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Admissions for Class of 2026


  • Be registered for all required Year 1 courses by April 2024 (COMM 214 –Business Analytics and COMM 217 – Financial Accounting should preferably be completed by December 2024)
  • Finish course work no earlier than December 2026 (two-year commitment to the program)
  • Have a strong academic record (e.g., minimum CEGEP CRC score of 28.5 and University CGPA of 3.5)
  • Membership in the John Molson Investment Society is an asset

How to apply

The annual recruitment season for new KWPMP students starts in the fall term of each year. An in-person information session will take place on September 10, 2024 at 7:15 p.m.

Registration for the session will take place in late August. Application forms will be available after the information session – refer to the dates below for the admissions process.

For more information, please contact the director of the program, Professor Sukyong Yang, at

Key dates in selection process

There are two rounds of interviews in addition to submitting the application form.

The newly recruited students will receive training in the fall term prior to beginning their official role as research associates in January 2025.

The important dates for the admissions process is as follows:

  • September 21 – Application deadline
  • September 24 – Notification for first round interviews
  • September 26 – First round interview
  • October 2 – Notification for second round interviews
  • October 9 – Second round interviews
  • October 14 – Announcement for class of 2026

Once accepted to the program

  • KWPMP students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5
  • Must follow the KWPMP code of ethics and standards of conduct
  • Must follow a special training program and take:
    • FINA 409 (Applied Investments Part I) in the winter 2024 term
    • FINA 455B (Applied Investments Part II) in the fall 2024 term
    • FINA 455A in the second year of the program
    • FINA 411 (Portfolio Management) within 2 years
    • Weekly seminars with industry professionals
    • Mentor meetings for two years
    • Two summer internships
  • KWPMP students are encouraged to successfully pass the level I CFA examination before graduating

Contact us

Sukyong Yang, Director
Kenneth Woods Portfolio Management Program
Tel: 514-848-2424, ext. 5102

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