent research project). Testing the effectiveness of a poetry intervention for people in long-term care who are living with dementia.
2013  Grace Juriga (first year undergraduate student.). Understanding views of self by persons with aphasia.
2012-13  Mallory Waters (independent research project.) Relationship between themes in autobiographical writing and measures of cognition and wellbeing in older adults.

Research activities

Current Research Projects

12/22 – 12/24, National Endowment for the Humanities
RZ-286981, "The Meanings of Dementia: Interpreting Cultural Narratives of Aging Societies
Role:  Collaborator

5/2022 – 12/2022, Internal Faculty Research Grant
Living Alone in Later Life
Role: Principal Investigator

Completed External Research

8/20- 7/21, National Institute on Aging
Aging at Home with Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias: Inclusion Considerations during the COVID-19 Pandemic. (supplemental grant).
Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Laura Girling, UMBC); Total Award (Miami subcontract): $5,000

9/19 – 8/20, National Institute on Aging
Aging at Home Alone with Alzheimer's and Related Dementias: Ethical Considerations for Inclusion
Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Laura Girling, UMBC); Total Award (Miami subcontract): $47,275

9/18 – 8/20, National Institute on Aging 
Aging at Home with Alzheimer ’s Disease
Role: Co-investigator (P: Laura Girling, UMBC); Total Award (Miami subcontract): $47,377.

1/18 – 12/20, TimeSlips Creative Storytelling, Inc. 
TimeSlips Evaluation in Kentucky
Role: Principal Investigator; Total Award: $180,069

1/22/18 – 6/30/19, Maryland Department of Aging 
Evaluation of Feasibility Studies and Applications for
 Renovation/Expansion of Continuing Care Retirement Communities
Role: Principal Investigator; Total Award (Miami subcontract): $15,000

7/16 – 12/16, United Way of Dayton 
Evaluating the Unmet Information Needs of Seniors in Four Areas.
Role: Principal Investigator; Total Award: $19,282

5/15 – 5/16, Ohio Long-Term Care Research Project (Ohio Board of Regents)  
Perspectives About Long Life and Long Term Care Needs by African American and Hispanic Elders Age 75 and Over in Ohio.
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (with G. Etter-Lewis); Total Award: $29,000

9/15 – 12/17, Ohio Department of Medicaid 
Using Enhanced Service Coordinators to Improve Quality and Reduce Health and Long-Term Service Costs in Senior Affordable Housing
Role: Co-investigator (PI: S. Kunkel); Total Award: $500,000 for three projects

1/09 – 1/14, 1-R01-AG03061-01A1, NIH/NIA 
Lifestyles and Generativity of Childless Older Women
Role: Co-investigator (PI: R. Rubinstein); Total Award: $2,440,146; subcontractor award. $1,200,148.

8/10 - 7/12, 3-R01-AG030614-02S1 (AARA), NIH/NIA 
Lifestyles and Generativity of Childless Older Russian Women
Role : Co-investigator (PI : R. Rubinstein) ; Total Award : $221,841;
subcontractor award : $27,750.

7/08 - 6/10, 3101-F08, The Brookdale Foundation 
Self Stories: Improving Memory by Recalling Moments from the Past
Role: Principal investigator; Total Award: $190,925

9/08 - 8/10, NIRG-08-91765, The Alzheimer’s Association 
The Social Environments of People with Dementia in Long-Term Care
Role: Principal investigator; Total Award: $100,000

5/08 - 12/08, Educational Grant, Forest Foundation 
The Neuropsychiatric Inventory – Clinician Rating Method (NPI-C): Refining and Testing a Revised Measure of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms
Role: Principal investigator; Total Award: $29,000

6/04 - 5/06, 1F31MH068169-01A2, NIH/NIMH     
Ruth Kirschstein Pre-doctoral Fellowship
Depression in Old Age: Attributions in Life Narratives.
Role: Principal investigator; Total Award: $55,101

1/04 – 12/04, Erikson Retirement Communities, Baltimore, MD
Gender Dynamics in Older Adult Education
Role: Principal investigator; Total Award: $1,000

Research Consulting

2020-present  External Examiner, Social Science University of Singapore
2017-18    The Hastings Center. Co-editor of an essay series on frailty and later life. New York, NY.
2017  TimeSlips Creative Storytelling, Inc. Evaluation of TimeSlips’ effectiveness in nursing homes in Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI.
2017  Avanir Pharmaceuticals, Aliso Viejo, CA.
2017  Bracket Global, Wayne, PA.



1.  Goldman M, de Medeiros K., Cole, T. (Eds.) (2022.) Critical Humanities and Ageing: Forging Interdisciplinary Dialogues. New York: Routledge.
2.  Whittington F, Kunkel S, de Medeiros K. (2020.)  Global Aging: Comparative Perspectives on Aging and the Life Course (2nd edition). New York: Springer Publishing.
3.  de Medeiros K. (2017). The Short Guide to Aging and Gerontology. Bristol, UK: Policy Press. (241 pages)
4.  de Medeiros K. (2014). Narrative Gerontology in Research and Practice. New York: Springer Publishing. (256 pages).


Peer-Reviewed Articles

1.  de Medeiros, K., Kunkel, S., & Yu, L. (2023). The AgeSmart Inventory: A Multifaceted Tool to Understand Age Bias. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 9, 23337214231166215.
2.  Valenti, K. G., Hahn, S., Enguidanos, S., Quinn, G., & de Medeiros, K. (2023). Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Widows’ Experiences of Grief, Identity, and Support: A Qualitative Study of Relationships Following the Loss of a Spouse or Partner. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 78(6), 1039-1050.
3.  Hackett, S. E., & de Medeiros, K. (2022). Till death do us part?: Exploring the social convoys of conjugally bereaved women. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 77(12), 2317-2325.
4.  de Medeiros K, Berlinger N, Girling L. (2022). Not wanting to lose the dignity of risk: On living alone with dementia. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. 65(2): 274–282.
5.  Hahn, S., & de Medeiros, K. (2022). Racism, ageism and home:  The case of Mr. M. Home Cultures. 18(3), 195-208.
6.  Ermoshkina, P., & de Medeiros, K. (2022). In the shadows of others: Unheard voices of older Russian immigrant women in the United States. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 37: 69-88.
7.  de Medeiros K, Girling L, & Berlinger N. (2022). Ethical approaches to inclusion in social research for people living with dementia who lack a study partner: Considerations from a qualitative evidence synthesis. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice. 21(4): 1200-1218,
8.  de Medeiros , K. (2022). Elderly and Senior Citizen: Contested Terms. Age, Culture, Humanities: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 6.
9.  Valenti, K. G., Janssen, L. M., Enguidanos, S., & de Medeiros, K. (2022). “By the time she got sick it was just kind of too late”: A qualitative study on advanced care planning among bereaved lesbian, gay, and bisexual older women. Palliative Medicine, 36(2), 375-385.
10.  Berlinger N, de Medeiros K, & Girling L. (2022) What can thinking like a bioethicist bring to gerontology?  The Gerontologist. 62(8): 1097-1103.
11.  Nwakasi C, Mahmoud K, de Medeiros K. (2021). Poverty, domestic violence, or both: A case study of younger and older female Nigerian caregivers. Comparative Sociology: 20(5): 615-632.
12.  Nwakasi C, de Medeiros K. (2021). “We are doing these things so that people don’t laugh at us”: Caregivers’ attitudes about dementia and caregiving in Nigeria. Qualitative Health Research. 31(8): 1448-1458
13.  Valenti K, Janssen L, Enguidanos S, de Medeiros K. (2021).  "We speak a different language”: End-of-life and bereavement experiences of older lesbian, gay, and bisexual women who have lost a spouse or partner". Qualitative Health Research. 31(9): 1670-1679.
14.  Stemen S, de Medeiros K, Radina E. (2020). Exploring cause of death in social convoy membership: The case of “Pauline”. Journal of Women and Aging. 32(2): 170-183.
15.  de Medeiros K, Etter-Lewis G. (2020). “Place” in the small stories of African American elders: A narrative case study. The Gerontologist. 60(5): 821–830. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnz122.
16.  Swinnen A, de Medeiros K. (2018). “Play” and people living with dementia: A humanities-based inquiry of TimeSlips and the Alzheimer’s Poetry Project. The Gerontologist: 58(2): 261-269. Doi: 10.1093/geront/gnw196.
17.  Swinnen A, de Medeiros K. (2018). Participatory arts programs in residential dementia care: Playing with language differences. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice. 17(6):763-774. doi: 10.1177/1471301217729985 18.  de Medeiros K. (2018). What can thinking like a gerontologist bring to bioethics? In: M. Solomon, N. Berlinger and K. de Medeiros (Eds.) What makes a good like in late life? Citizenship and justice in aging societies.  Hastings Center Report 48 (5). S10-S14. DOI: 10.1002/hast.906
19.  Stella F, Laks J, Govone JS, de Medeiros K, Forlenza OV. (2016). Association of neuropsychiatric syndromes with global clinical deterioration in Alzheimer’s disease patients. International Psychogeriatrics. 28(5): 779-786. doi: 10.1017/S1041610215002069.
20.  de Medeiros K, Rubinstein R. (2016). Depression and the performance of masculinity in a military retirement community. Men and Masculinities.19(2): 148-166: Doi: 1097184X15606932.
21.  Black H, Hannum S, Rubinstein R, de Medeiros K. (2016). Generativity in elderly Oblate Sisters of Providence. The Gerontologist. 56(3): 559-568. Doi: 10.1093/geront/gnu091.
22.  Pithickhoff N, McLaughlin S, de Medeiros K. (2016). “Calm, satisfied, comforting:” The experience and meaning of rabbit-assisted activities for older adults. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 37(12): 1564-1575.
23.  Stella F, Forlenza O, Laks J, Andrade L, Cação J, Govone J, de Medeiros K, Lyketsos C. (2015). Caregiver report vs. clinician impression: Disagreements in rating neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease patients. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.30(12): 1230-1237. Doi: 10.1002/gps.4278.
24.  de Medeiros K, Rubinstein R. (2015). “Shadow stories” in oral interviews: Narrative care through careful listening. Journal of Aging Studies. 34: 162-186. Doi:10.1016/j.jaging.2015.02.009.
25.  Rubinstein R, de Medeiros K. (2015). Successful aging, gerontological theory, and neoliberalism: A qualitative critique. The Gerontologist. 55(1): 34-42. Doi: 10.1093/geront/gnu080.
26.  Doyle P, Rubinstein R, de Medeiros K. (2015). Generative acts of people with dementia in a long-term care setting. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice. 14(4): 409-417. Doi: 10.177/1471301213498246.
27.  Rubinstein R, Girling L, de Medeiros K, Brazda M, Hannum S. (2015). Extending the framework of generativity through research: A qualitative Study. The Gerontologist. 55(4): 548-559. Doi: 10.1093/geront/gnu009.
28.  de Medeiros K & Doyle P. (2013) Remembering the person in person-centered care. Generations. 37(3): 83-86.
29.  de Medeiros K, Rubinstein R, Ermoshkina P. (2013). The role of relevancy and social suffering in “generativity” among older post-Soviet women immigrants. The Gerontologist. 55(4): 526-536. Doi: 10.1093/geront/gnt126.
30.  de Medeiros, K. (2013). Introductive case study: “My Health is excellent but I’m dying.” Recherche Sociologiques et Anthropologiques. 44-1.
31.  Stella F, Forlenza OV, Laks J, de Andrade LP, Avendaña MAL, Sé EVG, Cação JdC, Lyketsos CG, de Medeiros K. The Brazilian version of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory-Clinician rating scale (NPI-C): Reliability and validity in dementia. International Psychogeriatrics. 25(9): 1503-1511. Doi:10.1017/S10416102130000811.
32.  de Medeiros K, Basting A. (2014). “Shall I compare thee to a dose of donepezil?”: An overview of intervention research in dementia care. The Gerontologist.54(3): 344-353. Doi: 10.1093/geront/gnt055.
33.  de Medeiros K, Rubinstein R, Samus Q, Onyike CU, Johnston D, Baker A, McNabney M, Brandt J, Lyketsos C, Rosenblatt A. (2013). Do childless elders in long-term care differ from those with children?: Findings from the Maryland Assisted Living Study. Journal of Housing for the Elderly. 27(1-2): 206-220, Doi: 10.1080/02763893.2012.754823.
34.  de Medeiros K, Saunders P, Sabat S. (2012). Introduction to the special issue. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice 11(3): 281-286.
35.  Saunders P, de Medeiros K, Doyle P. (2012). The discourse of friendship: Mediators of communication among dementia residents in long term care. Dementia. 11(3): 347-362.
36.  de Medeiros K, Saunders P, Doyle P, A Mosby, K Van Haitsma. (2012). Friendship among people with dementia in long term care. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice. 11(3): 363-382.
37.  Doyle P, de Medeiros K, Saunders P. (2012). Nested social groups within the social environment of a dementia care assisted living facility. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice. (2012). 11(3): 383-400.
38.  McMullen T, Canham S, Brown C, de Medeiros K. (2012). How are gerontology doctoral graduates viewed in the academic job market? Findings from an exploratory study. Gerontology and Geriatrics Higher Education. 33(2): 183-197. 39.  de Medeiros K. (2011.) Self stories in older age: Crafting identities using small moments from the past. American Studies. 56(1): 103-122.
40.  de Medeiros K, Mosby A., Hanley K, Suarez M, Brandt J. (2011). A randomized clinical trial of a writing workshop intervention to improve autobiographical memory and wellbeing in older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 26(8): 803-811.
41.  Saunders P, de Medeiros K, Bartell A. (2011). “Oh, he was forgettable”: Construction of self identity through use of communicative coping behaviors in the discourse of persons with cognitive impairment. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice. 10(3): 341-359.
42.  de Medeiros K, Robert P, Gauthier S, Stella F, Politis A, Leoutskakos, J, Taragano F, Kremer J, Brugnolo A, Porsteinsson A, Geda Y, Brodaty H, Gazdag de G, Cummings J, Lyketsos C. (2010). The Neuropsychiatric Inventory-Clinician rating scale (NPI-C): Reliability and validity of a revised assessment of neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia. International Psychogeriatrics. 22(6): 984-994.
43.  de Medeiros K. (2009.) Suffering and generativity: Repairing threats to the self. Journal of Aging Studies 23(2): 97-102.
44.  de Medeiros K, Beall E, Vozella S, Brandt J. (2009). Television viewing and people with dementia living in long-term care: A pilot study. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 28(5): 638-648.
45.  de Medeiros K, Rosenberg PB, Baker AS, Onyike CU. (2008). Improper sexual behaviors in elders with dementia living in residential care. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. 26, 370-377.
46.  de Medeiros K. (2007). Beyond the memoir: Telling life stories using multiple literary forms. Journal of Aging, Humanities and the Arts. 1: 159-167.
47.  de Medeiros K, Kennedy Q, Cole T, Lindley R, O’Hara R. (2007). Autobiographical writing and memory performance in a group of highly functioning older adults: A preliminary investigation. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 15(3): 257-261.
48.  de Medeiros K., Harris-Trovato D, Bradley E, Gaines J, & Parrish J. (2007). Group dynamics in a discussion group for older adults: Does gender play a role? Educational Gerontology: 33: 111-125.
49.  de Medeiros K. (2005). The complementary self in old age. Journal of Aging Studies: 19(1): 1-13.

Book Chapters

1.  de Medeiros K., Ermoshkina, P. (in press). Home, place and aging: Making a place for inclusive ways of knowing. In: G. Rowles and M. Cutchin (Eds.) Handbook of Aging and Place. Edward Elgar Publishing. (anticipated publication date, August, 2023).
2.  de Medeiros K, Ermoshkina P. (in press). Generativity and the continuum of suffering and flourishing in later life. M. Pratt, H. Lawford & F. Villar Posada (eds.) Generativity Across Adulthood. Oxford University Press.
3.  de Medeiros K. (in press.) Growing older without children: Challenging the (re)production narrative for older women In: V. Lipscomb & A. Swinnen (eds.) Palgrave Handbook of Literature and Aging. Palgrave.
4.  de Medeiros K. (2023). Communication and environmental positioning in dementia care units: Dialogues through space and place. In: F. Ferdous & E. Roberts (Eds.) (Re)designing the Continuum of Care for Older Adults. Springer Nature. (pp. 179-195). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-20970-3.
5.  de Medeiros K. & Basting A. (2022). Risky business: Radical creativity and the importance of risk in long-term care homes. In: M. Goldman, K. de Medeiros, and T. Cole. Critical Humanities and Ageing: Forging Interdisciplinary Dialogues. (pp. 299-313). New York: Routledge.
6.  Kinney, J. & de Medeiros, K. (2022). Discovering the gerontological voice as an emerging threshold concept in social gerontology. In: A. Glotfelter, C. Martin, M. Olejnik, A., & E. Wardle (Eds.) Changing Conceptions, Changing Practices: Innovating Teaching Across Disciplines (pp. 99-115). Utah State University Press.
7.  Roush, R.E., Braun, M., McFadden, S.H., de Medeiros, K. (2019). How the arts and humanities can help older persons with dementia and their caregivers be more resilient. In: B. Resnick (Ed.) Resilience in Aging (pp 133-150). New York: Springer Publishing.
8.  de Medeiros K., & Swinnen A. (2018). Social connectivity and creative approaches to dementia care: The case of a poetry intervention. In: A. Goulding, B. Davenport and A. Newman (Eds.) Creative Practice in the Resilience of Older People (pp. 63-84). Bristol: Policy Press.
9.  de Medeiros K & Stemen S. (2018). Reminiscence, self and meaningful connections: A case example of Bill. In: F. Gibson (ed.) Reminiscence, Life Review, and Story Work: International Perspectives. (p. 244-262).  London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
10.  de Medeiros K, & Rubinstein R.L. (2018.) Age identity and never-married childless older women. In: N. Salk (ed.) The Joys of Otherhood: Feminist Perspectives on Voluntary and Involuntary Childlessness. (pp. 193-213.) New York: Routledge Press.
11.  de Medeiros, K., & Sabat, S. (2016). Understanding the person with Alzheimer’s disease from a cause and consequence perspective. In: F. Moghaddam and R. Harré (Eds . Questioning Causality: Explorations and Causes and Consequences Across Contexts (pp. 221–236). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
12.  de Medeiros K, Jackson SJ, Perkinson MA. (2016). Successful aging. In: K.F. Barney & M.A. Perkinson (Eds.) Occupational Therapy with Older Adults. (p. 300-314). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
13.  de Medeiros K & Black H. Suffering and pain in old age. (2015). In: Twigg J & Martin W. Handbook of Cultural Gerontology. (pp. 181-188). New York: Routledge.
14.  de Medeiros K. & Sabat S. Friendships for people living with dementia in long-term care. In: Harré, R., & Moghaddam, F. M. (Eds.) (2013). The Psychology of Friendship and Enmity: Relationships in Love, Work, Politics, and War. Vol.1: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Processes. Santa Barbara, CA.; Praeger: vol 1, pp. 215-237.
15.  de Medeiros K, Rubinstein R, Doyle P. (2013). A place of one’s own: Reinterpreting the meaning of home among childless older women. In G. Rowles and M. Bernard (Eds.) The Meaning of Home. New York: Springer Publishing.
16.  de Medeiros K. (2010). Telling stories: How do expressions of self differ in two types of narrative groups for older adults? In: G. Kenyon, Ernst Bohlmeijer, & W. Randall (Eds.). Storying Later Life: Issues, Investigations and Interventions in Narrative Gerontology. Oxford University Press. Pp. 159-176.
17.  Rubinstein RL & de Medeiros K. (2005). Home, self and identity. In G. Rowles & H. Chaudhury (Eds.) Home and Identify in Late Life: International Perspectives. New York: Springer Publishing. Pp 47-62.
18.  Rubinstein RL. & de Medeiros K. (2004). Ecology and the aging self. In H. Wahl & P. Windley (Eds.) Annual Review of Gerontology & Geriatrics 2003. New York: Springer.

Book Reviews

1.  de Medeiros K. (2021). The “stuff” of growing old. (2021). The Gerontologist. (advanced access online, April, 2021).
2.  de Medeiros K. (2019). Confronting ageism: Perspectives from age studies and the social sciences. The Gerontologist. 59(4): 799-800. Doi: 10.1093/geront/gnz042
3.  de Medeiros K. (2014). Aging our way: Independent elders, interdependent lives. Teaching Sociology. 43(1): 81-83. Doi: 0092055X14559201.
4.  de Medeiros K. (2014). Who “owns” gerontology? The importance of thinking beyond the sciences. The Gerontologist. 54(4): 723-727.
5.  de Medeiros K. (2013). The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared. In: Debra J. Sheets. Symposium: Popular Literature on Aging. The Gerontologist. 53(6): 1069-1070. Doi: 10.1093/geront/gnt116
6.  de Medeiros K. (2010). The experience of dementia: Personal, programmatic and practical considerations. The Gerontologist. 50(2): 276-279.
7.  de Medeiros K. (2009). Glorious Adventure: A review of Carter Catlett Williams’ journey to her past. Journal of Aging, the Humanities, and Arts. 3(3). 234-237.

Other Publications

1.  de Medeiros K.(2022). Arts in dementia care. In: Gauthier S, Webster C, Servaes S, Morais JA, Rosa-Neto P. World Alzheimer Report 2022: Life after diagnosis: Navigating treatment, care and support (pp 239-240). London, England: Alzheimer’s Disease International.  Located at: 2.  de Medeiros K. & Kinney J. (2020)  Writing like a gerontologist for The Gerontologist. (invited editorial.) 60(5): 793–796.  de Medeiros K. (2020). A COVID-19 side effect: A virulent resurgence of ageism. The Hastings Center Forum. Published on May 14, 2020 at:  Stemen S & de Medeiros K. (2019). Narrative analysis. In: D. Gu & M.E. Dupre (eds). Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. New York: Springer Publishing. Doi: doi:10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_558-1.5.  Senjooti Roy, Cole Baker, Bobbie Hall, Tone Pryor, Sara Heath, Sundeep Vaswani, Cassandra Woodford, Brooke Bennington, Blair Arnell, Kate de Medeiros, Aaron Davidson-Bey, Katie Graham. (2019). Age-Friendly Oxford: A qualitative study conducted by the Miami First Year Research Experience (FYRE) class of 2017-2018. Oxford, Ohio: Scripps Gerontology Center.6.  Kunkel, S., Mehdizadeh, S., de Medeiros, K., Nelson, M., Hua, C. (2018). Evaluating enhanced service coordination in Ohio’s housing for low-income older adults and people with disabilities. Oxford, Ohio: Scripps Gerontology Research Center.  Located at: 7.  de Medeiros K, Abel T, Allred Z, Arbogast A, Croisant M, Myers C, Popova M, Pratt J, Torres J. (2017). An assessment of information and service needs of people 60 in four Ohio communities: Centerville, Dayton, Huber Heights, and Kettering. United Way of the Greater Dayton Area.
8.  de Medeiros K. (2017). Narrative gerontology: Introducing the field. Biblioteka Gerontologii Spolecznej/ Polish Social Gerontology Journal. 1(13): 13-23. (invited).
9.  de Medeiros K. (2017). Narrative gerontology: Countering the master narratives of aging. Narrative Works. 6(1): 63-81. (invited).
10.  de Medeiros K. (2017). Better than “all right.” Blog: International Network for Critical Gerontology.
11.  de Medeiros K. (2016). The ‘other’ in ourselves: Exploring the educational power of the humanities and arts. (Introduction to the special issue). Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 37(3), 229-231.
12.  de Medeiros K. (2015). Meaningful moments in the most unlikely of times: Arts-based interventions and dementia. Art Works Blog. National Endowment for the Arts.
13.  de Medeiros K, Basting A. (2012). An overview of arts-based research in dementia care. Commissioned paper for the National Academy of Sciences.
14.  de Medeiros K, Basting A. (2011). The power of story can unite us across culture, age and disability. Aging Today. xxxii(5): p. 1-5.
15.  Rubinstein RL & de Medeiros K. (2006). Housing. In: R. Schulz (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Aging (4th Ed.) New York: Springer.
16.  Cole T, de Medeiros K. (2000). Elderwritings: The making of stories and souls. Aging and the Human Spirit, 10(1).
17.  de Medeiros K (ed.) (1998). Remembering the Buccaneer Hotel. UTMB Senior Services Office: Galveston.
18.  de Medeiros K, Cole T. (1998). Share your life story: A new writing approach for elders. Aging Today, American Society on Aging, Spring, 1998.

Participation activities

Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations - Papers

1.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2022). “None of them are really ‘friends’”: Staff perceptions of the social world of people living with dementia in long-term care. GSA annual conference meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
2.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2022). Anocriticism and the performance of masculinity in older men.  GSA annual conference meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
3.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2022). Narrative as a boundary concept in gerontology: The story behind the stories. GSA annual conference meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
4.  de Medeiros K. (September, 2022). How Has Narrative Been Used in Gerontology? Findings from a Qualitative Evidence Synthesis. European Network of Aging Studies Bi-Annual conference. (on-line).
5.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2021). Unspoiled identities among people living alone with dementia: Resisting stigma by helping others. GSA annual conference meeting, online.
6.  de Medeiros K, Girling L. Unspoiled Identities of People Living Alone with Dementia: Resisting Stigma by Helping Others Innovation in Aging. 2021 Jan;5(Suppl 1):357-358. PMCID: PMC8680103.
7.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2021). The elderhood mystique. GSA annual conference meeting, online.
8.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2020). “I’m very cautious about who I let into my world”: Social vulnerability for people living alone with dementia. GSA annual conference meeting, online.
9.  Girling L & de Medeiros K. (2020). Recruiting community-dwelling live-along persons with dementia: An exploration of five gatekeeper domains. GSA annual conference meeting, online.
10.  Berlinger N, de Medeiros K, Girling L. (2020). What thinking like a bioethicist can bring to dementia research. GSA annual conference meeting, online.
11.  Kriebernegg U & de Medeiros K. (2020). Facts and fictions: Rethinking vulnerability and resistance in late-life narratives and why age matters. GSA annual conference meeting, online.
12.  de Medeiros K & Girling L. (July, 2020). People living alone with dementia: Ethical guidelines for social research. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference [virtual].
13.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2019). Creativity, hope and expectation in a poetry program: Rethinking what counts as success in dementia care. GSA annual conference meeting, Austin, TX.
14.  de Medeiros K. (May, 2019). Play, language and meaningful connections in a poetry program: Rethinking what counts as “success” in dementia care. North American Network of Aging Studies/European Network of Aging Studies bi-annual conference meeting, Trent University, Peterborough, Canada.
15.  de Medeiros K. (July, 2017). Depression, masculinity and living alone in a military retirement community. The 21st International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) World Congress of Gerontology and Aging, San Francisco, CA.
16.  Swinnen A., & de Medeiros, K. (March, 2017). "Play" and people living with dementia: A humanities-based inquiry of TimeSlips and the Alzheimer’s Poetry Project. 1st International Arts and Dementia Research Conference. London: Royal Society for Public Health.
17.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2016). The GSA Humanities and Arts Committee: An overview from 1983 to present. The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) annual conference meeting, New Orleans, LA.
18.  Etter-Lewis G., & de Medeiros K. (November, 2016). Narratives of under-represented elders in Ohio: Uncovering the importance of place. GSA annual conference meeting, New Orleans, LA.
19.  de Medeiros K., Kinney J. M., & Glazner G. (November, 2016). Participatory poetry and people with dementia: Results from a pilot study. GSA annual conference meeting annual conference meeting, New Orleans, LA.
20.  de Medeiros K. (June, 2016) Engaging imagination in the care for people with dementia: Reconsidering the possibilities of the arts. The Nordic Kongress on Aging. Tampere, Finland.
21.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2015.) Bridging the gerontological divide: The importance of language in age-related research. GSA annual conference meeting, Orlando, FL.
22.  de Medeiros K. (October, 2015.) Narrative care through careful listening. Forum on Ageing. University of Graz, Graz, Austria.
23.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2014). Improvisation and people with dementia: Reconsidering the possibilities of engagement. GSA annual conference meeting, Washington, D.C.
24.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2014). (Symposium Organizer). Making connections through the art of losing: Using humanities approaches to understand later life. GSA annual conference meeting, Washington, D.C.
25.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2014). Grief in the context of a structured autobiographical writing group: A case study. GSA annual conference meeting, Washington, D.C.
26.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2014). Listening: The forgotten side of narratives in aging. GSA annual conference meeting, Washington, D.C.
27.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2014.) Changing the performance of old age: A critical analysis of Derek. GSA annual conference meeting, Washington, D.C.
28.  de Medeiros K. (May, 2014). ‘Narrative proximity”: A new method for making sense of narrative interview data. 22nd Nordic Congress in Aging, Gothenberg, Sweden.
29.  de Medeiros K. (April, 2014). Is resilience the new “successful aging?”. 8th International Conference on Cultural Gerontology, Galway, Ireland.
30.  de Medeiros K, Rubinstein R. (November, 2013). Age identity in progress narratives of never-married women. GSA annual conference meeting, New Orleans, LA.
31.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2013). Narrative complexity, identity construction and the importance of omission: A case study. GSA annual conference meeting, New Orleans, LA.
32.  de Medeiros K, Rubinstein R. (November, 2013). Depression and the performance of masculinity in a military retirement community. GSA annual conference meeting, New Orleans, LA.
33.  de Medeiros K. (April, 2013). Navigating life’s transitions: The story board as expression of transition. [Discussant.] OAGE conference, Ashland, OH.
34.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2012). Using writing and reminiscence groups to improve self concept in older adults: Findings from a randomized control trial. GSA annual conference meeting, San Diego, CA.
35.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2012). Narrative response type and interview data: Some new considerations for analyzing narrative data. GSA annual conference meeting, San Diego.
36.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2012). Narratives of depression and the clinical setting: Finding new ways to change the script. GSA annual conference meeting, San Diego, CA.
37.  de Medeiros K. (October, 2012). Pain, suffering and metaphor in narratives of older Americans. Pain and Old Age: Three Centuries of Sufffering in Silence? The Birckbeck Pain Project. London, England.
38.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2011). Do future generations need anything from me? Perceived relevancy in ‘generativity.’ GSA annual conference meeting, Boston, MA.
39.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2011). Transitions into retirement communities: Negotiating time, self and identity. GSA annual conference meeting, Boston, MA.
40.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2011). Narrative research: Where have we been, where are we going? GSA annual conference meeting, Boston, MA.
41.  Saunders P, de Medeiros K. (November, 2011). Friendships between dementia residents in long term care: Is it possible? GSA annual conference meeting, Boston, MA.
42.  Doyle PJ, de Medeiros K, Saunders, P. (November, 2011). Navigating relationships within the social world of a dementia care setting: The case of a particularly ‘friendly’ resident. GSA annual conference meeting, Boston, MA.
43.  Saunders P, de Medeiros K. (November, 2011). Discursive practices of socially constructing a friendly identity. GSA annual conference meeting, Boston, MA.
44.  de Medeiros K. From life story to self story: Teaching writing workshops for older adults. (October, 2011). The European Network in Aging Studies Inaugural Meeting, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
45.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2010). Know this about me: How written narratives frame the oral life stories of three older women. GSA annual conference meeting, New Orleans, LA.
46.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2010). The CES-D as a think aloud exercise: How and why older adults respond to statements. GSA annual conference meeting, New Orleans, LA
47.  Rubinstein R, de Medeiros K. (November, 2010). Home environments of older people as a source of gerontological education. GSA annual conference meeting, New Orleans, LA
48.  de Medeiros K. (June, 2010). Small moments and public intimacies: Explorations of life story writing groups for older adults. Annual meeting of the International Autobiography/Biography Association, University of Sussex, England.
49.  de Medeiros K. (May, 2010). Twice-told tales: Structure, content and meaning of repetitious stories in a group of older adults. Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Narrative annual conference, University of St. Thomas, New Brunswick, Canada.
50.  de Medeiros K., Robert P, Gauthier S, Stella F, Politis A, Leotskakos J, Taragano F, Kremer J, Brugnolo A, Porsteinsson A, Geda Y, Brodaty H, Lyketsos C. (October, 2009). The Neuropsychiatric Inventory Clinician Rating Scale (NPI-C): Comparing NPI ratings with a revised measure of neuropsychiatric symptoms in a multi-national study. Annual meeting of the International Congress of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology, Athens, Greece.
51.  de Medeiros K, Robert P, Gauthier S, Stella F, Politis A, Leotskakos J, Taragano F, Kremer J, Brugnolo A, Porsteinsson A, Geda Y, Brodaty H, Lyketsos C. (September, 2009). The NPI-C—A clinical rated assessment of neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia. The International Psychogeriatric Association Annual Congress, Montreal, Canada..
52.  de Medeiros K, Saunders P, Mosby A, Doyle PJ, Jeresano M, Van Haitsma K. (November, 2009). Residents views of self: Filling the gap in person-centered care. GSA annual conference meeting, Atlanta, GA.
53.  de Medeiros K, Saunders P, Doyle PJ, Mosby A, Van Haitsma K, Jeresano JE. (November, 2009). Toward defining friendship in cognitively impaired adults: Rethinking a familiar paradigm. GSA annual conference meeting, Atlanta, GA.
54.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2009). Using “low tech” technology to characterize environments of people with dementia in long-term care. The Environmental Design and Research Association (EDRA) Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri.
55.  de Medeiros K, Rubinstein R. (November, 2009). Environmental positioning & aging. EDRA Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MS, 2009.
56.  de Medeiros K. & Saunders P. (November, 2008). Attributions of depression in life stories: Differing themes in oral interviews versus letters GSA annual conference meeting, Washington, D.C.
57.  de Medeiros K. (May, 2008). From reproduction to new production: Changes in gerontological discourse about women in the Geriatrics and the Journals of Gerontology. European Society for Social Historians Annual Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal.
58.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2007). Understanding sexual behaviors in people with dementia: Defining what ‘is’ is. GSA annual conference meeting, San Francisco, CA.
59.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2007). “I looked around and saw and heard of none like me”: Where is home for doctorally trained gerontologists? GSA annual conference meeting, San Francisco, CA.
60.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2007). Identities and selves in conflict: Meaning systems and home in old age. EDRA Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA.
61.  de Medeiros K. (March, 2007). Depression in old age: Experience and attributions in narratives of the elderly. Association for Anthropology and Gerontology Annual Meeting, State College, PA.
62.  Van Dussen D, de Medeiros K. (November, 2005). A mixed-methods examination of missing data among two samples of CES-D Data. GSA annual meeting, Dallas, TX.
63.  de Medeiros K. (November, 2004) Suffering and metaphor: Images of the imagined other.” GSA annual conference meeting, Dallas, TX.
64.  de Medeiros K. (May, 1997). Voice, genre and self-fulfillment in life stories of the elderly. International Symposium on Reminiscence and Life Review annual meeting, Superior, WI.

Invited Talks

1.  de Medeiros K. The “Me” beyond the story: Personal objects as narrative power in research interviews. The European Network of Aging Studies, Budapest, Romania. (March 4, 2022). [via Zoom.]
2.  de Medeiros K. Risk and value in creative engagement. (September, 2021). Dementia Fiction Festival. Queen's University, Belfast, Ireland [via Zoom.]
3.  de Medeiros K. (February, 2021).  The humanities and aging research: Meanings and methods. Presentation for the EuroAgeism seminar series, Bar-Ilan University Ramat-Gan,Israel [via Zoom.]
4.  de Medeiros K. (February, 2021). Covid-19 and the New Age of Ageism. Scripps Gerontology Center’s lunchtime presentation series.  Oxford, Ohio [via Zoom].
5.  de Medeiros K. (October, 2020). Breaking down the generational divide: Building trust across the ages. Miami University first annual Conference on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Oxford, Ohio [via Zoom.]
6.  de Medeiros K. (July, 2019). Linking the Social Exposome to later life dementia. Half Moon Bay, CA. 
7.  de Medeiros K. (July, 2019). The meaning of longevity. Chautauqua Institution lecture series, Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, New York.
8.  de Medeiros K. (April, 2018). Rethinking what counts as "success" in dementia care interventions. Joint symposia sponsored by the Centre for Economic and Social Research on Dementia and the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, National University of Ireland-Galway, Galway, Ireland.
9.  de Medeiros K. (April, 2018). If culture trumps strategy, how might culture change occur? Head Space: Creative Aging International. Dublin, Ireland.
10.  de Medeiros K. (February, 2018). Creative practice as strategy. Creating a new old San Francisco. Creative Aging International, San Francisco, CA.
11.  de Medeiros K. (June, 2017). Arts-based interventions in dementia care. Dementia Pre-Summit Meeting, sponsored by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Dementia Research Institute, Washington, D.C.
12.  de Medeiros K. (March, 2017). Narrative strategy in gerontology practice. The international interdisciplinary scientific conference healthy ageing: Multidisciplinary perspectives, life span applications. Pedagogical University of Krakow, Krakow, Poland.
13.  de Medeiros K. (March, 2017). (plenary address). An introduction to narrative gerontology. Healthy ageing: Multidisciplinary perspectives, life-span applications. Pedagogical University of Krakow, Krakow, Poland.
14.  de Medeiros K. (May, 2016). (key note address). Interdisciplinary research and ageing: A global perspective. Rethinking ageing and memory through interdisciplinary research. Sponsored by the Irish Research Council, Dublin, Ireland.
15.  de Medeiros K. (April, 2016). Thinking with stories: Using applied narrative work with older adults. Jewish Community Center Social Worker Training, Cincinnati, Ohio.
16.  de Medeiros K. (December, 2015). Cultural arts as an intervention in dementia care. Mayo Clinic and Lewy Body Dementia Association, Dementia with Lewy Bodies conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
17.  de Medeiros K. (January, 2015.) End-of-life care: An overview. Symposium on global views of end-of-life care, Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan.
18.  de Medeiros K. (March, 2015). The 40-year old freshman: How changes in the age structure affect education. The Penny Lecture Series. Miami University, Oxford, OH.
19.  de Medeiros K. (June, 2014). Aging, narratives and memory: Rethinking the roles of stories and cognition. Tulane graduate symposium, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA.
20.  de Medeiros K. (October, 2013). It’s still mom: Connecting with a loved one who has dementia. Baton Rouge Health Foundation Gala. Lima, OH.
21.  de Medeiros K. (February, 2013). There’s more to the story than the story: An overview of narrative gerontology. Brown bag lecture, Miami University, Oxford, OH.
22.  de Medeiros K, Basting A. (2012). “Shall I compare thee to a dose of donepezil?”: An overview of intervention research in dementia care. Presentation for a joint meeting sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences and the National Endowment for the Arts, Washington, DC.
23.  de Medeiros K. (June, 2012). There’s more to the story than the story. Catholic Charities Service Coordinators’ training, Baltimore, MD.
24.  de Medeiros K. (May, 2012). Thinking with stories: Reimagining the self in narrative gerontology. Virginia Commonwealth University School of Social Work, Richmond, VA. .
25.  de Medeiros K. (February, 2012). Who gets to tell their life story and why? The Penny Lecture Series. Miami University, Oxford, OH.
26.  de Medeiros K. (October, 2010). Using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory – Clinician Rating (NPI-C) in clinical trials research. Forest Laboratories, New York.
27.  de Medeiros K. (April, 2010). The NPI-C: A new state of the art measure for cross-national studies of neuropsychiatric symptoms. The Alzheimer’s Association Research Roundtable: Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Alzheimer's Disease. Washington, D.C.
28.  de Medeiros K. (September, 2009). The measure of old age. (Re)constructing the ageing body: Western medical cultures and gender, 1600-2000. Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany.
29.  de Medeiros K. (May, 2008). The healing power of self stories. 26th Annual Maryland Gerontological Association meeting, Baltimore, MD.
30.  de Medeiros K. (January, 2007). Conversations and dementia: Understanding changes in the social process of communication. The Copper Ridge Institute, Sykesville, MD.
31.  de Medeiros K. (October, 2006). Television viewing and behavior in people dementia. The Copper Ridge Institute, Sykesville, MD.
32.  de Medeiros K. (September, 2006). Write to your dead: They are listening. International Conference on Ageing Stories: Narrative Constructions of Age and Gender,” Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany.
33.  de Medeiros K. (September, 2006). The power of life stories. The ‘Coming of Age’: Cultural Construction of Age(ing). Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Berlin, Germany.

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