2022 Student Equity Census Results
In spring 2022, Concordia undergraduate and graduate students were invited to participate in an equity census. Collecting and analyzing demographic information is an essential first step for the university to meaningfully address underrepresentation and examine institutional barriers that may prevent students from fully participating in university life. The data collected will be used to design and deliver more inclusive and impactful services, programming and experiences to the student community as well as allow Concordia to measure its progress vis-à-vis equity and inclusion over time. As this is a work in progress, please contact the Equity Office if you believe something is missing or would like to provide other feedback.
Data collection
The census was sent to 37,893 students.
A total of 8,259 students completed the census. This represents a 21.9% response rate.
The data was analysed by SOM, an independent firm. The maximum margin of error for all respondents is 1.1% (with a 95% confidence level).
Summary of findings
The results represent a snapshot of Concordia’s student population at a point in time. With continued iterations of this exercise, we will be able to monitor enduring trends as well as new shifts concerning the demographics of our student community. This information gathering will better inform the university’s equity goals and strategy.
A note about the data: The census may have attracted more respondents who are members of underrepresented communities in the Quebec and/or Canadian population. As such, the picture presented by the data may be influenced by increased representation of certain subgroups. Results should be interpreted with this in mind; future census exercises will provide more data to analyze with a higher degree of certainty.
The census nevertheless provides a strong starting point to better understand the makeup of our community as well as affirms the need to be iterative in our data collection approaches.