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samdarshi mentor portrait photo

Faculty: Gina Cody School of Engineering & Computer Science

Degree: BEng, Mechanical Engineering

Languages: English, Spanish (Basic)

Hometown: Fairbaine Pasture, St. Vincent and the Grenadines


Hi there! My name is Jonoliah and I am a second-year Mechanical Engineering student from the beautiful islands of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

As a homebody who longs to be an adventurer, I spend most of my free time reading sci-fi books, watching movies of the same genre, or watching videos online about those films. However, when I do make it outside, I love exploring nature and trying new things with friends and family.

The one thing I wished I would have known back in my first semester is… rest is your (mildly aggressive) friend, not your enemy. If you make time enough for it in your schedule, it will never interfere with any of your other responsibilities. 

A tip I have for new students is… Somebody is always there to help, even when you can't exactly explain what you need help with. Speak to a professor, another faculty member or a peer, and if they can't directly solve the issue, they may know someone who can.

My favorite part of being a Concordia student is… How massive it is! There are so many people from everywhere in the world, with every type of background imaginable. Unlocking a brand new story is as easy as saying, "Hi"!

First Year Experience

Contact us

514-848-2424, ext. 7369 / 5901


Sir George Williams Campus
Room H-757

Loyola Campus
Room AD-101

Office hours

SGW office:
Monday to Friday,
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

LOY office: 
Monday to Wednesday,
11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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