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Grading norms

Starting with the Summer 2005 session, the Department of History will employ the following grading norms in all its courses.

Grade Definitions

A =

Superior work – of honours quality – in both content and presentation. The work answers all components of a question. It demonstrates clear and persuasive argument, a well-structured text that features solid introductory and concluding arguments, and examples to illustrate the argument. Few, if any presentation errors appear. 

B =

Better than average in both content and presentation. The work is clear and well structured. Minor components of an answer might be missing, and there may be fewer illustrations for the argument.  Some minor but noticeable errors in presentation may have interfered with the general quality of the work

C =

This work demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the material. Ideas are presented in a style that is at least somewhat coherent and orderly. Occasional examples are provided to support arguments. Presentation errors that affect the quality of the work are more apparent than in B work. Some components of a question may have been omitted in the response. 

D =

The work demonstrates only a basic grasp of the material. Organization and substance are not clear in the response. Few, if any, examples are provided to illustrate argument. Major components of a question might have been neglected; and major presentation errors hamper the work

F =

This work demonstrates an inadequate grasp of the material. The work has major errors of style; and provides no supporting illustration for argument. Ideas are not clear to the reader. The work lacks structure.

Percent Grade Grade Points
90-100 A+ 4.30
85-89 A 4.00
80-84 A- 3.70
77-79 B+ 3.30
73-76 B 3.00
70-72 B- 2.70
67-69 C+ 2.30
63-66 C 2.00
60-62 C- 1.70
57-59 D+ 1.30
53-56 D 1.00
50-52 D- 0.70
0-49 F, FNS 0
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