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Testimonials – Alumni

Alumni of the Master's in Environmental Assessment talk about the benefits of the program.

After encountering hurdles in securing employment within the environmental sector with just my undergraduate degree, I made the decision to pursue a master's degree. The course and internship-based structure of the Master’s of Environmental Assessment (MEnv) program immediately caught my attention, offering a promising avenue to bridge the gap between academia and real-world experience. The program far exceeded my expectations. I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of learning and the vibrant discussions I had with my cohort and professors. Upon completing my courses and beginning my internship, I found myself well-prepared to enter the workforce, thanks to the program's internship preparation. Armed with newfound confidence, I pursued my dream job in the federal government, specifically in environmental health impact assessments. Every day, I apply the knowledge and skills acquired during my time in the program to excel in my role. I am immensely grateful for the experience provided by Concordia and the MEnv program.

Claudia Schiocchet, MEnv 2024


After completing my undergraduate degree in anthropology and sustainability, I was looking for a graduate program that would allow me to continue my socio-environmental education. The Master of Environmental Assessment (MEnv) program was exactly what I was looking for in that the multidisciplinary courses cover fascinating topics in ecology, statistics, policy, geography, and the social sciences. I was privileged enough to learn from passionate professors and to be part of a bright cohort of students who all made me feel supported throughout my experience. Whether or not you have a specific interest in environmental impact assessments, we all complete this program as well-rounded and versatile young professionals ready to take on the environmental sector. I was particularly motivated by the Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Assessment course, which inspired my final report, titled "Revitalizing Indigenous Knowledge in the Canadian Species-at-Risk Recovery Process: A Case Study of the Southern Mountain Caribou". I was also equipped with the relevant knowledge and skills to support Indigenous engagement projects during my internship at the Canadian Wildlife Service. My time in the program has been rewarding and I know I will continue to reap the benefits of it, as it has already paved the way for future opportunities!

Manon Raby, MEnv 2024

Headshot Tanya Hage Moussa

After completing my undergraduate degree, I applied to the Concordia Master’s of Environmental Assessment (MEnv) program as a way to continue my education at the graduate level while also preparing me for the job market, as I was unsure what I wanted to do. Although I did not know what to expect, I quickly felt welcome in the program, with our small cohort bonding over our shared interests, both in and out of the classroom. During our studies, we covered Canadian legislation, the Impact Assessment Act, and Indigenous engagement, with a week-long engaging fieldtrip and guest speakers to keep the content relevant with real-life experiences. More importantly, though, it allowed our cohort a chance to develop ideas in an environment filled with different perspectives, both enhancing the knowledge we learned from course material and helping develop the foundations for our network. As part of the program, I found an internship, and later a full-time position, as a Greenhouse Gas Analyst at a start-up company, working with another graduate from the program. Despite the position not having to do with impact assessment, the program provided me with the credentials and connections to get my foot in the door, and later on the research and analytical skills I needed to continue learning on the job. Overall, I believe the MEnv program at Concordia is an excellent program to help me develop the confidence and skills necessary to enter the environmental field.

Simon Lizotte, MEnv 2023

Headshot Tanya Hage Moussa

The MEnv is a strong multi-disciplinary program, one that has equipped me with quality analytical, research, and writing skills. More importantly, the people that make up this program are superbly qualified, are very passionate about the work they do, and show great care for their students. They have successfully prepared me for working in the broader field of environment. In 2016, I began an internship position at Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) with their Enforcement Branch and was hired as an analyst shortly after. I cannot count the number of times I thought to myself, when facing new challenges or projects, "oh, I think I know how to tackle this". That confidence and way of thinking is a by-product of this program. As an MEnv student, you are exposed to such a large breadth of topics and guided through the entanglement of very complex environmental /political /economic /social issues. I am currently an enforcement advisor with ECCC; my job is to provide operations and regulatory support to enforcement officers across the country who verify compliance with federal environmental legislation and hold polluters accountable. Even though I do not work in the field of Environmental Impact Assessment, I strongly recommend the MEnv program for anyone wishing to prepare for a dynamic and gratifying career in environmental assessment, management, or protection.

Tanya Hage-Moussa, MEnv 2017

I completed the Master of Environment (Environmental Assessment) at Concordia this year. I have always had the preservation of the environment at heart, so when I was looking into graduate programs, this one stood out. The fact that it is course-based is fantastic because I personally learn much better in a class setting. Even if I completed most of the program at home on Zoom, due to COVID, the teachers ensured that the classes were dynamic and interesting through discussions, break-out rooms, guest speakers, and more. The teachers were all extremely passionate about their subject matter, and I truly enjoyed all the courses I had to take during the program. The courses themselves were very diverse, ranging from statistics and GIS to Indigenous peoples and Environmental Assessment. The program thus provides a strong foundation for further studies, or for beginning a career in environmental assessment. I completed my internship as an Environmental Evidence Synthesis Intern at the Canadian Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation. I was part of a team working on a meta-analysis on the impacts of roads and traffic on mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles. I was lucky to have this opportunity, as I learned a lot about scientific research through my internship experience. One of my favourite aspects of the program was the internship report. For my report, I evaluated the quality of the assessment of road mortality in Quebec Environmental Impact Assessments. It was extremely challenging, but to complete such a complex project was also incredibly rewarding. I would recommend the Master of Environment at Concordia to anyone who wants to work in an environmental field, or to those who wish to pursue research related to environmental assessment.

Oriana Meek-Sauriol, MEnv 2022

Concordia’s Master in Environment (Environmental Assessment) MEnv has provided me with the foundational knowledge on a wide range of skills. At Odonaterra Inc. I assist in writing Indigenous centred impact assessments, socio-economic baselines, cumulative effects assessments, and consultation analysis. My position requires me to understand the federal impact assessment process, environmental laws, technical writing, statistics, GIS, and Indigenous engagement, and the MENV program provided me with the basis for each of these requisites. With the small classroom sizes, I felt encouraged to participate and ask questions during lectures which improved my overall understanding of various subjects. Professors in the department were very knowledgeable and passionate about the subjects they taught, and they seemed to genuinely care about the success of their students. Similarly to a work setting, there was frequent collaboration between peers, which encouraged us to share our unique skill sets and increase our knowledge on a wide range of topics. Though the MEnv program is specifically designed to provide students with the expertise to work in the impact assessment industry, the skills that are taught in the program are applicable to a wide range of careers in the environmental sector. The program paved the way for my career in impact assessment and I am truly grateful for my experience and for all the wonderful people who helped me succeed. 

Jaime Malone, MEnv 2022

Concordia University’s Master of Environment- Environmental Assessment (MEnv) provided me with valuable skills and knowledge that have helped prepare me for a career in the field of environmental assessment. Currently employed as an Environmental Assessment Officer with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, which is where I completed my internship, I often find myself referring to the experience and knowledge I gained during the program to succeed in my position. The courses in the MEnv program are diverse and challenging, and allowed me to gain a thorough understanding of the regulatory frameworks and principles of environmental assessment processes within Canada. The faculty’s varied expertise provided me with knowledge in many diverse fields of study, including environmental and impact assessment, climate change and sustainability, environmental economics, and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Additionally, the course work allowed me to improve both my communication and technical writing skills, and group assignments provided me with invaluable experience working with interdisciplinary teams. The internship component of the program was incredibly useful in helping me begin my career in the field of environmental assessment, and the Internship Coordinator provided guidance and support throughout all phases of the process. Completing this degree alongside my classmates was incredibly rewarding, and I encourage anyone interested in environmental assessment or environmental policy to consider the MEnv program at Concordia University. 

Kendra Warnock-Juteau, MEnv 2021

I chose this program because I wanted to redirect my career in an environmental field after working in human health research for several years. The program provided a supportive and flexible learning environment, so I was able to continue working part-time as I completed the coursework.  Mentorship I found in the GPE department helped me gain proficiency in the areas where I wanted to focus. Small classrooms, passionate professors, and hands-on learning experiences provided me with both practical and theoretical knowledge for a career in EIA. I felt prepared for my internship which I did abroad through the IYIP program. I am currently working at Biodiversité conseil Inc., a company reputed for pursuing ambitious, sustainable development projects. I also continue research related to my internship report about the consideration of ecological connectivity in EIA with an international working group. I would not have been able to get to where I am now in my career without the program - I am very grateful to the wonderful staff, students, and community at Concordia for creating an environment that fosters personal and professional growth. The M.Env program is an excellent choice for everyone seeking to pursue work and research in the field of EIA.

Charla Patterson, MEnv 2021

In 2012, I was very fortunate to begin an internship with the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada after applying to a posting shared by the Internship Coordinator for the Master of Environment (MEnv) program at Concordia. Throughout my internship, I discovered the value of my education at Concordia. The skills and knowledge I gained through the program proved to be highly relevant and desirable in the workplace, and they gave me competencies to succeed in a variety of roles. The program provided me with a broad understanding of all aspects of environmental assessment process, so I was well-suited to work on a variety of tasks and projects at the Agency. I have worked on a number of complex assessments, which have taken me across the country for projects in British Columbia, up north in Nunavut, and closer to home in Ontario, and I look forward to exploring many more as they arrive. I am truly grateful to the MEnv program for preparing me and supporting me throughout my career, and I would highly recommend the program to anyone with an interest in the dynamic field of impact assessment.

Jason Patchell, MEnv 2013

Having just completed an undergraduate degree in urban planning in 2009, I had been seeking a complementary track to build my education in project development. The Environmental Assessment Master’s at Concordia University not only taught me the fundamentals of environmental impact assessment but prepared me for rewarding professions in related subject areas. The professors of the EIA program extended their expertise and knowledge in environmental science, policy as well as technical training in software for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing applications. As technology continues to evolve, sophisticated software for EIA can support the complex needs of decision-making processes more effectively. Courses in environmental law and policy and resource management allowed me to develop a critical understanding of high-level policy foundations for sustainable development on the international stage. I applied this knowledge in building a database of lead indicators focused on transitional plans of the Green Economy movement, as part of a fellowship in an environmental think tank in Berlin, Germany. The core concepts of data collection and analysis facilitated my task in analyzing national data in socioeconomic, climate and agricultural dimensions of Sub-Saharan African countries. The data helped guide the design of investment solutions for sustainable agriculture development with climate change adaptation techniques over the medium to long term.

Ashvin Ramasamy, MEnv 2011


Concordia’s Master in Environment (Environmental Impact Assessment) provided me with a solid foundation to the theoretical principles and regulatory frameworks of EIA. Professors and guest lecturers with industry experience offered insight into current trends, and group projects gave me an opportunity to work with interdisciplinary teams. My extraordinary colleagues were one of the best parts of completing this degree, and I learned just as much from their diverse backgrounds in engineering, science, human environment, and other disciplines as I did from my classes. The faculty was particularly adept at helping students leverage their academic backgrounds to maximize each student's experience  - any given project or assignment could be explored through a student's chosen lens. My experience cumulated in an internship at the Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques and the writing of a report which, with the help and encouragement of the faculty, was later published in an academic journal. Completing this degree was one of the best moves I could have made to position myself for a career in environmental assessment and climate change mitigation.

Katja Hetmanchuk, MEnv 2019


I have been working at Terragon Environmental Technologies Inc. since the beginning of my internship in May 2013. Terragon’s mission is to develop and commercialize technologies and products that offer communities and enterprises a practical and economical option for the safe generation of energy and water from their waste.  Since my internship I have become a permanent full-time employee focusing on the analysis and application of legislative and regulatory requirements against project scopes, the submission of regulatory permit and license applications as well as the coordination and support of document preparation including environmental assessments, studies and approval applications. Concordia’s Master in Environment (Environmental Impact Assessment) has prepared me for working in a team environment and coordinating information from several different bodies/institutions. The program provided a solid foundation, upon which I base all of my work and research.

Karolina Apland, MEnv 2014


Concordia’s Master in Environment (Environmental Impact Assessment) (M.Env) helped me to get to where I am today. I am currently a full time permanent employee at the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) as an Aboriginal consultation advisor and I am also the Administrator for the CNSC’s Participant Funding Program. The knowledge base and experience that the M.Env program provided me has been invaluable to my day-to-day work. The course work was engaging, challenging and practical. The M.Env provided me with a strong basis and understanding of federal environmental laws, regulatory policy and report writing. I also learned how to manage large, complex projects and effectively analyze environmental assessment and other technical reports. The courses offered in conjunction with the M.Env were varied and provided me with a holistic education which helped effectively prepare me for a career in a dynamic federal government regulatory agency. The internship component of the M.Env was very useful in helping me jump start my career. The M.Env internship coordinator assisted me in finding a suitable internship and provided a lot of support during and after my internship. Although my internship was with a different federal department, the experience, skills and connections made through my internship experience contributed directly to me finding a permanent job with the Government of Canada. I truly enjoy my work and I would recommend the M.Env at Concordia to anyone who has an interest in an environmental assessment or environmental policy related field.

Adam Levine, MEnv 2013


I am currently a doctoral student employed as a Research Fellow at the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change in Berlin, Germany, working with the Assessments and Scientific Policy Advice working group. My PhD work focuses on various aspects related to the engagement of stakeholders in global environmental assessments such as UNEP’s Global Environment Outlook series, the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and others. The approaches and methods I learned during my Master’s degree in Environmental Impact Assessment at Concordia University, such as qualitative and quantitative statistical analysis, environmental economics, and geographic information systems techniques, have proven invaluable in my PhD work. In addition, my internship with the Biodiversity and Human Health Cross-Cutting Initiative at the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity gave me the expertise and the motivation necessary to succeed in my application for a PhD program working on assessment-making at the global scale. While for many, the Environmental Impact Assessment program provides an excellent stepping stone into a professional position, it may also open doors for advancing your education even further and help to expand your network and knowledge base to the global scale.

Jennifer Garard, MEnv 2013


As the Sustainability Analyst at Concordia University, I am responsible for the planning, coordination, and execution of research that assess the sustainability situation of the University. Since sustainability is a multi-faceted concept including environmental, social, and economic sciences, the Master in Environmental Assessment program helped me developed new skills complementing my engineering background. Through the program I had the opportunity to work with colleagues from very different educational programs, which is a critical skill to develop in order to tackle the complexities of today’s challenges. My internship at the Stockholm Environment Institute in Sweden gave me the opportunity to connect with internationally-renowned researchers and professionals related to the field of sustainability and to directly collaborate with government officials. This priceless opportunity adds solid credentials to someone’s professional profile. Compared to large impersonal classrooms, the smaller workgroups of the MEnv program parallel a professional team-based working environment and incite people to share knowledge in a mutually motivating learning environment.

Dominique Croteau, MEnv 2012

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