Sol LeWitt Wall Drawings: Facilitated by Anthony Sansotta
Tour with Anthony Sansotta , 4–5 p.m. September 12, 2013
Vernissage 5 à 7, September 12, 2013
Exhibition runs September 3–October 25
Four wall drawings will be produced at Concordia University in the fall of 2013, two of the drawings will be in the context of the FOFA Gallery vitrines and two at the VA Building.
Wall Drawing #394: Wall Drawing # 1099 will be at the FOFA
Wall drawing #123A and #103 will be in the VA building on the second floor.
The current dates for installation are September 3 to 12, site open to viewers while under construction. Anthony Sansotta will also provide a walking tour of the drawings in conversation with François Morelli just prior to the vernissage.
The drawings will be produced with the participation of 25 students under the guidance of Anthony Sansotta. Anthony Sansotta is an artist and long time assistant of Sol LeWitt. He was responsible, along with others, for directing the installation of Sol LeWitt: a Wall Drawing Retrospective at MassMoCA. Mr. Sansotta has worked and had a supervisory role in every major retrospective of LeWitt’s wall drawings, which include most major museums in America and Europe. He is currently the artistic director of the LeWitt Estate, and is involved in the creation of The LeWitt Wall Drawing Center at Yale University. Mr. Sansotta’s understanding and implementation of LeWitt’s aesthetic gives him a special insight into Sol LeWitt’s views on art and his cultivation and support of emerging artists.

The installation of the drawings at Concordia is not intended to memorialize a dead modernist but to vivify and refocus the principles enacted by LeWitt of educator, mentor, and colleague while performing at an exceptional calibreof production within the fine art world of exhibition. In this way it is intended to be the lead public event of the newly made public Drawing Lab at Concordia University. The Drawing Lab is a location dedicated to the continued production, examination, and inquiry into the expanded practices of drawing in recognition of the continued relevance and rigour inherent in drawing.
“… anything that encodes information in order to stimulate the memory to store or retrieve information is “writing”, whether it be alphabet,hieroglyph, ideogram American Indian picture writing, or Inca knot writing.”
Mary Carruthers, The Book of Memory: A Study of Memory in Mediaeval Culture
In recognition of this writing outside of language, and the clarity with which these drawings tell our polyphonic stories, we are excited to introduce the Drawing Lab to the city of Montréal with this remarkable project. Please note that the while Wall Drawing #394 in the York Corridor will remain for a 6 week exhibition period, Wall Drawing #1099 will be in the Ste-Catherine Street Vitrine for the programming year as a beacon announcing the Drawing Lab, as well as a gift to the city of Montréal. The two drawings that will be produced in the Pavillion des Beaux-arts will remain for several years.
See documentation from this project on our tumblr site: lewitt-fofa
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