Transfiction 3
The "Fictions of Translation" conference will be held at Concordia University, May 27-29, 2015. This conference is a follow-up to the first Transfiction conference on “Fictional Translators” and its sequel, Beyond Transfiction, on “Translators and (Their) Authors”.

May 27
Keynote speaker: Klaus Kaindl
University of Vienna
May 27, 2015, 9-10 a.m.
Room: H-767
Chair: Judith Woodsworth, Concordia University

The figure of the translator in literature I, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Room H-767
Chair: Véronique Béghain, Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne
Carol Maier
Kent State University
Reading Mario Satz’s transfictional tribute to Helen Lane: Notes toward a method
Isabelle Poulin
Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne
The figure of the infidel. Fiction and translation in Don Quixote and À la Recherche du temps perdu

Arvi Sepp
University of Antwerp /Free University of Brussels
Moving texts: The representation of the translator in Yoko Tawada’s and Emine Sevgi Özdamar’s stories
Translation and/as creation, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Room H-763
Chair: Xuanmin Luo, Tsinghua University

Teresa Caneda-Cabrera
University of Vigo
A portrait of the translator as an alienated artist: Memories of Joyce’s Portrait in Desnoes’ Memories of Underdevelopment

Raluca Tanasescu
University of Ottawa
Beyond “informational” translation: Jerome Rothenberg and translational poetics
Alexandra Lopes
Catholic University of Portugal
Who’s afraid of Charles John Huffam Dickens? “Universal” literature, Mário Domingues and the anxiety of the unfinished novel
The figure of the translator in literature II, 1:30-3:00 p.m. Room H-767
Chair: Natalia Teplova, Concordia University
Brian James Baer
Kent State University
Gender and translation ethics: Women translators in Russian women’s writing
Gretchen Busl
Texas Woman's University
Challenging the monolingual paradigm: Translation as a theme in exophonic literature

Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar
Boğaziçi University

Ahu Selin Erkul Yağcı
Ege University
The figure of the translator in the Turkish novel: A troubled “intellectual”
The figure of the translator in film, 1:30-3:00 p.m. Room H-763
Chair: Christine York, Concordia University

Dominique Pelletier, Alex Gauthier, Mona Sacui Catrinescu
Concordia University
Lost in Karastan: The translation and non-translation of disorientation in a fictional land

Justine Huet
Mount Royal University
The spatialization of the translator and translating in Bon Cop Bad Cop
Voices and visibility of the translator, 3:15-4:45 p.m. Room H-767
Chair: Benoit Léger, Concordia University

Waltraud Kolb
University of Vienna
Stories in two voices: The emergence of the translator’s voice in six German versions of a short story by Ernest Hemingway
Maria dos Anjos Guincho
Catholic University of Portugal
Translation as the translator’s catharsis? The case of Camilo Castelo Branco

Angela Tiziana Tarantini
Monash University
Transcultural conversations in practice: Translating David Mence’s plays into Italian
Fictionalizing translation theory, 3:15-4:45 p.m. Room H-763
Chair: Pier-Pascale Boulanger, Concordia University
Franci Vosloo
Stellenbosch University
Taking off one’s blouse on a balcony in Cape Town: The fictionalization of translation theory in Antjie Krog’s A change of tongue
May 28
Keynote speaker: Rainier Grutman
University of Ottawa
May 28, 2015, 9-10 a.m.
Room: H-767
Chair: Patricia Godbout, Université de Sherbrooke

Translation sources and targets: Reflections and refractions, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Room H-767
Chair: Marie Leconte, Université de Montréal

Nitsa Ben-Ari
Tel Aviv University
Publishers and editors in Hebrew culture as a reflection of historical and socio-cultural demand

Natalia Teplova
Concordia University
Tolstoy’s Resurrection on the Japanese stage: A case of indirect theatrical adaptation
Translation and its configurations I: pseudotranslation, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Room H-763
Chair: Denise Merkle, Université de Moncton

Sabine Strümper-Krobb
University College Dublin
Pretending not to be original – pseudotranslations and their functions

Katrien Lievois
University of Antwerp
The pseudo-translation translated. The Dutch and German translations of Andreï Makine’s La fille d'un héros de l'Union soviétique.
Practices of self-translation I, 1:30-3:00 p.m. Room H-767
Chair: Brian Baer, Kent State University
Nadia Louar
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Bilingual Beckett: The figure(s) of bilingualism in Beckett’s work

Xuanmin Luo
Tsinghua University
Translating, rewriting or trans-writing? A case study of Eileen Chang’s self-translation of Jinsuo Ji
Translation and its configurations II: Intersemiotic/intrasemiotic translations, 1:30-3:00 p.m. Room H-763
Chair: Alexandra Lopes, Catholic University of Portugal

Rachel Weissbrod
Bar Ilan University

Ayelet Kohn
Hadassah Academic College
The illustrator as translator - Uri Cadduri and Mr. Fibber, the storyteller as a case in point

Michelle Woods
SUNY New Paltz
Kafka comics: Visualized translations of Kafka and Kafka’s work in the graphic novel and anime film
Ángel Chaparro Sainz
University of the Basque Country
(Re)cording and (per)forming: Translating songs in a musical trip from the West to the East
Practices of self-translation II, 3:30-5:00 p.m. Room H-767
Chair: Rainier Grutman, University of Ottawa

Paola Puccini
University of Bologna
Between hetero-translation and self-translation, towards creative translation: The case of Marco Micone
Translation and its audience, 3:30-5:00 p.m. Room H-763
Chair: Dominique Pelletier, Concordia University

Marija Zlatnar Moe
University of Ljubljana

Tanja Žigon
University of Ljubljana
When the audience changes: Translating adult fiction for young readers

Nicole Nolette
Harvard University
Interpreting in double time: L’Homme invisible/The Invisible Man at the theatre
May 29
Keynote speaker: Esther Allen
Baruch College, City University of New York
May 29, 2015, 9-10 a.m.
Room: H-767
Chair: Gillian Lane-Mercier, McGill University

Hybrid voices, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Room H-767
Chair: Nitsa Ben-Ari

Anna Zielinska-Elliott
Boston University
Translating together: Collaboration between European translators of Haruki Murakami

Abasi Kiyimba
Makerere University
Translation and hybridity: Losses and Gains in African oral literature in English

Yu Jing
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Translating dialect with hybrid voices in fiction in the 1930s and 1940s
Translation in context I:institutions and the status of translation, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Room H-763
Chair: Jane Koustas, Brock University

Gillian Lane-Mercier
McGill University
Official fictions of translation: The Canada Council’s discourse on translation and the translator (1972-2014)

Denise Merkle
Université de Moncton
Notes on the status of (official) translation and translators in Canada: Facts and fiction
Esther Monzó Nebot
Universiy of Graz
The author is not dead. Status perception and attitudes towards authorship and ownership among translators working for international organizations
Hybrid spaces, 1:30-3:00 p.m. Room H-767
Chair: Alexandra Hillinger, Concordia University

Patricia Godbout
Université de Sherbrooke
Linguistic and cultural space “in translation”: North Hatley

Marie Leconte
Université de Montréal
Localizing Hage: A lasting change in Quebec’s literary translation practice?

Judith Woodsworth
Concordia University
An American in Paris: Translation and non-translation in the work of Gertrude Stein
Translation in context II Translation and im(migration), 1:30-3:00 p.m. Room H-763
Chair: Arvi Sepp, University of Antwerp/Free University of Brussels

Melissa Wallace
University of Texas at San Antonio
The body/text: A discourse of translation and betrayal in L’últim patriarca by Najat El Hachmi
Souâd Hamerlain
University of Mostaganem
From francophone Algerian “travel literature” to translagration
Poster presentations (May 27 & 28, 2015)
Poster Presentations will be held over the lunch break on May 27 and May 28.
Norah Alkharashi
University of Ottawa
Arabic fiction in English translation: A case study

Baris Bilgen
University of Ottawa
Localization and terminometrics: Measuring the impact of user involvement on terminology

Sonia Corbeil
Université Concordia
Antoine Galland’s and Richard F. Burton’s retranslations of One Thousand and One Nights: A Translation Studies perspective

Alexandra Hillinger
Université Concordia
Translators’ prefaces in translations of Les Anciens Canadiens: Transforming the message

Katie Moore and Jill Varley
Concordia University
Fictions and forces at play: The translation and retranslation of Beauvoir’s The Second Sex.

Nicodème Niyongabo
KU Leuven
The politics of self-translation: Multilingualism in Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s Wizard of the Crow and Devil on the Cross