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FEBRUARY 17: SGW and LOY campuses are open. All teaching and research activities, as well as all services are maintained on Monday, February 17, 2025.

FEBRUARY 17: SGW and LOY campuses are open. All teaching and research activities, as well as all services are maintained on Monday, February 17, 2025.

Sustainability Co-Design Project

A program to assist instructors with introducing sustainability content in their course, based on a Student as Partners model.


This initiative supported Concordia’s Sustainability in the Curriculum under the Sustainability Action Plan. The Sustainability Co-Design project was an opportunity to answer the students’ call to target those issues important to them and have all participants benefit from a renewed teaching and learning experience. 

When embedding sustainability in course curricula, various constraints including workload challenges and the uncertainty of where or how to start could present barriers. The CTL was interested in reducing these barriers, and this project was specifically meant for programs that wanted to enhance their courses with a sustainability lens. 

The project is based on a Student as Partners collaboration model, with undergraduate and graduate students working collaboratively with faculty to redesign a unit or develop an instructional module in their course. The co-design teams received support from a curricular developer for sustainability at the Office of the Vice-Provost, Innovation in Teaching and Learning (VPITL) and from an instructional designer at the CTL. Furthermore, students and faculty were guided by sustainability mentors, Concordia faculty who are deeply engaged with sustainability.

Results and impacts

  • Eight editions of the co-design project resulted in 15 redesigned courses.
  • For participating faculty: support in re-designing courses, gained fresh perspectives from students, and revitalized their teaching.
  • For participating students: 100% of participating students grasped basic course design and understood professors' viewpoints. Students found the experience unforgettable, cathartic, and wonderful.
  • Co-design teams: High satisfaction. Enhanced project-based learning. 
  • Enrolled students: Novel learning via revamped teaching, sustainability-discipline interconnections. 
  • Impact on curriculum: 30% to 60% increase in sustainability content integration, average redesign of 5+ learning outcomes, inclusion of multiple Sustainable Development Goals.

  • "Student partners were amazing, they had so many valuable ideas and put in a lot of work to make this project a success." – Faculty member
  • "Exchange of ideas was the best thing, openness to new ideas and pushing the limits of the conventional" – Student
  • "Very helpful CTL team; inspiring mentor; loved working in team with student partners!" – Faculty member


Sustainability Sparks: Faculty resources for infusing sustainability in the curriculum

During this webinar in 2024, interested faculty, staff, and students were invited to dive into what education for sustainability can mean and explore innovative teaching methods for sustainability across disciplines. This was also the opportunity to discover the Sustainability Co-Design Project, a collaborative effort where students and educators partner to integrate sustainability into courses. We learned from past teams, were inspired, and participated in a dynamic Q&A session for interdisciplinary insights.  

  • Education for sustainability: Florence Grüter
  • Fundamentals of Instructional Design (ETEC 650): Sana Ahmad and Rasleen Kaur
  • Facilitating Individual & Group Learning Processes (AHSC 680): Dr. Ann-Louise Howard and Christiane Stilson
  • Laboratory Studies in Biodiversity (BIOL 227): Alannis Suarez
  • Software Design Methodologies (SOEN 6461): Dr. Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Laurent Voisard and Nicolas C. Rousse

Showcase event

On May 16, 2023, several Sustainability Co-Design teams gathered to show how they have revisited their course curricula to connect discipline-specific content with sustainability issues. Together with Provost Anne Whitelaw, Vice-Provost of Innovation in Teaching and Learning Sandra Gabriele, Concordia faculty and staff and students interested in promoting Education for Sustainability, we celebrated the great strides our teams made and learned about their journey on the project. The event recording is available below, via the 4TH SPACE YouTube channel.

The event received the gold level of Concordia’s Sustainable Events Certification.

  • Paper: Surface & Object: Sarah Bertrand-Hamel
  • Building Economics I: Yunping Liang
  • Managerial Accounting: Matthaeus Tekathen
  • Building Engineering Systems: Bruno Lee and Sarah Briot
  • Introduction to Environmental Chemistry: Xianming Zhang
  • UX Design: Miao Song, Dennis Sun and Ziqian Liu

Login to Concordia required to view the webinar video, Sustainability Sparks: Faculty resources for infusing sustainability in the curriculum.

Showcase of the sustainability co-design projects from 2022-2023

Case studies of the co-design process

Video Games and/as Literature (ENGL 255)

Read the case study

Managerial Accounting (COMM 305)

Read the case study

Facilitating Individual & Group Learning Processes (AHSC 680)

Read the case study

Fundamentals of Instructional Design (ETEC 650)

Read the case study

Software Design Methodologies (SOEN 6461)

Read the case study


John Molson School of Business

Mentor: Luo He, Dr.

Instructor: Matthäus Tekathen, Dr.

Student partners: Kian Rahimidehban, Nour Khorassani, and Miumiu (Also known as, Laeticia Wang)

Faculty of Arts and Science

Mentors: James Grant, Dr. and Rebecca Tittler, Dr.

Instructor: Xianming Zhang, Dr.

Student partners: Cassandra Johannessen and Guzal Riskulova

Mentor: Venkatesh, Vivek, Dr.

Instructor: Bobker, Danielle Dr.

Student partners: Magliocca Sophia and Montour Finnley

Mentor: Jamet, Cédric, M.A.

Instructor: Howard Ann-Louise, Dr.

Student partners: Stilson Christiane and Shah Tina

Mentor: Mitchell McLarnon, Dr.

Instructor: JiYae Bong, Dr.

Student partners: Sana Ahmad and Rasleen Kaur

Mentor: Peter Graham, Dr.

Instructor: Kathryn Gasse, Dr.

Student partners: Kyle Tryhorn and Moth Evie Bennet

Mentor: Rebecca Tittler, Dr.

Instructor: Angela Rose Lapierre, Dr.

Student partners: Brendon Joyce and Alannis Suarez

Mentor: Arseneault, Jesse, Dr.

Instructor: Blair Kelsey, Dr.

Student partners: Gallant Brett and Skurczak Ennie

Faculty of Fine Arts

Mentor: Janis Timm-Bottos, Dr.

Instructor: Erin Flynn, Dr.

Student partners: Danielle Garrison and Kristina Hilliard


Mentor: Alice Jarry, Dr.

Instructor: Sarah Bertrand-Hamel

Student partners: Natasha Ogrodnik and Clara-Jane Rioux Fiset

Mentor: Liz Miller, Dr.

Instructor: Miao Song, Dr.

Student partners: Dennis Sun and Ziqian Liu

Gina Cody School of Engineering

Mentor: Kasim Tirmizey, Dr.

Instructor: Yunping Liang, Dr.

Student partners: Chadi Mitri and Malcolm Dunson-Todd

Mentor: Dr. Govind Gopakumar

Instructor: Dr. Bruno Lee

Student partners: Anahita Bigtashi, Sarah Briot and Valerie Fournier

Mentor: Awasthi, Anjali, Dr.

Instructor: Guéhéneuc, Yann-Gaël, Dr.

Student partners: Voisard Laurent and Rousse C. Nicolas

Mentor: Govind Gopakumar, Dr.

Instructor: Julia Aman, Dr.

Student partners: Yeojin Park and Wissam Abdellah


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