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Student accommodations

For ACSD-registered students, learn more about your unique accommodation plan. For information about registering with the ACSD, please visit how to register. 

Meet your advisor

When you register with the ACSD, your personalized accommodation plan begins with meeting with your advisor.

You will work with your advisor to: 

  • Develop and update your unique accommodation plan
  • Access additional resources at Concordia and in the community
  • Practice advocating for yourself, including learning to talk to professors or other professionals about your needs as a student with a disability

Contact your advisor directly to book a meeting. 

If you don't remember who your advisor is, please email Please allow us up to 48 hours to respond.

Need to see an advisor earlier? An ACSD advisor will be available to answer questions and provide advice at the Student Service Station, Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

What are accommodations?

  • Academic accommodations are adaptations or measures that reduce or eliminate barriers to participation.
  • All accommodations must be reasonable, taking into account your functional limitations, academic standards and course objectives, and time and resource constraints for all parties involved in coordinating the accommodation.
  • Accommodations must not interfere with the university’s ability to assess the essential learning outcomes of the course or program and must adhere to all academic standards and the university’s academic integrity policies.
  • Accommodations are not meant to provide you with an advantage, modify course material or learning objectives. While accommodations reduce barriers related to academic participation, they do not guarantee a level of achievement.

Accessibility portal

Your accessibility portal contains important information about your accommodations. You will need to visit your portal to complete essentials tasks and review information about your individual accommodation plan.

Verify your accommodation plan

After your first meeting with your advisor, and at the start of each term, you will need to verify and agree to your individual accommodation plan.

A screenshot of the ACSD portal. The text says: "Important first step: Verify your accommodations" Screenshot of ACSD portal: Verify your accommodations

1. Log in to your ACSD portal.

2. Select the first link on the page, “Verify your accommodations here.

Generate a letter of accommodation

If you wish to share your letter of accommodation with your professors, you can download a copy from your ACSD portal for each of your classes.

Note that this is an optional step. The ACSD will also automatically email your professors to inform them of your accommodations.

A screenshot of the ACSD portal. The text says: "Important first step: Verify your accommodations" Screenshot of ACSD portal: Verify your accommodations
  1. Log in to your ACSD portal.
  2. Select the first link on the page, “Verify your accommodations here."
  3. Select the “Accommodations" button.
  4. Select the "Get Letter" button for the course you choose. It will produce a PDF that you can attach to an email to professors, if needed.

Review your in-person ACSD exam schedule

If you have in-person exams invigilated by the ACSD, you will find the bookings on your accessibility portal.

You are responsible for verifying your exam information on your ACSD portal at least seven days ahead of your exams and to advise the ACSD if any information is missing or incorrect.

A screenshot of the ACSD portal. The text says: "Important first step: Verify your accommodations" Screenshot of ACSD portal: Verify your accommodations
  1. Log in to your accessibility portal.

  2. On the main page there is a box with the heading “Verify your accommodations.” 

  3. Select the link in the box and follow the instructions on how to verify your accommodations. 

  4. Select "My calendar of ACSD appointments and exams" to review your exam bookings. 

  5. If any information is missing or incorrect, please contact

Request a letter to be considered full-time equivalent

At Concordia, a full-time course load is 12 credits in one term. However, in some situations, ACSD-registered students taking a minimum of 6 credits may request to be considered full-time for a specific purpose. 

To be officially considered a full-time equivalent by the government of Quebec, a student must meet the criteria of having a Permanent Disability Resulting In Significant And Persistent Impairment, as outlined by Aide Financiere Etudiants, and be registered in 6 credits or more.

In situations outside of government related matters, the ACSD may be able to provide a courtesy letter even if a student does not meet the formal requirement for having an MFD or a serious Episodic Disorder. These letters are provided on a needs-basis.

Please note that letters of support take up to 7 business days to process from the time we receive all your information. 

Exam accommodations

Exam accommodations are reasonable changes to the testing conditions that allow you to demonstrate your academic ability and fulfill course requirements.

In-person exams

Your professors have been asked to provide information for your upcoming exams, including tests, quizzes and midterms. 

Your exam information

It is your responsibility to verify your exam information on your ACSD portal at least 7 days ahead of your exams, and to advise the ACSD if any information is missing or incorrect. 

Please review how to look up information about your in-person ACSD exams.

You can view your exam locations and schedule in your ACSD portal. Click on "My calendar of ACSD appointments and exams."

You have the option of writing with the ACSD or in your regular exam location. If you are writing in your regular location, please make sure you communicate your accommodation information clearly with your instructor so that it is properly implemented.

The same final exam regulations from the Exams Office apply to students writing their exams with the ACSD.
  • Check the location of your exams in advance.
  • Bring your student ID card.
  • Arrive at the exam location 15 minutes before the start time.
  • As an ACSD-registered student, you are permitted to bring water and snacks (without nuts) during the exam.
  • If you need to use the washroom during your exam, you will be escorted by the invigilators.

In-person exam FAQ

Your professor has been notified of the location of your exam. They have been asked to pass by the ACSD exam room to answer your questions.

During final exams, you may not leave before the first third of the examination has elapsed, and you may not enter an examination room after the first third of the examination has elapsed.

Online exams

If you have extended time as an accommodation, your professors will adjust the time for your online exams on various platforms (e.g. Moodle, MyLab, etc.).

The ACSD has already sent letters of accommodation to your professors and will continue to send monthly reminders. Please follow-up with your professors directly to ensure that they adjust your test times.

  • eConcordia tests: Extended time accommodations will be applied to your eConcordia tests automatically. If you have questions, please contact the eConcordia Helpdesk team
  • COLE exams: The ACSD will inform the COLE management team weekly to apply extended time accommodations.

If you have text-to-speech as a part of your ACSD accommodations, you can install the ChromeVox plugin to your Google Chrome browser.

ChromeVox operates using quick keys, so it is recommended you become familiar with the commands prior to your exams. 

Spell check availability is dependent on the platform and will not be commonly available. Please use ChromeVox to help pinpoint spelling errors.

General exam FAQ

If the take-home exam exceeds the expected completion time by 100% then additional time will not be applied. Please communicate with your professor if you have any additional questions about this. 

For example, if your professor assigns a take-home exam that is designed to be completed in 3 hours, and the entire class is given 24 hours to complete it, additional time would not necessarily be provided. The 24-hour window already encompasses the extra time.

According to Concordia’s exam guidelines, earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones that are not connected to a device are permitted in exams.

First, speak with your professor to see if you can find a solution.

If you are definitely unable to write final exams this semester, you have the option to defer the exam to next semester. Deferred exams will be scheduled the next time the course is offered.

It is imperative to follow the instructions provided by the Exams Office and fill out the form as soon as possible.

Should technical issues arise, please work with online support to resolve them before applying for a deferred exam.

Find the steps to report an exam conflict and request to write an alternate exam.

Remember to check the deadline to report the conflict so that arrangements can be made in advance.

In-class accommodations

Find details about implementing specific classroom accommodations from your accommodation plan.

Please note, accommodations are determined through discussion with your advisor on an individual basis. 

This is not an extensive list of accommodations, and certain accommodations may not be applicable to your situation. If you have questions about your accommodations, reach out to your advisor.

Based on your needs, your ACSD advisor may recommend a variety of in-class accessibility services to reduce barriers. This is assessed individually and may include transcription, sign language, braille conversion, accessibility facilitators or note-taking services, among others.

If extensions are part of your accommodation plan: 
  • Extensions are requested occasionally, on a case-by-case basis. 
  • You are encouraged to share your Letter of Accommodation (LOA) with your instructors and to inform them about your accommodation plan at the beginning of the term and when requesting an extension.  
  • Extensions should be requested as soon as possible, before the due date. 
  • You and your professors will agree on the length of the extension. Typically, it is between 1 and 5 days depending on your needs and on the course requirements and goals.
  • Extensions need professor’s approval. A request may be denied if it is not in line with the course objectives or if it interferes with the academic integrity of the course.

If you need to request extensions on a regular basis, please contact your ACSD Advisor to explore other options.

If leniency on attendance is part of your accommodation plan, please communicate with your professors if you will be absent from class.

This accommodation is meant to be used exceptionally, when you are not able to attend class for reasons related to your disability condition. If you need to be absent for other reasons, this accommodation is not applicable. In that case you may use the short term absence form for a short-term medical accommodation without documentation like a medical note. If you have questions, you can contact your advisor.

Note-taking accommodations include a variety of services and resources that are tailored to each student’s needs. To learn more, talk to your advisor.

If you have any questions about note-taking, please contact your ACSD advisor.

Students with audio recording as an accommodation should share their letter of accommodation with their instructors and ask them for permission to record their lectures.

Concordia has a policy regarding recording the audio and/or video of lectures. It is the student’s responsibility to know and follow this policy.

Read the policy on audio/video recording of lectures (PRVPA-2).

Course materials in alternate formats

If you're facing a learning barrier when using printed or hard copy texts, digital textbook and course-pack conversion services are available to you.

To access these services, you must have a "print disability" which is recognized under Canadian Copyright Law. This can include visual, mobility, perceptual or cognitive disabilities that severely impede text recognition.

Contact your ACSD advisor who will review your file to ensure that you qualify for textbook and/or coursepack conversion services. Please allow for a minimum of two weeks to process requests. If your accommodations include other formats such as audio, additional processing time will be needed.

If you are physically able to manipulate textbooks and computers, you will receive training on how to convert your own materials.

Please note, there is no guarantee we will receive a PDF from publishers.

Step 1
Obtain your booklist from The Book Stop, Concordia's online bookstore.

Step 2
Before buying your textbook, check to see if an accessible digital version is available from an online retailer.  If you cannot find your book in digital format, purchase the book from any retailer or from another person. Used books are eligible for conversion, as long as you have a receipt.

The Concordia bookstore sells digital files of many of its textbooks and coursepacks, but cannot guarantee that the files are accessible. We recommend that students who purchase their books from the Concordia bookstore buy the hard copies.

Step 3
Email with the following information: 

  • Your name and Concordia student ID#
  • Book title, author, edition
  • A scan or photo of proof of purchase
  • A scan or photo of the front and back covers of the book
  • A scan or photo of the inside page of the book (page with ISBN number, publisher info, etc.)

You will be contacted by email when your files are ready. Please allow a minimum of 2 weeks for processing:

If you would like digital course-packs for all or some of your courses, you must first purchase the physical copy.

To make a request, email with the following information. 

  • Your name and Concordia student ID #
  • The course code and name of your professor
  • A scan or photo of proof of purchase
  • A scan or photo of the front and back covers of the book

Please allow a minimum of 2 weeks to process your request. You will be contacted by email when the files are ready.

Workshops & online drop-ins

Virtual workshops are open to registered ACSD students. Look out for our email invites with the Zoom meeting information!

Student Service Stations

An ACSD Advisor will be available to answer questions and provide advice at the Student Service Station, Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Upcoming workshops

More services & support

There are many services at Concordia that offer support to all students and work closely with the ACSD to support students with disabilities. 

Related registration and ACSD information

How to register

Get the details

Accessibility policies

Read the policies

Contact us

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