Udemy for Business offers Concordians useful online learning resources

The Concordia community has had access to a free Udemy for Business subscription since late September. The on-demand learning platform offers more than 5,500 non-academic courses ranging from cloud computing, leadership and marketing to finance and accounting, project management and operations.
There is also a very good selection of courses geared toward personal growth, health and wellness, language learning and hobbies.
International student Adin, who prefers not to disclose his full name, is completing his master’s degree in software engineering at the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science this term. He earned his undergraduate degree in computer engineering in Iran before starting his studies at Concordia two and a half years ago.
For Adin, the Udemy for Business platform is a great addition to Concordia’s learning resources. He has taken courses outside of his specialization in software engineering — namely music composition and sewing — that have contributed to his life skills. They’ve also sparked joy in his daily activities during the COVID-19 lockdown.
I found good instructors who provided comprehensive material
How did you learn about Udemy and what piqued your interest?
Adin: I have been working at Concordia Library‘s Technology Sandbox since September 2020. I learned about Udemy from Jasia Stuart, the coordinator of digital technologies there.
I bought a book about music composition to learn more about harmony and counterpoint, but I found it difficult to get through the material. I found other books on these topics, but as I experienced the same issues, I became frustrated and stopped reading.
Then, I started searching for music composition courses on the Udemy platform. I found great courses that begin with music theory and then progress to more advanced material. From reading course reviews and watching a few videos to learn more about instructors and their teaching method, I found good instructors who provided comprehensive material.
What other Udemy courses have you taken?
Adin: I took the Sewing 101 course, which had the best reviews, and I binge-watched two and a half hours of videos on the basics.
Since I’ve been spending a lot of time at home during the pandemic, I decided to buy a sewing machine. My family has been running a tailoring business in Iran for a few generations, so it is a skill that I’m familiar with.
After finishing the course, I made a man’s shirt and T-shirt and have been working on a pair of pants. Taking the Udemy course on sewing has really helped during the lockdown. I find making articles of clothing to be an enjoyable activity that keeps me engaged. What’s most important is that you create a final product that you can show to other people. It’s very satisfying.
Have you taken any courses that are related to your field of study?
Adin: I found a course on big data. It has great reviews and a very good instructor, so I will probably use this course to help with big data analysis.
Visit the MyConcordia portal to sign up for the Udemy service and explore the extensive collection of online and on-demand courses available to Concordia students, faculty and staff.