Student projects

Honours Essays
The undergraduate honours essays 1967-present are available for consultation in H1254-2 or for additional information, speak to an attendant at 514-848-2424 x5476. You may click the link below to see the full list:
- Honours essay list (pdf format)
Urbs 433
Advanced Urban Laboratory (AUL) is a one-year studio in urban planning and design.
- Look at samples of work done by students in the course.
Urbs 333
- Renewal of Pointe Claire’s Industrial Area
- Pointe-Claire Township & Infrastructure Program
- Conceptualizing the Renewal of the Industrial Park in Pointe-Claire
- Pointe Claire Village Revitalization Plan
- Pointe-Claire Community Destination
- Pointe-Claire City Center From Parking Spaces to Living Places
- Pointe Claire Access Project
- Towards a Diverse and Lively Pointe Claire