For his part, Di Grappa says he is thrilled to be returning to his alma mater. "It feels like a homecoming. The university has made impressive progress since I was last here, and I look forward to helping it fulfill its vital mission in this newly expanded role.”
Concordia has undertaken important sustainability measures in its financing and operations in recent years. It signed on to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and, in 2019, became the first Canadian university to issue a sustainable bond, to help finance its transdisciplinary science hub, which has just opened on its Loyola Campus.
“We will launch our Sustainability Action Plan later this fall, which will further increase our impact by advancing progress toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)," says Carr.
"To ensure Concordia successfully executes its sustainability commitments and continues to lead Canadian universities by example on this front, Michael’s title will be vice-president, services and sustainability.”
‘It’s been my honour and privilege’
As for Roger Côté, before his appointment as vice-president of services in May 2011, he held several key management positions at Concordia.
In 1981, Côté joined the university as director for the Loyola Campus Centre, and since then has served as director of the Financial Aid and Awards Office, executive director of enrolment and student services, and associate vice-president overseeing enrolment and student services. Beyond Concordia, he has also held leadership roles in professional associations and served in several government consultative bodies.