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Student Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Access Centre for Students with Disabilities (ACSD) and the Equity Office are thrilled to announce the creation of the Student Accessibility Advisory Committee (SAAC). 

The SAAC aims to amplify the voices of students with disabilities and provide them with opportunities to advise and inform accessibility initiatives at Concordia.

All students who identify as having a disability are invited to express their interest in being part of the committee. Students are not required to be registered with the Access Centre for Students with Disabilities.

The committee will meet for two hours each term, during fall 2023 and winter 2024. There may be additional opportunities to participate in sub-groups to address specific themes and issues.

If you are interested in being part of the Student Accessibility Advisory Committee, please fill out the statement of interest form by November 6, 2023. The committee chairs will follow up with you via email. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the co-chairs:

Adelina Feo, Manager, ACSD ( and/or Anna Barrafato, Accessibility Lead, Equity Office (

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